Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: videoholic on August 24, 2003, 06:46:39 PM
Oye. System bogged down big time the past couple days. DId a virus check and I had over 600 instances of the W32.PINFI virus. It essentially just attaches itself to every EXE and becomes a royal pain in the ass.
I fixed that and then realized I have the W32.WELCHIA.WORM
That was a puss. Ran a litle app and whiped that bugger out of here.
Haven\'t gotten the "so big" crap yet.
ANyway, I am back to normal now, but what a pain. Wish these virus dorks could just get a life.
wish people would stop downloading p0rn to get these viruses ;)
Virus scanner.
Windows Update.
Selective downloading.
You don\'t have to download porn. Only the first guy had to. THen it was sent out all over the place.
Kind of like aids and sex with monkeys. :)
Blame Samwise then.;)
For what....
Downloading p0rn or having sex with monkeys ? ;)
After eliminating your pc virus, scan yourself.