
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: fastson on August 26, 2003, 11:42:45 AM

Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: fastson on August 26, 2003, 11:42:45 AM

The United Nations\' nuclear watchdog says it remains concerned by Iran\'s nuclear programme.
A leaked report from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said they were unable to confirm that Tehran is not enriching uranium, despite increased co-operation from the Iranian authorities in recent months.

The report says IAEA inspectors found traces of highly enriched uranium in samples taken from the Natanz nuclear facility.

Iran, which the US and Israel say is developing a secret nuclear weapons programme, has been under pressure to agree to more rigorous inspections of its facilities.

Allows for inspections at short notice
IAEA can take environmental samples at any location

Nuclear squeeze is on  
The Iranian representative to the IAEA, Ali Akbar Salehi, told the BBC after meeting the IAEA\'s director general, Mohammad ElBaradei, that Iran was ready to begin negotiations on whether to sign up to snap inspections.

Tehran wants guarantees that the IAEA inspectors will not be given total freedom of movement and would not violate military or strategic secrets.

IAEA review

The IAEA has declined to comment directly on the leaked report, but a spokeswoman, Melissa Fleming, said there were still a number of outstanding issues, particularly with regard to Iran\'s enrichment programme, which required urgent resolution.

"Additional work... is required to arrive at conclusions about Iran\'s statements that there have been no uranium enrichment activities in Iran involving nuclear material," the conclusion to the report said.

Enriching uranium is a way of purifying it so it can be used in nuclear fuel or in weapons.

The IAEA\'s board of governors is to meet in Vienna for four days from 8 September to review Iran\'s case, with the threat that it might be forwarded to the UN Security Council if it finds Iran is not complying.

Tehran says its programme is to generate electricity and is for peaceful purposes only, to satisfy its growing demand for power and prevent long-term energy shortages.

Everyone is getting nukes! :mad:
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: Kurt Angle on August 26, 2003, 12:44:07 PM
Are you sure that report hasn\'t been "sexed up"? ;)
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: Titan on August 26, 2003, 01:48:43 PM
Kind of a scary thought. More countries are getting htem and a lot of them don\'t like us much.
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: Halberto on August 26, 2003, 04:06:03 PM
Nobody will nuke the US, we outnumber them with 100,000 more nukes
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: Phil on August 26, 2003, 05:38:40 PM
Originally posted by ViVi
Nobody will nuke the US, we outnumber them with 100,000 more nukes

So?  Just because the U.S. has more does not mean that any given country with Nuclear weapons can severly cripple the united states with say oh,  .1% of the amount of nuclear weapons we have.

It\'s not uncommon to hear of suicide bombers who give their lives to kill a couple dozen people.  Who\'s to say what some radical group would do if they aquired one.  People go to some harsh extremes for their beliefs.
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: Green Meanie on August 27, 2003, 07:25:27 AM
Originally posted by ViVi
Nobody will nuke the US, we outnumber them with 100,000 more nukes

We laugh at Reagan and his Star Wars program but we now live in a time where nukes are so powerful 10 would probably cripple the US and make it uninhabitable to all but ants and cockroaches.

Doesn\'t matter if you shoot 1000000 back at the attacker, you\'re still f*cked in eight minutes time.

Again, as I say with most terrorism no matter how large the threat, don\'t worry about it.
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: ooseven on August 27, 2003, 12:25:36 PM
Highly enriched uranium found in Iran


Large areas of Iraqi land covered in Depleted Uranium from US and UK tank shells.

The Earth = the Green planet (that now Glows in the Dark without the aid of any lights)
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: Halberto on August 27, 2003, 12:32:13 PM
My point is that they know we can retaliate with a much bigger force. And honestly, if the US was nuked by terrorist organization I bet the US would immediatly be prepared to point nukes at every opposing country.
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: (e) on August 27, 2003, 03:37:17 PM
No one would want to fight against us if they didnt see the aftermath.

If someone does manage to nuke us (which is probably not hard, besides acquiring the bomb), we most likely will take our soldiers out of Iraq, found out who it was, and blow their ****ing brains out.

America isnt a country to mess with right now- or at any time.
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: Bozco on August 27, 2003, 09:02:52 PM
Wow, you guys don\'t get it.
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: Tyrant on August 27, 2003, 11:13:17 PM
some just think way too highly of the US,.....and like some one mentioned earlier do u really think that any of these terrorist organisations give a damn about any retaliation.
and also wtf does it matter that Iran has uranium, what just coz they are deemed evil by the US means they cant have them, and is it so impossible to actually believe that the Iranians are using it for generating electricity? and even if they build a nuke its not as if their gonna use use it against anyone just outta the blue.
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: GigaShadow on August 28, 2003, 08:59:40 AM
Bush has already stated that if a WMD is used against the US - the US will retaliate with a WMD.

By issuing that warning, maybe terrorist organization "A" will think twice before doing something like that.  If not - Mecca can glow in the dark for all I care, since Islam seems to be the most important thing to them.  I don\'t particularly care for any religion, but one would have to be blind to deny that Islam as a whole is causing a lot of problems in the world of late.
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: Ashford on August 28, 2003, 09:54:18 AM
Originally posted by Tyrant
some just think way too highly of the US,.....and like some one mentioned earlier do u really think that any of these terrorist organisations give a damn about any retaliation.
and also wtf does it matter that Iran has uranium, what just coz they are deemed evil by the US means they cant have them, and is it so impossible to actually believe that the Iranians are using it for generating electricity? and even if they build a nuke its not as if their gonna use use it against anyone just outta the blue.

The Iranians have already stated their ultimate goal is to acquire nuclear weapons to use against Israel. They are even willing to sacrifice their entire country, due to an Israeli nuclear retaliation, in order to elminate half the world\'s Jewish population...
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: Coredweller on August 28, 2003, 10:35:45 AM
Originally posted by GigaShadow
I don\'t particularly care for any religion, but one would have to be blind to deny that Islam as a whole is causing a lot of problems in the world of late.
The "problems" are not being caused by all of Islam.  They are being caused by an incredibly tiny minority of Muslim nutcases who believe all this Jihad and martyrdom BS.  What they\'re doing goes against the Koran and the word of Muhammad, so the vast majority of Muslims are against those actions.  A large number of muslims may DISLIKE the west (for good reason), but they do not agree with the terrorist actions commited in their name.  

Imagine if Jerry Falwell declared a Jihad against the Hindus, and the Indian government ordered a nuclear strike against Washington, because "those Christians are causing a lot of problems in the world..."  I\'m a Christian, and that POS Falwall doesn\'t represent me, just because he claims to be a Christian also.
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: Tyrant on August 28, 2003, 10:39:43 AM
Ashford, Thats all just talk to appease the hardliners, do u actually think that the Iranians are stupid enough to launch a nuclear strike (on Israel of all countries), the people who make these claims are by far not willing to sacrifice themselves.

and Coredweller thanks for that post.
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: GigaShadow on August 28, 2003, 10:58:20 AM

Religion is the, if not one of the leading, cause of most of the conflict in the world.  IMO religion causes more problems than it solves.

Just because most muslims don\'t blow themselves up or shoot people does not mean that only a tiny fraction of Islam condones that stance.  Where do you think all the money to support these fundamentalists comes from?
Title: Highly enriched uranium found in Iran?
Post by: luckee on September 10, 2003, 04:26:55 AM
The vast majority of the money that extremists use is made illegally anyway.

Im quite sure it comes from other wealthy muslims that are too chicken shit to be *true extremists*, but Im willing to bet its pretty small.