Playstation/Gaming Discussions => PS3 Discussion => Topic started by: MAKAVELIUK on August 28, 2003, 03:30:46 AM
:eek: :bounce:
Looks ACE.. :D
Especially the first pic with the lightning
I want some high res pic damn it :(
I can\'t see them :(
I found \'em:
Nice, I wish we could see proper screens though instead of poor magazine scans.
I have just got an new all in one printer/scanner and am testing it out.
I am experimenting with reducing scan quality to make it attachable. This file started off at about 2.5megs, it\'s now 64k!
Kurt, the forums let you now to attach up to 1mb, try to add a zip with the scan with more resolution (so bigger) in order to we can read the article ;)
I will try, I don\'t really know how to scan properly yet, give me a few mins. ;)
Just adjust the size and resolution to let us read the text.
Here goes!
THat\'s great Kurt, well job. Thanx a lot.
Hi-res screens of the scans in 1st post.
It has the best graphics on PS2, but they cant make those cargo crates look different from eachother.
Well i would definately not say the best but good, and i guess the developers were too lazy to add some variation in such a seemingly little detail. Or so they think.
Best graphics on ps2?
Well, maybe SH3 looks better but GT4 sure as hell doesn\'t. The car graphics seem shitty to me.
Now im convinced. ViVi, you\'re G H E Y.:p
Those hi-res screens look very impressive imo, if it lives up to the hype this will be a great game.
IMO it has the best graphics on PS2 wide open spaces, motion blur, volumetric grass plus other grapichal effects and it\'s rumoured to be running at 60fps with all the that detail :eek:
The last pic from the Uk OPS2 Magazine doesnt look impressive at all.