Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Samwise on August 28, 2003, 06:21:33 AM
I\'ve just watched 14 movies over the past four days. I\'ll give a small review of each \'major\' movie for those of you who might not have seem them yet. Keep in mind that I\'m reviewing these movies according to their entertainment factor, not according to whether or not they\'re masterpieces.
Bad Boys II - fun action. Definatly worth seeing if you like the genre. [5/6]
Pirates of the Caribbean - pretty cool. A bit hampered by the PG13 rating though. [4/6]
Finding Nemo - I was pleasently surprised by this animation movie. It\'s cute and funny. Worth seeing, even if you think it\'s a children\'s movie. [5/6]
American Pie III: American Wedding - more of the same. Which is a good thing if you liked the first ones. Pretty funny in that perspective. [3+/6] (if you\'re a fan add a star or two)
Down with Love - a bit special. If you like quirky humor, the 60\'ies and clever (?) references to sex, then you might enjoy this one. [3/6]
Seabiscuit - Enjoyable, if a bit predictable. Better than I expected. [4/6]
My life without me - don\'t quite know what to think of this one. Worth checking out if you\'re in the mood for something a little bit different. [3/6]
Dirty Pretty Things - good movie. Not so mainstream. And it has Audrey Tautou in it! [4+/6]
Thirteen - hmm. "Kids" with 13 year old girls. [2/6]
S.W.A.T - bleh. Action and not very good action. [2/6]
The rest of the movies I saw were Danish and therefore not included here. Oh, and I missed Matchstick Men unfortunatly so can\'t review it here. :crying: :D
all that money....wasted
No, actually you\'d be wrong again. I have payed nothing, nada, zip, zero, none, no, keine, money for this. All I had to do was show up, get free soda, popcorn, gifts, lunch and of course watch movies (had five movies to choose from every 2-3 hours).
you banging the theater owner?
Originally posted by theomen
you banging the theater owner?
Yup, and he enjoyed it. :)
Nah it was a special arrangement. Connections, you know. ;)
That\'s a lot of movies, if I saw that many in such a short time I would be sore...................................................
My eyes that is! :D
Blah.. no thanks.
I always thought you were some sort of pretentious art critic, Sammy? You kinda ruined that image.. ;)
I\'ve seen most of the films on that list, and the only one worthwhile was "Dirty Pretty Things."
BTW, Danish films? :) I didn\'t know had a movie industry over there. What were they, documentaries on fishing and cheesemaking? :laughing: Just kidding. :p
all that time.....wasted
Originally posted by Coredweller
I\'ve seen most of the films on that list, and the only one worthwhile was "Dirty Pretty Things."
BTW, Danish films? :) I didn\'t know had a movie industry over there. What were they, documentaries on fishing and cheesemaking? :laughing: Just kidding. :p
Or making Danish Pastries? :p
Originally posted by Samwise
Yup, and he enjoyed it. :)
Connections, you know. ;)
special connections you say, his wang in your ass?
Originally posted by mm
all that time.....wasted
Haha, that one cracked me up. Very nicely done.
AP3 wasnt as good as 2, Stifler just looked like he was trying way to hard to be one funny ass guy, but in 2 it loked like it came natuarally to him=]
Originally posted by nO-One
special connections you say, his wang in your ass?
yeah you get a free hotdog and bag of popcorn for that too.
Man, that\'s a lot of flicks. My eyes would be a hurtin.
Finding Nemo = Movie of the Year
No joke.
Swifdi = Queer of the year
No joke.
I actually want to see Finding Nemo, it can\'t be worse than those 100 million dollar steaming piles listed above.
So do I. I\'ve heard nothing but great things about it.
mm, you\'re a retard. I cannot believe you like movies at all. BTW, what warrents your elitist movie attitude? Working in a video store? :rolleyes:
Bobs_hardware: You might have seen the "disclaimer" I did in the beginning. I knew most people here aren\'t that \'hot\' about movies and I am infact capable of enjoying a popcorn flick for what it is (unlike certain people *cough* mm *cough*). That\'s why I said that I was reviewing them for their entertainment factor. If I had to do a critical review most of those movies wouldn\'t get a high score. Does that mean I did not have a good time? No.
Coredweller: Yes, there is in fact a Danish movie industry. And it\'s one I want to break into. :)
Danish films started getting \'back on track\' in the early nineties. But since Dogme 95 (in 1995 :p) things have taken off. The Celebration ("Festen") was the first dogme movie and it was a tremendous success (relatively speaking of course). I can give you the heads up on some titles if you\'d like to check them out.
Oh, and one of the Danish movies I saw there was Reconstruction. It won the Camera d\'Or in Cannes.
Talking about movies... I\'m waiting for this baby to arrive in the mail:
Danish movie industry beats the crap out of our own. We make shit nowadays. Corny love stories or crappy action movies with Jakob Eklund. :rolleyes:
The only good Swedish "film" (its actually a series) I\'ve seen is Tusenbröder, and maybe Tillsammans (Together).
Originally posted by Samwise
Coredweller: Yes, there is in fact a Danish movie industry. And it\'s one I want to break into. :)
Brake Into.... are we talking about your special connections again sammy ;)
Originally posted by ooseven
Brake Into.... are we talking about your special connections again sammy ;)
You naughty boy ooseven... You need to be taught a lesson. :moon: :boink:
I\'d rather watch "Once Upon a Time in China"