Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: (e) on August 29, 2003, 09:53:15 PM
No posts in hours...
crank my room.
if you\'re bored, play my game!
the very latest entry!
its cuz bobo grew up and there is no more sillyness.
The forums are only as dead as its members.
remeber it is the summer, and lots of peep are on there holidays etc, so hopefully it will pick up soon :)
Actually, school is open again.
Yeah, summer? Huh? SUmmer just ended. I think Kopking lives in a vacuum. But as long as it has a tap I\'m sure he\'ll be fine.
you know what i mean, i havent been back here long, i meant some peep are only now justfinishing there holiday abroad, and coming back
I\'m not gonna be here as often. School starts in a couple days for me. I vowed to get more on the ball this year. I slacked too much last year :)
I hate you all
ha, school. psh
/ooseven walks into this thread and notices a tumbelweed pass by
*Coff* Locked *coff*