
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: GmanJoe on August 30, 2003, 06:02:56 AM

Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: GmanJoe on August 30, 2003, 06:02:56 AM
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: GmanJoe on August 30, 2003, 06:04:24 AM
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: videoholic on August 30, 2003, 06:11:20 AM
Hope the dude gets 10+ years.  THey have to start making examples out of these dweebs.

If you are great at computers you should do good stuff with your knowledge, not this type of crap.
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Seed_Of_Evil on August 30, 2003, 06:51:10 AM
hang up that idiot!
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Ginko on August 30, 2003, 07:06:54 AM
quite the chunkster.

Video\'s right, with a little more school he could have landed himself a job making loads of money.  

what a waste...
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Kurt Angle on August 30, 2003, 07:18:19 AM
Here\'s another pic of the fat bastard!

Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Samwise on August 30, 2003, 07:20:47 AM
*gets a hardon*
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Coredweller on August 30, 2003, 08:21:19 AM
Question:  Why do these dimwits think they\'re not going to get caught?  If you ever look at the news, you notice: 1.  virus spreads, 2.  the hacker gets caught.  It\'s like clockwork.  These dorks may know everything about windows, but they know f**k all about reality.

BTW, The brothers are going to have fun with him in prison.  :)
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: GmanJoe on August 30, 2003, 08:40:28 AM
I had to work over time yesterday coz of him. Stupid virus! All the infected laptops came in and I had to work late....on a FRIDAY!

Cane him with a bamboo stick like they do in Singapore.
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Coredweller on August 30, 2003, 08:59:56 AM
Bamboo?  How about a titanium rod?
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Halberto on August 30, 2003, 09:05:59 AM
Titanium is too light
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Kurt Angle on August 30, 2003, 09:09:28 AM
While he is in jail, someone should ask him to pass the soap.;)
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Titan on August 30, 2003, 09:11:05 AM
Anyone have a link to the symptoms of this worm and how to get rid of it? I think I have it on my computer. And we have an old version of Antivirus.
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: mm on August 30, 2003, 09:52:46 AM
laugh all you want, this fatty will be making 6 figures when he gets out of prison
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Coredweller on August 30, 2003, 10:07:31 AM
How\'s he going to make six figures when he\'s not allowed to own anything more technologically advanced than a pencil?
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Samwise on August 30, 2003, 10:08:10 AM
And who doesn\'t want to be buttraped in prison to make cash. It\'s the American dream. :laughing:
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: theomen on August 30, 2003, 10:18:40 AM
He\'s going to experience "blaster worms" first hand.
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Lord Nicon on August 30, 2003, 10:19:53 AM
now where the hell was he were there were people that could see him testing the virus? Like everyone is stupid and cant tell something is wrong.  What a moron.
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Kurt Angle on August 30, 2003, 10:20:13 AM
And he will get the STD virus too.
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: EmperorRob on August 30, 2003, 12:07:35 PM
He probably did it for attention.  He\'s not so stupid as to think he can post about it on the net and not get caught.  He was probably lonely, had lots of head problems, dated Samwise, etc etc
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Halberto on August 30, 2003, 12:17:34 PM
I think the virus got more than 7000 computers. It seems like I\'ve heard about 1/2 of everyone around here got it.
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Kimahri on August 30, 2003, 12:39:42 PM
Originally posted by ViVi
I think the virus got more than 7000 computers. It seems like I\'ve heard about 1/2 of everyone around here got it.

Uhhh... i think it got much more than 7000...

So how exactly do they catch these guys?... is it as simple as tracing the Virus back to his computer?... an how do they do that?
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Capcom on August 30, 2003, 03:32:46 PM
He is not the writer of the original version. He is the one that had it include a trojan. Thus just another script kiddie.
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: (e) on August 30, 2003, 04:08:54 PM

Exactly, he wont get as much time as the guy who really made it up, but I doubt he will be able to touch a computer, or even think of one.
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: SER on August 30, 2003, 07:15:20 PM
or ever get laid. :(
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: Kimahri on August 30, 2003, 09:03:41 PM
Originally posted by SER
or ever get laid. :(

Define "laid"

Hes going to a pound me in the ass prison.
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: SER on August 30, 2003, 09:34:57 PM
Oh, that\'s right... :(
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: theomen on August 30, 2003, 09:44:47 PM
nice Office Space refference, you get a cookie
Title: Blaster boy caught. He\'s DEAD SEXAY! He could eat a BABAY!
Post by: THX on August 30, 2003, 11:47:52 PM