Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: ooseven on September 03, 2003, 01:39:43 AM
LOS ANGELES, CA (September 2, 2003)- Vivendi Universal Games (VU Games) announced today that, in conjunction with Relic Entertainment, it will release a sneak-peak to Homeworld®2, the sequel to 1999\'s award-winning, space-based real-time strategy game, tomorrow.
The demo will include looks at both the single- and multi-player campaigns of Homeworld 2, including the tutorial mission, two single-player missions, and two multiplayer missions, which will be playable over both LAN and the GameSpy network.
"We recognize that our community\'s support of Homeworld 2 is both incredibly valuable and vital to the success of this game," said Chris Mahnken, producer of Homeworld 2. "The community has been requesting a demo of the game for many months now, and we are proud to be able to deliver it to them."
The 141 MB Homeworld 2 demo will be released via the VU Games website tomorrow.
Can i split a EXE or app over two 100 meg zip disks using winzip, because if so then i can d/l it at uni and take it home without worrying about tryinf to download a 141 meg file on a craptastic 56k modem.
Get winrar, and split it into two .rar files.
that was what I wanted to say....:(
Thanks... tryed winzip and it gets all up\'ity when you swap the second zip disk over.