Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: GmanJoe on September 03, 2003, 07:10:36 AM
Dogs are the coolest. :p Snoopy knows how to relax. :D
that\'s..............ghey! :laughing:
This thread is cool. So shut up. :p
Vid, I literally laughed out loud. The dog pic is alright but not the greatest. Got a smirk out of me but thats it.
that dogs got the idea of things........ pretty funny pic,not seen it before
ha ha, thats funy too, no seen either pic b4
Tetrad, I\'m still laughing at that :laughing:
the one from the side doesnt look to bad, but the one from the front, my gd thats just wrong
The cat looks pissed off.:laughing:
.......and photoshopped.
The cat? Why would you say its photoshopped?
mmmmm... a pussy thread :D
btw: coolest cat painting ever
Pics with cats are the greatest. The shaved cat is among my favorites.
Hmmm, guess I\'m an oldie.. I seen both those kitty pics right here in OT. There was even a buncha you goons photochopping it.
Found new cat pic.
Cats really do fit anywhere nowadays. But isn\'t that cat permanently messed up or something? A friend was telling me aobut people that do that to cats.
I doubt the cat is messed up... but who cares? It\'s cute.:bounce:
Thats so bogus. Whoever would do that to any animal is a hamster-in-ass fagmo.
Actually, that\'s for real. You should look for "cat scans". Yeah....there\'s a website with pics of kittens taken on a scanner. So they all look compressed. And there\'s the Bonzai Kitten site.
That bonzai kitten site is disturbing. Too bad it\'s completely fake. PETA would be all over that one if it wasn\'t.