Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: JBean on September 04, 2003, 07:48:49 AM
I have the problem recently of my computer completely rebooting windows xp, usually only 5-10 seconds after the game is loaded. I then went in and turned off the automatic reboot feature in the control panel so I could see the BSOD (yes, xp has one too... but MS tries to hide it :D) I\'m thinking it\'s a driver conflict, but i\'m not sure what to do about fixing it.
Any ideas?
OH yeah, my computer is:
Athlon 1.2 Ghz
128MB ram
nVidia Mx 400 (32 MB)
Try reinstalling direct x for starters.
Also check for nvidia driver updates too.
I installed DX9 last night and tried that. I also downloaded the newest nVidia drivers and my computer was completely unstable after that, so I rolled my drivers back and xp went back to normal. But I still can\'t play this game.
I\'m thinking of checking my IRQs to see if I have any conflicts with my video card / soundcard / ethernet card. I\'ll post exactly what the error says tonight when I get home.
heat most likely. boot into bios and check temps after u get rebooted.
I feel like a dumbass for asking this, but how do I access my BIOS? I tried holding down different F Keys, but none of them do it.
I also disabled everything that shares the same IRQ as my video card (modem, IEEE Controller, USB Controller) and I got a RAM PARITY ERROR. Is this a sign of RAM gone bad? My computer is now randomly rebooting just doing things like browsing the web and whatnot, if I leave the computer alone it\'ll stay running fine. It\'s only when i\'m actively doing something on it when it reboots. It\'s really getting to be too much to put up with.
Try holdling down the delete key to access your bios (during reboot).
The fact that you\'re running WinXP on 128MB of RAM is amazing enough, but trying to play a game!!???:eek: That could be your problem...not enough RAM. And your bios would most likely be the delete key.
yeah, i\'ve been thinking about buying a 256 MB stick and seeing how my comp does then. I just worry about it cause my system was very stable before I tried changing settings and whatnot to get this game to work, i\'m probably gonna reinstall XP tonight and see how that goes.
It\'s bad RAM. My computer did the same thing.