Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Avatarr on September 06, 2003, 03:59:30 AM
maximise window and view.
I got fed up with it after almost 3 seconds and closed the window.
hehehehe :D
but c\'mon, see if you can get to the end of it!
Originally posted by Avatarr
hehehehe :D
but c\'mon, see if you can get to the end of it!
There\'s actually an ending?
That\'s badass. going right in my AIM info
Originally posted by Avatarr
hehehehe :D
but c\'mon, see if you can get to the end of it!
Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger.................................mushroom mushroom..................................................snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkeeeeee.
Thats ace, couldnt be bothered waiting for the end though!
The ending was awesome. LIttle tasteless, but very cool indeed.
I\'ve been watching it for like 3 minutes now dammit
Originally posted by videoholic
The ending was awesome. LIttle tasteless, but very cool indeed.
Yeah, the ending is definatly worth waiting for.
is that thing looped??! :eek:
unfunny :(
and looped
Some patience and three tablespoons of gullibleness, I finally saw the ending.
It went like this
badddger baddger baddger mushroooom mushroom!
This is cool.
when does it end? :(
You have to know where to click and when to click it. It takes some figuring out, but you eventually get it. Then it drops out of the loop and the fun begins.
is there really some click code thing?
the badger and the snake have sex and then the mushroom joins in.
Wtf are you supposed to click? There is nothing clickable there.
The click trick is hard, haha, but worth it
Originally posted by SwifDi
The click trick is hard, haha, but worth it
So I gather, but your not helping by not telling me, you know.
:eek: :laughing: ROFL!!! That ending was HILARIOUS!!! :laughing:
Who da thunk it would end like it did? Genius.
there is so no ending u clever people are tormenting us fickle people =]
I guess this is what passes for internet entertainment. :rolleyes:
I am sure it will make more sence to me when i am drunk.
Ahh someone please make it stop .. :(
sorry to double post but this thing would be great to play at the captives at Camp X ray.. i mean after 20 min\'s of this up full blast and forceing them to watch it ala clock work orange style..
they will be singing the last know position of Bin Laden in NO TIME !
leave it to OO to find a political connection.
Originally posted by Avatarr
leave it to OO to find a political connection.
Yeah, really. :laughing:
Originally posted by Avatarr
leave it to OO to find a political connection.
But its my Job ;)
Ok here goes ..
The badgers are actually Vet Kong, you can tell by the why the suddenly appear out of nowhere and why they errrr ..jump up and down .. and why they are scared of Snakes ? :confused:..yes they are scared of snakes because it’s the CIA.. or a terminator for the future .. yeah a T7000.
The Mushroom is actually a secret North Korean Nuclear missile factory.
Oh and finally the song in the background was made by Saddam himself to brain wash us into chasing total civil unrest
Another reason why Macs suck. I can\'t see the ending on my Mac, but my PC at home it works just fine.
Ending ?
but its on a loop ... unless I am to stoopid to see it :(