Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: GmanJoe on September 07, 2003, 08:30:18 AM
Where\'s mm when you need him? :p
Actually I wouldn\'t mind a botanical investigation of that region. :)
I am guessing that plant is something you can smoke.
Am I right?
/me hear\'s the door knocks ... shortly followed by it bing kicked down as an American ATF squad storms ooseven\'s home
me "hey what the hell is this ? "
Flashband rolls into the living room... there is a sudden burst of light and ooseven falles to the floor.
ATF Guy "Noting to see here people of the thread is closed"
/me types with borken right hand
Me " hey what are you doing here this is the UK have Authority here ."
/me gets shot in the knee caps
Thread Still CLosed.
Puff puff
CHIZZY is that your back yard?;)
Hey Gman.... just realised something...
Are you posting all your threads from a :ghey:bar, or is the hang over from drinking Woo Woo\'s and a sore head from all the listening to "the Pet shop boys" full blast effecting your judement ?
Originally posted by Kurt Angle
CHIZZY is that your back yard?;)
god dammit I wish it was!
tho my brother\'s closet looked like that for a while!
That.. is the most beautiful \'fing I\'ve ever seen..
[/Saving Grace]
It\'s nature\'s way of saying "Be Happy". :D
And is this ghey? I have no idea how you correlated penis sucking with weed. :p
Nice. I wonder what kind it is. Meh, Ive seen growing fields bigger than that. Its Insane
That was in Jamaica. There\'s more pics but you can imagine that in Jamaica, this sort of thing is common.
Originally posted by GmanJoe
It\'s nature\'s way of saying "Be Happy". :D
And is this ghey? I have no idea how you correlated penis sucking with weed. :p
Well i could make a sick joke about penis sucking is the only way to get weed when there has been a lot of drug raids and supply is low but i am not going to ;).
the ghey comment was a automatic responce to the trend of things , but after seeing Samwise\'s MS paint thread :eek: i think i better hand the Deviant from Denmark back his :ghey:thread title.
Bloody hell Sammy your like a Grand Master in such things.
They should rename the Off Topic forum to The Ghey Forum. :p
We thought about it once but we feared that it might shock the members into posting hetrosexual posts and threads... and we can\'t have that now can we. ;)
something about that made me smile
( :p