Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: ooseven on September 07, 2003, 02:04:52 PM
Won\'t be long now... oh no sure\'e bob soon nothing will ever the same again.
We are talking about impact so big that it could be seen from Mars and it could lead to a lot of drinking and flashing of the ooseven manhood.
and seeing that gman started the trend for :ghey: threads i won\'t tell you all what it is until tommorow.
So guess away because all the preperation in the world won\'t save us now because THIS is the real deal.
in less than 32 days you will be seeing photographic evidence that will make you stomache turn.
known data on the event.
Date = 10th of October 2003
Time = 2:30pm
Location = Somewhere on the banks ofthe river Clyde (Scotland)
anyway i am off to get some beauty sleep please feel free to post your theories on what will happen in less than 32 days time.
Well only thing I can guess is you are getting married that day. But it\'s not common to get married on Fridays here in the states, so not sure.
You\'re a twit, ooseven.
Originally posted by ooseven
Yeah sure that would be the case but seeing that i sold GC to help with the wedding fund this news makes the pain of loseing metroid prime and zelda a little easyer.
t-minus 32 days BTW ;)
Subtle. Real subtle. (
Somehow, I dont think there will be any more theories...
What do I win?
My theory is that this is a load of shit.
oh,I thought it might have been something important, like videogames...
Who the hell gets married on a Friday?>
Originally posted by videoholic
What do I win?
A Bottle of cheap wine and a well thumbed copy of MI5 readers wifes.
Sorry to hear, that you\'ll be miserable the rest of your life.
There is no way I would of sold my stuff to marry a woman, espically when you consider there is a higher chance of getting divorce (as opposed to staying together) and the fact that when she leaves you, you\'ll lose HALF of your stuff all over.
Sorry, to hear.
Your right L-I-C ... we will BOTH own the PS2... so if we do split up.. she will be at my pride and joy with a chainsaw ... and she will also cut in half my PS2 ;).
Have a good wedding, I\'m off to my brothers wedding on the 20th september.
Not only will she cut the PS2 , but she\'ll cut your manhood and lively hood away....
Ever heard the song..
"Woman, the destoryer"?
Chicks are awesome if you find the right one. 100% of the people who get divorce just didn\'t find the right person. Or they are of the type that no one will ever make them happy so they shouldn\'t have gotten married in the first place.
I thought it had to do with the armada of floating plastic yellow duckies headed your way this Fall. Remember I posted about that?
Originally posted by videoholic
Chicks are awesome if you find the right one. 100% of the people who get divorce just didn\'t find the right person. Or they are of the type that no one will ever make them happy so they shouldn\'t have gotten married in the first place.
I\'m the latter and I know it. No woman can make me completely happy and the fact is, I don\'t want one hangin\' around all the f**kin\' time. It\'s kind of like a pet dog , they are great when you want to cuddle and pet \'em, but sometimes you just want to throw \'em across the room, because they are being so damn needy.
That\'s how I feel about women also.
Damn emtional creatures.
Perhaps you should try homosexuality, L-I-C..
hey man, can i come to ur wedding =], why r u having near the clyde anyway?
lol.... a bit like an imbedded reporter, like they had in the Gulf…
anyway we are having it down there because Miss Moneypenny likes the location. Plus its not too far from were we live.
We want a web cam so we can see everything, a la American Pie. :p
i will take my Digi camera and I’ll try and post some pictures for you all to see.
I want a webcam in the wedding bed.
Originally posted by Samwise
I want a webcam in the wedding bed.
Originally posted by Samwise
I want a webcam in the wedding bed.
Correction... YOU want to be in the wedding bed.
or at least i do ;).
Congrats ooseven. Hope all goes well and you don\'t go running away because you have cold feet :)
Originally posted by ooseven
lol.... a bit like an imbedded reporter, like they had in the Gulf…
anyway we are having it down there because Miss Moneypenny likes the location. Plus its not too far from were we live.
makes sense =]
must be one hell of a woman....
Did you pick a friday so you could get drinks at the "happy hour" prices....... NICE
Congrats ooseven, you won\'t be a virgin anymore!
damn virgins