Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Cyrus on September 09, 2003, 06:17:49 AM
The first thing this would accomplish is to take away his ability to take matter into his own hands through masturbation. He can no longer touch his penis.
His outlook on your relationship will take on a whole new will again become his focus!
He can go to his favorite pub for a brew with the boys and still have everything intact the same as when he left.
Fear of sex with someone else will no longer even be a concern.
Communication will open up and you find yourself sharing in his everyday life.
His home will be on the top of his priority list. You will find him helping with the chores.
You want a massage or foot rub….It’s yours!
Does he need to go away on a business trip? Kiss him goodbye at the airport knowing that he is locked up safe and secure and wish him a fun, successful trip. The \'CB-2000\', \'The Curve\' or \'the \'CB-3000\' can be worn while flying since it is completely made of plastic and he won’t find himself undressing at the Security Gate to explain what is in his pants!
Kiss him passionately, tease him, deny his sexual pleasure as long as possible. The results of this denial will be extraordinary.
The bedroom will become your playground. Become like teenagers again exploring each others sexual pleasures.
Put the flame back into your relationship with little surprises; i.e., special lingerie, candle light bubble baths, nude dinners...use your imagination!
Im telling you this is just wrong I cannot directly link the site because it says that you have to be an adult but if you dont belive its true do a search on google for cb 2000 and it will be the first site listed I belive!!! How many of you think this is JUST WRONG!!!
It doesn\'t look very big.
The more odd thing is the fact that you was looking for a male chastity device.
What if you go BOING! That would be painful! There\'s no room and it\'s curved downwards!
I wasn\'t looking they were talking about it on the radio this morning on the way to work and I had to see what the hell it was.
hahahahahah LOL :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
what if it\'s too tight? :eek:
Ok question.... if a Wife bought her husband that so that he would keep faithful on a Biz trip....
How does he explain it at the airport when he goes through the metal detector.
What the husband could do is pretend he likes it and then screw her (if he can) with it on. :)
you couldnt get wood in that thing or maybe you could but I know I could\'nt what about pissing if you cant grab ahold how are you suppoe to point it to go out that little freaking hole.
The perfect Christmas gift.. I think not..
How does he explain it at the airport when he goes through the metal detector.
sigh this is what happens when you dont read.
it basically implied that it\'s plastic so you wont set off metal detectors.
......but there is the whole masterlock thing witch I dont really get.
It\'s would be too small for me.
Originally posted by SwifDi
It\'s would be too small for me.
It\'s not supposed to go up your @ss.
But I don\'t really see the problem here. Even if your wife/girlfriend/Racer whatever got hold of one, what would stop you from laughing in their faces and say NEVAAR YOU EVIL HOE!?