
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: GmanJoe on September 09, 2003, 11:23:35 AM

Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: GmanJoe on September 09, 2003, 11:23:35 AM

Fo shame! She\'s a bad baaaaad person and this makes RIAA look like a true knight in shining armor defending the rich! :p
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: seven on September 09, 2003, 11:43:56 AM
my god, with the amount I download a day, I wouldn\'t be suprised if they declare world war 3 on me. :eek:
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: ooseven on September 09, 2003, 11:50:12 AM
Good for RIAA.. Next target.... sending gangs to beat up the homeless ala clockwork orange.

RIAA the Nazi\'s of the Music Biz..

oh and RIAA want to sue me for that comment,my real name Eric Jacob aka Alter Beast from Canada.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Coredweller on September 09, 2003, 01:38:23 PM
Oh man I LOVE the way this story is getting picked up.  It really reveals the RIAA for the worthless GREED HEADS they are.  I can\'t wait to see this on the evening news tonight.  

"For crying out loud, she\'s just a child," the mother said. "This isn\'t like those people who say, \'My son is a good boy,\' and he\'s holding a bloody knife. All we did was use a service."

The mother said she signed up for KaZaA, paying a $29.95 fee. "If you\'re paying for it, you\'re not stealing it, so what is this all about?" she asked.

She said Brianna downloaded music by Christina Aguilera and Mariah Carey, along with the themes to television shows like "Family Matters" and "Full House" - and even the nursery song, "If You\'re Happy and You Know It."

"That\'s really threatening to the music industry," she scoffed.

"If this was something we were profiting from, that\'s one thing. But we were just listening and sometimes dancing to the music," said the mother.
I smell a countersuit for psychological damage inflicted on a minor.  :D
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SwifDi on September 09, 2003, 02:31:20 PM
What kinda whack family dances to the theme of Full House?
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Seed_Of_Evil on September 09, 2003, 02:53:53 PM
This is a SHAMEFUL spectacle.

Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 09, 2003, 03:49:39 PM
So what? The parents are responsible for their kids actions and the parents apparently knew that their daughter was doing illegal activtives. Honestly, who lets their 12 year old on the computer, without watching them? And what example are they setting for their child, when they let it steal off the internet, but tell them they can\'t steal from a store It\'s a double standard.

I say, sue the parents . Maybe next time they will be more responsible for their daughter\'s actions. As it is though, they are goin\' to act innocent and hide behind the fact that she was just stealing "Full House" tunes and Brittany Spears..oh and she\'s 12...Whoopie.

Sue \'em.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Coredweller on September 09, 2003, 03:55:14 PM
How were the record labels damaged by this activity?  Would a 12 year old really have bought all those CDs if she weren\'t able to download a few songs?  

Also, the mother claims she paid $29.95 for Kazaa.  Not sure what that was for, but I\'m sure a stupid person could have thought it was legit.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 09, 2003, 04:38:55 PM
I don\'t care if the person paid for that and thought it was legit. That\'s Kazaa\'s problem, not the RIAA\'s.

And the fact isn\'t that she didn\'t have intent to distrubute the music, the fact is, she downloaded them in the first place and that is illegal.

While the parents may of thought this was a legit service - it obviously wasn\'t. Also, while you are all on the bandwagon about how this is wrong and they shouldn\'t be sued. You do realize that the RIAA is offering a amenisty \'program\' to those who admit to stealing the music. Which, allows them to get out of fines and what not. If I was the parents, I\'d simply do that.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Deadly Hamster on September 09, 2003, 05:16:02 PM
I think RIAA should focus on the people who download CD\'s and sell them, same with movies and games....

I mean, if i get sued for downloading a few songs from a band i have bought 6 other CD\'s from, im gonna be very pissed.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SirMystiq on September 09, 2003, 06:01:52 PM
It\'s like they\'re trying to fix the outside of a car. With the car having a bad engine. Music sucks. Im not going to spend 15 dollars a cd for one song. It doesn\'t really matter though. I don\'t download that bullshit music anyways. Mariah, Christina, backstreet boys and whoever the hell is being "affected" by this can shove up all their left over cd\'s up their ass. Wanna sell? Make good music. Not more of the "im cool and if you do this youll be cool too" Bullshit.

Does anybody have a list of the artist that they are hunting for? Just in case ;)
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: videoholic on September 09, 2003, 06:14:29 PM
Originally posted by SirMystiq
It\'s like they\'re trying to fix the outside of a car. With the car having a bad engine. Music sucks.  

Wow, what a powerful metaphor.

All I have to say is, "The bitch deserved it."
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Deadly Hamster on September 09, 2003, 06:16:46 PM
on another note, without kazaa, i\'d have purchased less CD\'s now.... it\'s a good way to check out a band you\'ve never heard before.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SirMystiq on September 09, 2003, 06:17:22 PM
Actually, it\'s not a metaphor. A metaphor is the comparison of two objects without using the words "like" or "as". I was not comparing the body of the car to the engine. They were both messed up so there is no comparison.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Deadly Hamster on September 09, 2003, 06:25:05 PM
it was a simile comparing the car to the state of the music industry. :P
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: videoholic on September 09, 2003, 06:35:43 PM
met·a·phor    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (mt-fôr, -fr)
A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison,

You are comparing the outside of the car I assume to RIAA and the engine troubles to the fact that people are downloading music.

Here\'s another definition:

n : a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Deadly Hamster on September 09, 2003, 06:39:08 PM
Ehhhh a metaphor is like saying:

"He was a giant"

a simile would be like saying:

"He was like a giant"
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: videoholic on September 09, 2003, 06:42:45 PM
Actually a simile would be like,

"Sirmystiq is hung like a hamster"

You have to make some sort of a comparison.

He was like a giant is just valley speak.

Where\'s kopking when we need him??????
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Deadly Hamster on September 09, 2003, 06:45:40 PM
although it wouldn\'t be a good simile, its still a simlie....  buttttttt after this post im just gonna agree with you because Im probley wrong and it doesn\'t really matter :P
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: videoholic on September 09, 2003, 06:47:12 PM
I knew I should have been on the debate club when I was in high school.

I don\'t even know if I am right. I just figure if I act like I am you\'ll give in.

Victory is mine.  :)
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Coredweller on September 09, 2003, 06:57:14 PM

WTF?  Her mom should have held out.  Anyway, I guarantee the RIAA and Brianna\'s mother reached a real sweet deal on this settlement.  You know that as soon as this hit the national media, the RIAA went into damage control mode instantly.  They probably contacted the mom and offered a $2,000 settlement deal in exchange for $10,000 in free CDs or something like that.  How else could they get gold plated quotations like this out of her:

"We understand now that file-sharing the music was illegal," Torres said in a statement distributed by the recording industry. "You can be sure Brianna won\'t be doing it anymore."

Brianna added: "I am sorry for what I have done. I love music and don\'t want to hurt the artists I love."

That sounds like it was written by an RIAA marketing exec.  I am sickened by this world.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: videoholic on September 09, 2003, 07:01:33 PM
Oh come now.  Brianna always spoke poetically.  She has always cared for the artists she loved so much.

Anyone think they\'ll do this for the 26 year old big time player with a few gigs on his drive?
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Lord Nicon on September 09, 2003, 07:17:25 PM
This is all a bunch of junk. There are so many worse people out there. Not only that but they have only sued a small list of people when there are millions of users that they could potentially catch. Its all just a scare tactic while playing a huge game of "suing rulette" you have a little chance of getting caught but its not impossible.

Anyway, a college kid was sued for 1500 for running a in campus search engine for fee music. Im dling things as we speak. I spit on the RIAA. *waits for the FBI to raid my house and suspend me from any contact with home owned/work pc\'s*
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SwifDi on September 09, 2003, 08:10:42 PM
Can they bust only those who share the files, or even the leechers?

This is all bullcrap, and won\'t deter me a bit. I\'m downloading free music as long as its out there.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SirMystiq on September 09, 2003, 09:13:42 PM
Word. If they were hobbos begging for us to stop it because they get poorer then sure I\'ll help out. But they are rich filthy bastards. So Screw that.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 09, 2003, 09:17:57 PM
They should of got her for more, in my opinon. Not only is she setting a bad example for her child , she broke the law.

I can only hope that target these highschoolers who are jumping on the bandwagon. Sue the families. Can\'t sue the kid, then sue the parents. It will either make kid\'s more worriesome about downloading this stufff or the parents will learn to  watch and monitor what their kids are doin\'.

And don\'t feed me this bullshit about how the artists are filthy rich and what not. Look, if you want to be a damn thief, don\'t look for excuses. Just come out and go \'Hi, I\'m a bum and I don\'t want to pay for stuff\'. Looking for excuses is just lame.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Coredweller on September 09, 2003, 10:03:24 PM
I break the law.  This isn\'t the first time I\'ve broken the law.  I break it in many ways every day.  You can call me a thief, but who am I stealing from?  A faceless corporation trying to protect their cherished position as a leech in the cash pipe between the artist and the appreciator of that art.  Don\'t get started on how I\'m stealing from the artist... we both know that the artist receives only a tiny fraction of the sale price of a compact disk.  Most of them, with the exception of the biggest, most established musicians, are being ripped off as badly as the consumer.

My brother in law was a professional musician, and because of him I know how the business works.  Why is it that a well known mid-level artist can put out several records over a period of years, and then get dropped by their label without warning.  At the end, the artist is broke, in fact the record label comes up with explanations for how the artist still owes THEM thousands of dollars.  These recording companies are soulless uncreative demons that serve no purpose.  

They provide "marketing..." but I want there to be LESS bullshit marketing.  They spend money getting music played on the radio, when that whole system of radio airplay kickbacks is yet another corrupt system that should be discarded.  They fund the manufacturing and distribution of the finished album, but that may be obsolete with the advent of internet distribution.  Records companies are a useless anachronism fighting to protect their gravy train.  I don\'t want to support them if I don\'t have to.

We need a new paradigm for the performance and sales of music.  The new system needs to DO AWAY WITH useless uncreative corporations like the record companies and Ticketmaster.  The longer this filesharing "crisis" goes on for the RIAA, the closer we come to that better future.  I\'m not interested in supporting the crappy past.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SirMystiq on September 09, 2003, 10:04:32 PM
If I was making millions by selling CD\'s that I\'ve burned sure they can sue me. But sue me for downloading a few songs?. Bullshit. Most of the songs I have are more in the lines of SPM and old school rap and old back in the day songs. I even have the Pink Panther theme. If they want to sue me for that then I think there is something more in this for them than "boosting" cd sales. Do they really think that by blackmailing people would start buying more CD\'s?! BS. We would probably stop buying CD\'s period. Boycott them or something. I say we do that!! We should just stop buying CD\'s period. I\'ve bought at least 5 cd\'s in the last few weeks. Im going to take them back and download everysingle song.

ohh and...

Hi, im a bum and I don\'t want to pay for crap.

I do feel for Christina loosing all that money though. I mean she needed those 15 dollars for a manicure or shes saving up to buy a new face.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SirMystiq on September 09, 2003, 10:09:14 PM
Originally posted by Coredweller
I break the law.  This isn\'t the first time I\'ve broken the law.  I break it in many ways every day.  You can call me a thief, but who am I stealing from?  A faceless corporation trying to protect their cherished position as a leech in the cash pipe between the artist and the appreciator of that art.  Don\'t get started on how I\'m stealing from the artist... we both know that the artist receives only a tiny fraction of the sale price of a compact disk.  Most of them, with the exception of the biggest, most established musicians, are being ripped off as badly as the consumer.

My brother in law was a professional musician, and because of him I know how the business works.  Why is it that a well known mid-level artist can put out several records over a period of years, and then get dropped by their label without warning.  At the end, the artist is broke, in fact the record label comes up with explanations for how the artist still owes THEM thousands of dollars.  These recording companies are soulless uncreative demons that serve no purpose.  

They provide "marketing..." but I want there to be LESS bullshit marketing.  They spend money getting music played on the radio, when that whole system of radio airplay kickbacks is yet another corrupt system that should be discarded.  They fund the manufacturing and distribution of the finished album, but that may be obsolete with the advent of internet distribution.  Records companies are a useless anachronism fighting to protect their gravy train.  I don\'t want to support them if I don\'t have to.

We need a new paradigm for the performance and sales of music.  The new system needs to DO AWAY WITH useless uncreative corporations like the record companies and Ticketmaster.  The longer this filesharing "crisis" goes on for the RIAA, the closer we come to that better future.  I\'m not interested in supporting the crappy past.

Word. It\'s not like we\'re stealing from hobbos here. I don\'t care if you think the whole "rich" issue is relevant or not. The point is that they have money. Are they really desperate enough for more as to sue the parents of teenagers who probably can\'t afford to pay for the ridiculous high fines? It\'s bullshit that the Gov. is allowing such a thing. But they probably get money too.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bozco on September 09, 2003, 11:17:35 PM
Laws are in place for a reason.  Saying this I\'ll still download music illegally, but I also know what I could be getting myself into.

Originally posted by SirMystiq
Are they really desperate enough for more as to sue the parents of teenagers who probably can\'t afford to pay for the ridiculous high fines? It\'s bullshit that the Gov. is allowing such a thing. But they probably get money too.

So its bullshit that the government isn\'t letting people steal...........gotcha.  And them being able to pay it has no relevance at all.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Kurt Angle on September 10, 2003, 12:42:12 AM
Originally posted by SirMystiq

I do feel for Christina loosing all that money though. I mean she needed those 15 dollars for a manicure or shes saving up to buy a new face.


I think I may have found vid a new sig.;)
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SER on September 10, 2003, 01:17:48 AM
This is stupid. Just for this, I am going to download 5 songs tonight. wheeeeeeeeee!
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 10, 2003, 10:36:28 AM
You can justify being a thief however you want, just know the bottom line is there is a law against it and you are breaking it, so don\'t come whining once you get sued (and rightfully so).
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: GmanJoe on September 10, 2003, 10:46:30 AM
Did you know that I could buy the CD, let you borrow it and make a copy and give the original CD back to me and that\'s actually legal?
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Kurt Angle on September 10, 2003, 10:47:07 AM
Recording songs from the radio is also illegal but everyone has done it.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Coredweller on September 10, 2003, 10:50:55 AM
Keep yawning.

The rest of us will bring about a change in this antiquated music industry.  You can continue to put your trust in the courts and THE LAW to solve all the problems if you wish.  Lawmakers and the government in general are beholden to the corporations, not to the interests of consumers or exploited artists.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: GmanJoe on September 10, 2003, 10:53:50 AM
Originally posted by GmanJoe
Keep yawning.

The rest of us will bring about a change in this antiquated music industry.  You can continue to put your trust in the courts and THE LAW to solve all the problems if you wish.  Lawmakers and the government in general are beholden to the corporations, not to the interests of consumers or exploited artists.

 I just plagerised Coredweller. Am I going to jail? :p
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bozco on September 10, 2003, 11:45:34 AM
Originally posted by Kurt Angle
Recording songs from the radio is also illegal but everyone has done it.

You have no point

And if you got sued over doing so you couldn\'t complain.........why..........cause its stealing.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 10, 2003, 11:47:25 AM
You are not going to bring about a change. That is some naive pipe-dream. Instead, you just need to accept things.

Want to make a change? Don\'t buy cd\'s. Don\'t download music. As long as you people are downloading music, the RIAA will continue to sue you (rightfully so) and will make their money and point that way.

I swear, this is like people who pirtate games and movie\'s and come up with bullshit "legit" reasons for it. Just accept the fact that you\'re being a thief and accept the fact that it\'s illegal, so when you or anyone else get\'s sued, you had it coming.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: GmanJoe on September 10, 2003, 02:20:29 PM
Pasted :

The wording of the Copyright Act gives rise to some very odd situations. In the 6 examples below, "commercial CD" means a commercially pressed CD that you would normally buy at a retail store.

1. If someone steals a commercial CD, steals a blank CD-R, and then copies the commercial CD onto the CD-R, they are a thief, but they have not infringed copyright.

2. You can legally lend a commercial CD to a friend, give him a blank CD-R, let him use your computer, and help him burn the CD-R which he can keep for his own private use.

3. You can legally copy a commercial CD , keep the copy, and give your friend the original.

4. You cannot legally make the copy yourself and give your friend the copy.

5. Your friends Alice and Benoit really like the new commercial CD you just purchased. Alice borrows it and makes a copy for her own use. She then passes the commercial CD on to Benoit, who makes a copy for his own use. Benoit gives the commercial CD back to you. This is all perfectly legal.

6. However, if Alice had copied the commercial CD, given it back to you, and passed her copy on to Benoit to make a copy for his own use, then copyright would have "probably" been infringed. There is some doubt here because Alice\'s original intent is important. In the strictest terms, her copy was no longer just for her private use. Pretty strange considering that the end result of examples 5 and 6 are exactly the same!


Did you know that getting those ripped songs from kazaa is okay as long as the music is one bit off? Yeah, once it\'s been re-mixed, it\'s no longer an offense for someone to download it. All the songs I\'ve downloaded have been modified by one bit off. So, it\'s not stealing. You can argue that til you\'re blue. The Supreme Court will uphold my standing.

Loop holes are kewl. So, now that you all realize that, you may modify and remix your songs and distribute them as much as you like. :)
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Deadly Hamster on September 10, 2003, 02:32:07 PM
*Uses kazaa*
*Has spent over 400$ on CD\'s this year*

If they wanna sue me, it\'ll be one less person buying CD\'s...
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 10, 2003, 03:08:47 PM
Originally posted by GmanJoe
Pasted :

The wording of the Copyright Act gives rise to some very odd situations. In the 6 examples below, "commercial CD" means a commercially pressed CD that you would normally buy at a retail store.

1. If someone steals a commercial CD, steals a blank CD-R, and then copies the commercial CD onto the CD-R, they are a thief, but they have not infringed copyright.

2. You can legally lend a commercial CD to a friend, give him a blank CD-R, let him use your computer, and help him burn the CD-R which he can keep for his own private use.

3. You can legally copy a commercial CD , keep the copy, and give your friend the original.

4. You cannot legally make the copy yourself and give your friend the copy.

5. Your friends Alice and Benoit really like the new commercial CD you just purchased. Alice borrows it and makes a copy for her own use. She then passes the commercial CD on to Benoit, who makes a copy for his own use. Benoit gives the commercial CD back to you. This is all perfectly legal.

6. However, if Alice had copied the commercial CD, given it back to you, and passed her copy on to Benoit to make a copy for his own use, then copyright would have "probably" been infringed. There is some doubt here because Alice\'s original intent is important. In the strictest terms, her copy was no longer just for her private use. Pretty strange considering that the end result of examples 5 and 6 are exactly the same!


Did you know that getting those ripped songs from kazaa is okay as long as the music is one bit off? Yeah, once it\'s been re-mixed, it\'s no longer an offense for someone to download it. All the songs I\'ve downloaded have been modified by one bit off. So, it\'s not stealing. You can argue that til you\'re blue. The Supreme Court will uphold my standing.

Loop holes are kewl. So, now that you all realize that, you may modify and remix your songs and distribute them as much as you like. :)

 Right. And how many people are doin\' this? Okay, then. Your loophole is void an null. Fan mixes and stealing are two different things. Don\'t try and confuse the subject.

 Keep thinking what you want, but I will sit back and laugh while all of these peopl are being sued by the RIAA. I just think it\'s a shame they are offering to cut deals for the thieves.

Fact: Downloading music over Kazaa is stealing.  You can try and find loop holes and justify it all you want.It doesn\'t matter. The fact remains you are thief and no better than a criminal goin\' into Wal-mart stealing a cd. As I said before, go on with your "fight the man" mentatlity, but don\'t cry once you or your friends get sued . You had it coming.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: (e) on September 10, 2003, 03:18:38 PM
My idea about this shit:

These "musicians" are sitting in their one of many mansions, driving around their ferrari\'s, porsches, and riding in limos, eating at extremely expensive restrurants, buying 100$ pairs of pants, and just wasting cash.

Then they go and complain about not getting enough money.

Jesus christ- **** them, they are on the news, mtv, radio everywhere and they complain they arent getting a good deal for pulling out this shitty music and publisicing the shit out of it until they make a new one and flush the old one.

**** them.
**** this music industry.
**** those "musicians".

*Turns on some Naglfar*
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 10, 2003, 03:39:58 PM
My idea about Spudz posts (and ninety percent of \'em)

Teen Angst.

Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: (e) on September 10, 2003, 03:43:08 PM
It is my title aint it..

****idy **** ****
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Coredweller on September 10, 2003, 03:45:04 PM
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Keep thinking what you want, but I will sit back and laugh while all of these peopl are being sued by the RIAA. I just think it\'s a shame they are offering to cut deals for the thieves.

Fact: Downloading music over Kazaa is stealing.  You can try and find loop holes and justify it all you want.It doesn\'t matter. The fact remains you are thief and no better than a criminal goin\' into Wal-mart stealing a cd. As I said before, go on with your "fight the man" mentatlity, but don\'t cry once you or your friends get sued . You had it coming.
I don\'t understand your stance on this LIC.  What\'s your interest in this?  You can say all these activities are against the LAW, etc.  That\'s all well and good.  But you go on to say that you laugh at people who get sued, and you hate the idea of amnesties and settlement deals.  Why are you so pro-RIAA?  Are you buddy buddy with someone in the industry, or something?

The record companies have been STEALING from their own customers for years with artificially high prices.  They realized massive savings in production costs after converting from the older vinyl standard to compact disks, but they did not pass the savings on to customers. Instead they raised their prices and profits.

Now some of us are stealing it back.  The law may be on their side, but don\'t suggest that the moral advantage is theirs also.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SirMystiq on September 10, 2003, 03:52:16 PM
Actually it\'s bullshit that some people get less money for suing for something that makes sense, while this freaks are getting 15k a pop.

Im a thief. So what? Ohh man poor Justin I feel so bad for stealing his only good song.

This "stealing is wrong" bullshit isn\'t going nowhere. Suing 15 year olds for something they probably didn\'t see illegal is bullshit. Half the kids in my school don\'t even know about this "legal" action. It\'s bullshit that they let our ISP\'s give out our PERSONAL information, which they under a contract promised to KEEP this information secret. Unless some people from the RIAA(who are extremely poor) pay them a couple of thousand to get this info. Garbage. Bullshit. I don\'t hate them for what they are doing. Im stealing and I admit it. I hate them for going as far with this as they are going.

And please stop stereotyping this as "teen angst", b/c it\'s not just teenagers that are doing this.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 10, 2003, 03:57:52 PM
Originally posted by Spudz
My idea about this shit:

These "musicians" are sitting in their one of many mansions, driving around their ferrari\'s, porsches, and riding in limos, eating at extremely expensive restrurants, buying 100$ pairs of pants, and just wasting cash.

Then they go and complain about not getting enough money.

Jesus christ- **** them, they are on the news, mtv, radio everywhere and they complain they arent getting a good deal for pulling out this shitty music and publisicing the shit out of it until they make a new one and flush the old one.

**** them.
**** this music industry.
**** those "musicians".

*Turns on some Naglfar*

What about those musicions who can barely scrape enough money together to go on tour?  Or to even make an albumn?  What about those that work their entire lives to make art, and not sell-out to the consumer.

You\'re in a band, how would you feel if you finally got a record deal, and sold 1000 copies of your CD, and later found out that hundreds/thousands of people were downloading your songs for free and not buying your CD?
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SirMystiq on September 10, 2003, 04:01:03 PM
HA well if the art was really for the people. He should be proud that such a high number of people are diggin his shit and downloading this. Besides is going to probably get a sweet check for this. Unless you\'re some kind of money hungry hog who want\'s to go on tour all around the world singing the only song that got people to buy your CD in the first place.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SirMystiq on September 10, 2003, 04:05:11 PM
Originally posted by Kurt Angle

I think I may have found vid a new sig.;)

If he does and doesn\'t pay me the money I rightfully deserve I will sue. 15K a letter baby. I worked SO hard to come up with that.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 10, 2003, 04:23:32 PM
Originally posted by SirMystiq
HA well if the art was really for the people. He should be proud that such a high number of people are diggin his shit and downloading this. Besides is going to probably get a sweet check for this. Unless you\'re some kind of money hungry hog who want\'s to go on tour all around the world singing the only song that got people to buy your CD in the first place.

:rolleyes:  Stupidity at it\'s finest.

Making art for the people is one thing, but considering how much these people have to invest into making it, is it a little too much to ask that they be able to afford to buy instruements to keep making it?  To be able to make another record?  To be able to go on tour?

Perhaps you don\'t realize just how little money people make from each each CD sold.  An artist pretty much has to sell 500,000 copies of a CD just to break even.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 10, 2003, 04:33:42 PM
My stance is simple. I\'m tired of people whining and complaining now that the RIAA is taking action back against people stealing a product they put out. Yes, the over-charge, but that does not give you the right to break the law. I think a lot of things are over-priced, do I steal them? No, I don\'t. People just look for a reason to get something for nothing and with the internet its easier than ever. The internet has bred the new generation of cleptomaniacs.
(spell check!)
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Deadly Hamster on September 10, 2003, 04:40:57 PM
I Don\'t see whats wrong with downloading a few songs to see what a band sounds like, then buying the CD....
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 10, 2003, 04:44:45 PM
Originally posted by Deadly Hamster
I Don\'t see whats wrong with downloading a few songs to see what a band sounds like, then buying the CD....

But that\'s not what most people do.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 10, 2003, 04:52:17 PM
Originally posted by Deadly Hamster
I Don\'t see whats wrong with downloading a few songs to see what a band sounds like, then buying the CD....

Audio clips.
Most band / studio\'s websites have audio clips and there are services out there that let you preview before buying .
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Coredweller on September 10, 2003, 05:31:43 PM
Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware
What about those musicions who can barely scrape enough money together to go on tour?  Or to even make an albumn?  What about those that work their entire lives to make art, and not sell-out to the consumer.

You\'re in a band, how would you feel if you finally got a record deal, and sold 1000 copies of your CD, and later found out that hundreds/thousands of people were downloading your songs for free and not buying your CD?
Low and mid-level working musicians are exactly the ones who would benefit the most from a completely revised structure for the recording business.

If I were a relatively unknown musician trying to survive, I would forget all about the traditional "big record deal."  Musicians should focus first on improving their musicianship and songwriting.  Practice heavily with your band and make yourself a strong live-performing act.  Then play every live venue you can.  Build a local fan base.  Create a website for your band and promote the URL on every piece of property your band owns.  Post it everywhere.  Sell your music yourself on your website.  

You\'ll be able to sell the songs at an affordable price, so piracy won\'t be as big a problem for you.  You\'ll be able to reap the ENTIRE sale price of the music, instead of having a worthless record company leeching off of you.  Also, you can establish a much more personal connection with every one of your fans who buys your music.  You can send them direct mailings, and communicate with them through an online forum like this one.  Eventually, by selling other merchandise through your website, I could see a musician doing very very well financially... AND they wouldn\'t have to worry about a record company telling them what kind of music they can and cannot record.

This is a revolutionary time in the music business, and it makes me wish I was more involved.  Some day there\'s going to be a huge breakthrough artist who deliberately shuns all corporate music ownership and distribution.  When that happens, everything you take for granted about the record business will change.  You need to have some vision, just like the founders of the PC and Internet revolutions did.  It\'s a golden opportunity.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: GmanJoe on September 10, 2003, 06:08:25 PM
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Right. And how many people are doin\' this? Okay, then. Your loophole is void an null. Fan mixes and stealing are two different things. Don\'t try and confuse the subject.

 Keep thinking what you want, but I will sit back and laugh while all of these peopl are being sued by the RIAA. I just think it\'s a shame they are offering to cut deals for the thieves.

Fact: Downloading music over Kazaa is stealing.  You can try and find loop holes and justify it all you want.It doesn\'t matter. The fact remains you are thief and no better than a criminal goin\' into Wal-mart stealing a cd. As I said before, go on with your "fight the man" mentatlity, but don\'t cry once you or your friends get sued . You had it coming.

Hold on there, Captain America! I never denied it was stealing. I know what I stole. I know. And believe me, more and more people are doing this one bit change. Aren\'t you happy about that? It\'s not void like your skull, ya metal cladded attention whore! :p If they can\'t touch me, then why is the loop hole void?

I\'m a kazaa user. Here, lemme tell you what I download so you can stop making ass U mption. I download a lot of techno remixes of a lot of songs. And because that\'s what I favor, that is how I also stumbled upon the little tid bit regarding the loop hole. THEY CAN\'T TOUCH ME!

SO......I\'m here to let everyone know how to avoid "THE MAN".

Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Titan on September 10, 2003, 06:08:57 PM
I download songs, make mixes and delete them. Never sell or make profit. Just download songs I hear off the radio. I have intentions on buying the cds of the artists I download from.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: GmanJoe on September 10, 2003, 06:11:42 PM
Oh...and for those of you who think your average musicians make a lot of money from their CD sales.....WRONG! They make most of their income through concerts. How do I know this? Coz....I watch VH1 too. :p I saw the little documentary about this one group who made all this money....but in the end, got only $50,000 from the $2 million.

Oh well.

Your turn. :D
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SwifDi on September 10, 2003, 07:34:12 PM
I download music I like to hear, without any intention of ever paying the money for the album. I\'ll go to the concert, but I won\'t buy the CD. Not when it\'s out there for free.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SwifDi on September 10, 2003, 09:16:25 PM
In A.D. 2003
War was beginning
Teenager1: What happen?
Teenager2: Somebody set up us the P2P sniffer.
Teenager3: We get e-mail.
Teenager1: What!
Teenager3: Main mail client turn on.
RIAA: How are you gentlemen!
RIAA: All your MP3 are belong to us.
RIAA: You are on the way to bankruptcy.
Teenager1: What you say!
RIAA: You have no chance to pay us make your time.
Teenager1: Take off every share!
Teenager2: You know what you doing.
Teenager1: Move share.
Teenager1: For great lawsuit.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 11, 2003, 05:11:03 AM
Originally posted by Coredweller
Low and mid-level working musicians are exactly the ones who would benefit the most from a completely revised structure for the recording business.

If I were a relatively unknown musician trying to survive, I would forget all about the traditional "big record deal."  Musicians should focus first on improving their musicianship and songwriting.  Practice heavily with your band and make yourself a strong live-performing act.  Then play every live venue you can.  Build a local fan base.  Create a website for your band and promote the URL on every piece of property your band owns.  Post it everywhere.  Sell your music yourself on your website.  

You\'ll be able to sell the songs at an affordable price, so piracy won\'t be as big a problem for you.  You\'ll be able to reap the ENTIRE sale price of the music, instead of having a worthless record company leeching off of you.  Also, you can establish a much more personal connection with every one of your fans who buys your music.  You can send them direct mailings, and communicate with them through an online forum like this one.  Eventually, by selling other merchandise through your website, I could see a musician doing very very well financially... AND they wouldn\'t have to worry about a record company telling them what kind of music they can and cannot record.

This is a revolutionary time in the music business, and it makes me wish I was more involved.  Some day there\'s going to be a huge breakthrough artist who deliberately shuns all corporate music ownership and distribution.  When that happens, everything you take for granted about the record business will change.  You need to have some vision, just like the founders of the PC and Internet revolutions did.  It\'s a golden opportunity.

It\'s a nice dream.  I\'ll give you that.  :)  But it still has the same problems of current standards.  Why would someone buy these songs legitimately when they can just download them for free off of Kazaa?  Sure you\'ll profit more from the people who DO buy your stuff, as you won\'t have the record company taking 50%+ of your money, but that doesn\'t change the fact that you\'re still working extremely hard to earn a living, and people are STEALING your songs from you, denying the living you have rightfully earned.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Coredweller on September 11, 2003, 06:49:02 AM
A certain amount of stealing will happen, just like a certain amount of stealing happened back when music was distributed on analog media like vinyl records and cassettes.  People copied music with analog equipment for years.

You can\'t stop ALL the stealing, but it can be manageable.  If the artist prices their music reasonably, if they offer other enticements to buy it, such as a downloadable PDF CD booklet, if they offer other products for sale on their website, and if they make a substantial portion of their income from live performance, I believe a musician could do very well.

The only bad news is that musicians can\'t be dumb about business anymore, like the traditional stereotype.  They\'ve got to know what they\'re doing, and have a game plan.  That\'s going to result in some of the social misfits of music failing because they don\'t have any people skills... but change is inevitable.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 11, 2003, 08:17:20 AM
Originally posted by Coredweller
You can\'t stop ALL the stealing, but it can be manageable.  If the artist prices their music reasonably, if they offer other enticements to buy it, such as a downloadable PDF CD booklet, if they offer other products for sale on their website, and if they make a substantial portion of their income from live performance, I believe a musician could do very well.

Right, because a downloadable booklet wouldn\'t be available anywhere else, either?

A lot of bands do do things like merchandising, and most (small, at least) bands do rely on income from their live performance, but obviously it\'s very hard to do.  And even harder if people are stealing your music rather than paying for it.

Although, I think you already know this, and vice versa, so... :)
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Coredweller on September 11, 2003, 08:31:10 AM
I\'m saying that people steal the music because the price is too high, and they have a sense that they are stealing from a multinational corporation, not from a poor musician.  If the price is lower, and the product is supplied directly from the artist, a lot of people are going to find it harder to justify that behavior.

You\'re comparing my hypothetical situation to the way things are now, and saying the level of theft is going to remain exactly the same.  I don\'t think it will.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: videoholic on September 11, 2003, 08:35:56 AM

Down people.  Down...
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 11, 2003, 08:47:13 AM
Originally posted by Coredweller
I\'m saying that people steal the music because the price is too high, and they have a sense that they are stealing from a multinational corporation, not from a poor musician.  If the price is lower, and the product is supplied directly from the artist, a lot of people are going to find it harder to justify that behavior.

You\'re comparing my hypothetical situation to the way things are now, and saying the level of theft is going to remain exactly the same.  I don\'t think it will.

I don\'t think it would remain exactly the same.

You\'re situation is probably the best we could hope for, but it\'s really nothing but a pipe dream, and even so, it wouldn\'t eliminate the problem completely.

Edit:  And that\'s if it would eliminate the problem at all.  Without the mass exposure that can be given by a major label, bands really might not be able to afford to tour around the country giving their band the exposure it needs to sell more CD\'s.. in your situation.  There\'s many flaws, just as their are with the way things are now.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Coredweller on September 11, 2003, 09:19:07 AM
Yeah, I agree no system is perfect.  My utopian dream probably has lots of unanticipated problems.

BUT things are going to change one way or the other.  There is no avoiding it.  The audio CD standard is near the end of it\'s life cycle.  They stated as much in the current issue of Wired.  What will replace it?  Any physical media the record companies dream up will be hacked one way or the other.  They must realize that.  I know that music and video will be distributed almost entirely electronically in the near future; it\'s just a matter of the logistics.

So, the system we have now is going away whether we like it or not.  The system that replaces it may be better or it may be worse.  I\'m a "glass half full" person, so I\'m hoping for something better.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: (e) on September 11, 2003, 03:17:06 PM
You\'re in a band, how would you feel if you finally got a record deal, and sold 1000 copies of your CD, and later found out that hundreds/thousands of people were downloading your songs for free and not buying your CD?

I see your point but it doesnt work out that way for me.

If I did get a record deal- My first goal, accomplished, if we sold 1000 CD\'s, my life dream accomplished.

That means that over 1,000,000 know who I am. They know I am the drummer of this band. And know they like my music- I know I am looked up too, and I inspire others. I know my role, money isnt the key- I love playing my drums, and If I can play it for a job, then Im the happiest man on earth.

What about those musicions who can barely scrape enough money together to go on tour? Or to even make an albumn? What about those that work their entire lives to make art, and not sell-out to the consumer.

:laughing: THey are multi-millionares, I think they can afford to go on tour, and the band isnt paying for the album as far as I know, the RECORD company is because they are signed.

What is the difference between this and the radio? We listen to music on the radio for free, the band doesnt get paid money when they are on the radio. Could someone specify?
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 11, 2003, 03:31:37 PM
Originally posted by Spudz
I see your point but it doesnt work out that way for me.

If I did get a record deal- My first goal, accomplished, if we sold 1000 CD\'s, my life dream accomplished.

That means that over 1,000,000 know who I am. They know I am the drummer of this band. And know they like my music- I know I am looked up too, and I inspire others. I know my role, money isnt the key- I love playing my drums, and If I can play it for a job, then Im the happiest man on earth.

That\'s awfully dignified of you.  So you wouldn\'t mind the fact that after all that hard work, the total of all the money you will see from your CD sales will be no more than approximately $1000 to be split between you and 4 other people?  That\'s sure going to help you go on tour, and cover whatever other expenses you may have.

I\'m sure while you\'re working at McDonalds for the rest of your life, because your band can\'t sell enough CD\'s for you to be able to live off doing something that you love, that you might change your mind... ;):p

:laughing: THey are multi-millionares, I think they can afford to go on tour, and the band isnt paying for the album as far as I know, the RECORD company is because they are signed.

Who said anything about multi-millionaires?

What is the difference between this and the radio? We listen to music on the radio for free, the band doesnt get paid money when they are on the radio. Could someone specify?

There\'s a big difference between listening to the radio, and stealing music.  Perhaps if you recorded the music off the radio, then it would be a closer analogy.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: (e) on September 12, 2003, 04:03:09 PM
and people do that all the time..

First of all, I wont work at a mass production of grease slob burgers, and I would be a drum teacher, or own a drum/music shop as my business. You know the business that would be booming their if the guy that owns it is a rockstar?

I have my life practically planned, and I know what I want to do. If people are listening to my music, and enjoying it- Im happy, Im famous, I\'m known, I am played on the radio, my music videos are watched, and people want my autograph.

Having somebody look up to me, and see me as a role model is more important than money. I grew up, and am growing up without a role model, and I know how hard it is. I dont want others to go through it.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: videoholic on September 12, 2003, 06:00:00 PM
File sharing has gone up this month.

Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Capcom on September 12, 2003, 07:52:00 PM
The recording industry has sort of brought this on themselves. They chose to embrace a technology that leant itself to be copied. They have not worked to please the customers. I mean how many years must we endure high cd prices for a single song?

Now that the internet has come along. Instead of embracing it, and offering songs for download at a reasonable price. They have chose not to until just recently,  and that is a somewhat limited response.

I myself do not download songs. Hell for the most part I live in a music free world. I find it sickining though that a multi-billion dollar enterpise can not protect it\'s assets from Joe Six Pack without running to the goverment. If you use a shared technolgy like cd\'s or dvd\'s you lend yourself out for piracy.

Piracy is a cat and mouse game. It has been and probably will be for a long time. If the music industry wants to fight this. Make it easier to pay for it, rather than go through the time and expense of obtaining a song otherwise.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Coredweller on September 12, 2003, 08:04:40 PM
The redbook audio CD standard was developed at a time in the 1980s when a cutting edge home computer typically had an 8088 cpu.  The idea of storing computer data on a CD, or having a CD-ROM drive on a PC, or having enough CPU horsepower to decode an mp3 file in real time was ludicrous.

You can\'t blame the RIAA for choosing a bad standard.  Besides, any copy protection scheme they came up with would have been hacked anyway... just like the DVD standard was.

Apart from that, you\'re correct.  The record companies have displayed a remarkable myopia when it comes to addressing difficult problems like this one.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Capcom on September 12, 2003, 08:21:14 PM
Originally posted by Coredweller
The redbook audio CD standard was developed at a time in the 1980s when a cutting edge home computer typically had an 8088 cpu.  The idea of storing computer data on a CD, or having a CD-ROM drive on a PC, or having enough CPU horsepower to decode an mp3 file in real time was ludicrous.

Since this is a gaming board I will call on the mighty power of the gamecube. It uses a hybrid dvd format that makes it extremly difficult to pirate. I could be wrong, but I do not believe it has been broken as of yet.

I may have come across wrong. What I was trying to state is that the music industry should have come out with a medium that was for music and music alone. Who developed the cd format itself? Was the music industry involved, or did they just come up with a sub-standard?

Edit: The encryption of the disk was compromised?? If I were the MPAA or the RIAA I would do my best to get a medium in existence, and fight to keep the medium itself protected. Sort of what Nintendo does. I am not at all familiar with copywrite laws and how it would work on a medium basis. I just can not help, but think if a company puts enough R&D into a product they can keep it moderatly safe without resorting to court.

I would like to see sales figures on DVD\'s since they have started to drop in price again. If a dvd is around 15 bucks or less. I can not help, but think this in of itself would discourage a fair amount of piracy.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Toxical on September 13, 2003, 03:39:35 PM
**** that, i owe them 30,000 already i guess
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Titan on September 13, 2003, 04:37:09 PM
How much do they sue per song? I hear reports ranging from 10 grand to 250grand.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 14, 2003, 05:59:10 AM
Here\'s one.

I love \'A Perfect Circle\' and I was dyin\' to hear the remix of their new song \'Weak and Powerless\' that is on the Underworld soundtrack. What did I do? I bought the soundtrack. Why? Because I\'m not a thief. Guess what? I hate most the songs, but I found two other songs that I liked. Oh No!

So, please take that bullshit about "cd\'s being to expensive" and most "songs are crap" stuff elsewhere.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: GmanJoe on September 14, 2003, 07:35:46 AM
We do. We go to Kazaa, gnutella, WinMX and the like. :p
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Coredweller on September 14, 2003, 08:00:34 AM
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
So, please take that bullshit about "cd\'s being to expensive" and most "songs are crap" stuff elsewhere.
The Underworld soundtrack is $14.99 on  At 19 tracks, that is $.79 per track, and it\'s a good value assuming all the tracks are complete songs.  Whether they\'re all good or not is beside the point in my opinion.  You take your chances, and if an artist\'s album is not consistent enough, you won\'t buy their next one.  

My complaint is with CDs like the Evanescence "Fallen" CD, which is $13.49 for 11 tracks, or $1.22 per track.  You may say I\'m splitting hairs, but the fact is that I do still pay for CDs from artists that I really know I\'ll like.  HOWEVER, I no longer take chances on purchasing CDs from artists I\'m not sure about.  If all popular music CDs were priced around $.79 per track, that Evanescence CD would have been $8.69, and I probably would have bought it.  

There is an acceptable price point, and then there is gouging.  It may be bullshit to you, but not to everyone.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Coredweller on September 14, 2003, 08:02:09 AM
BTW, you\'re ruining the experience by listening to the soundtrack before the movie comes out.  :p
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SirMystiq on September 14, 2003, 07:01:48 PM
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Here\'s one.

I love \'A Perfect Circle\' and I was dyin\' to hear the remix of their new song \'Weak and Powerless\' that is on the Underworld soundtrack. What did I do? I bought the soundtrack. Why? Because I\'m not a thief. Guess what? I hate most the songs, but I found two other songs that I liked. Oh No!

So, please take that bullshit about "cd\'s being to expensive" and most "songs are crap" stuff elsewhere.

HA...well most of us aren\'t rich enough to be able to buy CD\'s everytime we hear a good song, and just buy it for that new song. Some of us have a dog to fee, a car to gas, and a girlfriend.......

It might not seem much but at 16 all that cuts my budget down to 5 dollars...
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Phil on September 14, 2003, 07:06:19 PM
Originally posted by Coredweller
The Underworld soundtrack is $14.99 on  At 19 tracks, that is $.79 per track, and it\'s a good value assuming all the tracks are complete songs.  Whether they\'re all good or not is beside the point in my opinion.  You take your chances, and if an artist\'s album is not consistent enough, you won\'t buy their next one.  

My complaint is with CDs like the Evanescence "Fallen" CD, which is $13.49 for 11 tracks, or $1.22 per track.  You may say I\'m splitting hairs, but the fact is that I do still pay for CDs from artists that I really know I\'ll like.  HOWEVER, I no longer take chances on purchasing CDs from artists I\'m not sure about.  If all popular music CDs were priced around $.79 per track, that Evanescence CD would have been $8.69, and I probably would have bought it.  

There is an acceptable price point, and then there is gouging.  It may be bullshit to you, but not to everyone.

Unfortunately you can\'t go by how many tracks are on a CD to determine the price.  I have CD\'s with 7 songs that is the same length as a CD with 16 (a few of the tracks being only 30 seconds long).  Besides the record label could just cut corners and have the artists add interludes and such to even out the pricing.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Coredweller on September 14, 2003, 07:14:39 PM
Yes, I skipped the digression of stating that you can\'t follow a mathematical formula for these prices.  Otherwise, one of my favorite Yes albums, "Close to the Edge" would cost $2.37 because it contains 3 tracks.  That is obvious, so I didn\'t think it was worth mentioning.

Why not base it on total CD running time, for tracks that actually contain signal.  There is a way to do it intelligently.

MY POINT IS ... CDs are too expensive.  Otay.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 15, 2003, 12:22:41 AM
Originally posted by Coredweller
BTW, you\'re ruining the experience by listening to the soundtrack before the movie comes out.  :p

I figure the movie will suck . :D

Originally posted by SirMystiq
HA...well most of us aren\'t rich enough to be able to buy CD\'s everytime we hear a good song, and just buy it for that new song. Some of us have a dog to fee, a car to gas, and a girlfriend.......

It might not seem much but at 16 all that cuts my budget down to 5 dollars...

Three words:

Get A Job.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: mm on September 15, 2003, 04:26:00 AM
downloading one good song > paying 16$ for a cd with one good song and 10 shitty ones
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 15, 2003, 06:59:20 AM
I can\'t remember the last time a band put out one good song, and the rest were shit..
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: mm on September 15, 2003, 07:08:29 AM
walk into a cd store sometime

90% of the product are like this
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 15, 2003, 07:15:24 AM
No, 90% of the products have no good songs at all.

Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: FatalXception on September 15, 2003, 07:20:05 AM
Hot hot heat\'s last album had 1, possibly 2 good songs.

The cranberries have lots of albums that have 0 or 1 good song (mixed in with their good ones).

Metallica, the Offspring (now), the White Stripes.... they\'re all in the same boat.

The fact is that with a few notable exceptions, most groups release a lot of filler with their music.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 15, 2003, 07:21:38 AM
Originally posted by FatalXception
Hot hot heat\'s last album had 1, possibly 2 good songs.

The cranberries have lots of albums that have 0 or 1 good song (mixed in with their good ones).

Metallica, the Offspring (now), the White Stripes.... they\'re all in the same boat.

The fact is that with a few notable exceptions, most groups release a lot of filler with their music.

All shit.

Well actually, St.  Anger did have a couple of listenable songs.  But after a while, they too became annoying.  :)
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: mm on September 15, 2003, 07:23:35 AM i\'m right (as usual)
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: GmanJoe on September 15, 2003, 07:23:37 AM

You know it makes you RRRRANDY! YEAH BABY YEAH!!!
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 15, 2003, 07:26:09 AM
Originally posted by mm i\'m right (as usual)

Fraid not.  One albumn (which later became no albumns, as it too became 0 good songs) != 90%.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: mm on September 15, 2003, 07:28:25 AM
bob, please stop before you confuse anyone other than yerself
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 15, 2003, 07:29:38 AM
I\'ll simplify.

90% of the products have no good songs at all.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: FatalXception on September 15, 2003, 07:50:55 AM
So without downloading songs, you would be buying 9 out of 10 cds that would be crap.  Even going by what you heard on the radio is no guarantee of quality for the unreleased songs of a group.

that\'s 140 bucks for 1 good CD.  Yeah, I feel real guilty when I download.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: mm on September 15, 2003, 07:52:27 AM
90% of the products have no good songs at all.


Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 15, 2003, 08:19:38 AM
Originally posted by FatalXception
So without downloading songs, you would be buying 9 out of 10 cds that would be crap.

No, I don\'t buy crap.

Even going by what you heard on the radio is no guarantee of quality for the unreleased songs of a group.

Generally if a band is good enough to make one good song, they can fill an albumn (or at least have multiple good songs).  At least that\'s my experience with bands I like.

Edit:  Of course, word of mouth is probably the biggest way for me to decide which music I purchase or not.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bozco on September 15, 2003, 08:31:54 AM
Originally posted by SirMystiq
HA...well most of us aren\'t rich enough to be able to buy CD\'s everytime we hear a good song, and just buy it for that new song. Some of us have a dog to fee, a car to gas, and a girlfriend.......

It might not seem much but at 16 all that cuts my budget down to 5 dollars...

Well you have your priorities, I\'d say drop the dog if its making you break the law.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SirMystiq on September 15, 2003, 05:04:02 PM
Drop my doggie?
To me it makes more sense paying 30 bucks for dog food than 15 bucks for a one-song-wonder CD.

Im sorry LIC that I didn\'t explain right. See I HAVE a job, BUT I go to high school. Im a member of multiple after school activities and I only work fridays,saturdays, and sundays. SO excuse me if I can\'t afford to pay people who make 100000 an hour for a lousy CD...
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SwifDi on September 15, 2003, 08:46:18 PM
SirMystiq is mexican. :)
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Bozco on September 15, 2003, 09:07:24 PM
Originally posted by SirMystiq
Drop my doggie?
To me it makes more sense paying 30 bucks for dog food than 15 bucks for a one-song-wonder CD.

Well I guess stealing and having a dog is more important to you than losing the dog and not breaking the law.  More power to you.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: GmanJoe on September 15, 2003, 09:19:28 PM
I wonder what all you anti-kazaa people\'s opinion are on TiVo.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: SirMystiq on September 15, 2003, 09:28:01 PM
Well...Yeah my dog is more\'s not like im killing people here. Unless the "artist" are dying from hunger or something. My dog probably has more feelings.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: luckee on September 16, 2003, 04:36:04 PM
I just l;ove some of these justifications for stealing.

When I do DL music from the net..I know well what Im doing and do not look to justify it as some feel the need to. It is really halarious. Own up and be men/women......

How much who makes off what and how much it really costs to produce music is not the question as most use that as justification. It is principle..plain and simple. You would all try to sue anyone who got your music for free from the net if you were and artist..better yet..a starving artist.

I dont see the big deal with any of the things going on as I know for every way they concoct(sp) to prevent it..there are hundreds more that find a way to break it.

Difference between me and others as far as this stealing business is concerned. I will ALWAYS go out and STILL buy the cd and keep the burned one for backup. That is unless I only like one or two songs.

My first and probably last comments in this thread. Ive been biting my tongue alot, hopefully I can continue too as I have seen some completely moronic shit posted in this thread.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Coredweller on September 16, 2003, 04:41:13 PM
So basically, you\'re saying "I think you guys are idiots, but I\'m not going to tell you why.  Neener! Neener!"  :p
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: luckee on September 16, 2003, 04:43:52 PM
I kinda eluded to some of the reasons. Im also not exactly pointing fingers either as I can be considered no better. I just dont try to justify my stealing.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: GmanJoe on September 16, 2003, 04:50:01 PM
Well, you all know I own up to theivery. I never argued that it wasn\'t. Hell, it is stealing.

But it comes down to the ole philosopical question :

"If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, did it really fall?"

They don\'t know I exist. Therefore...... :p
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 17, 2003, 01:03:26 AM
Alright. We\'ve came to an agreement. It\'s stealing. It\'s breaking the law. You can be sued. So quit bitching when the RIAA does sue people.
End of story.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: Samwise on September 17, 2003, 01:26:36 AM
Well, I\'ve found a solution to the problem - for me at least.

My ISP has launched a music service. For about $7 a month I can:

- listen to a 30 sec "preview" of each song
- listen to 600 songs a month
- dl 60 songs a month
- dl and burn 10 songs (+/- a few)

Sounds ok to me.

Oh, they also have a bigger service, which costs $15 a month. Then I can listen to 2000 songs, dl 200 etc.
Title: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
Post by: GmanJoe on September 17, 2003, 04:15:33 AM
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Alright. We\'ve came to an agreement. It\'s stealing. It\'s breaking the law. You can be sued. So quit bitching when the RIAA does sue people.
End of story.

Was I bitching? Hells no! I was just spreading the nnnnnnnews. Stop making assumptions about me. Before you do, ask me first. That way, you don\'t make an Ass out of U and Mption. (Homer Simpson quote :D )