
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Mr. Kennedy on September 09, 2003, 03:02:12 PM

Title: Man ships himself to parents.
Post by: Mr. Kennedy on September 09, 2003, 03:02:12 PM
Weird, thing is, if he didn\'t open the box in front of the delivery man he would have gotten away with it.
Title: Man ships himself to parents.
Post by: Halberto on September 09, 2003, 03:33:57 PM
hehehehe, everything cool happens in DFW
Title: Man ships himself to parents.
Post by: GmanJoe on September 09, 2003, 04:10:49 PM
HE GOT CAUGHT???? SHIT! I was gonna do that! Now they\'re gonna be more strict!
Title: Man ships himself to parents.
Post by: THX on September 09, 2003, 06:21:33 PM
If he was Chinese you think he woulda said "SUPPLIES!" when he broke out?
Title: Man ships himself to parents.
Post by: Avatarr on September 10, 2003, 01:29:31 AM
AHAHHAHAHA.... I love it. :D

although I would probably slap you accross the room if you were in close proximity.
Title: Man ships himself to parents.
Post by: ooseven on September 10, 2003, 01:59:09 AM
Lets see he as in a cramped cold conditions with no food  or water and no regards to his well being… was he flying Coach class ? :laughing:
Title: Man ships himself to parents.
Post by: Kurt Angle on September 10, 2003, 03:37:33 AM
What a jackass, he must have been freezing.
Title: Man ships himself to parents.
Post by: GmanJoe on September 10, 2003, 04:29:53 AM
Originally posted by ooseven
Lets see he as in a cramped cold conditions with no food  or water and no regards to his well being… was he flying Coach class ? :laughing:

No kiddin\'! I was in a flight to Asia stuck between two fat ladies and there was no elbow room at all! Their fat arms were all over it! What made it worse was both were Indonesian Muslim and were quite upset with me when I asked for pork for our in-flight meals. Then when I ordered a Martini (shaken, not stirred ;) ) they asked that I move somewhere else.

I said no. :)
Title: Man ships himself to parents.
Post by: Avatarr on September 10, 2003, 05:32:57 AM
Why did you stay there if there were other places to move to?
Title: Man ships himself to parents.
Post by: GmanJoe on September 10, 2003, 05:40:40 AM
Coz the plane was full. And as far as I know, there are no seating on the wing. "Too windy" they say. Wimps. :p
Title: Man ships himself to parents.
Post by: ooseven on September 10, 2003, 05:44:48 AM
Originally posted by GmanJoe
Coz the plane was full. And as far as I know, there are no seating on the wing. "Too windy" they say. Wimps. :p

Trust me i always have the feeling that If economy airlines had their way they would buy up what’s left of the WWII allied bombing fleet and use them to cut even more costs.

It could be the first flight your on where you have to sit next to the tail gunner.  :wedge: :vader: :wedge:
Title: Man ships himself to parents.
Post by: kopking on September 10, 2003, 12:41:41 PM
is a unnystory, saw it on news tody, he would of got away with it, if he waited to get out a bit longer than he did, so the postma didnt see him, funny idea, hardly say i would try it....

but does make you wonder about airport security, and lucky the thing he was in wasnt handle v poorly, which i would of imagioned most packages are