
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: videoholic on September 11, 2003, 06:15:11 PM

Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: videoholic on September 11, 2003, 06:15:11 PM
Well how about the shower?
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Avatarr on September 11, 2003, 07:05:32 PM
I think that\'s against sports club rules.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: theomen on September 11, 2003, 07:58:48 PM
I pee in the shower even if I\'m not taking a shower.  If I wake up in the middle of the night and have morning wood, I don\'t try the "bend and pray" method, I just take it to the shower.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: SwifDi on September 11, 2003, 08:25:50 PM
Yup... But no peeing during a bath. A shower it all goes down the drain nice and clean.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: theomen on September 11, 2003, 08:45:46 PM
I don\'t take bath\'s, as I\'m not ghey
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: (e) on September 11, 2003, 09:37:18 PM
Baths remind me of boiling in your own sweat, dirt, and germs...

Just grosses me out..

I pee in the shower, all the hip kids do it.

BTW: vid stop spamming :D
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: The Stapler on September 11, 2003, 09:44:49 PM
I only pee in the shower if I forget to pee in the pool.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Samwise on September 11, 2003, 11:33:22 PM
I only pee in golden showers.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Avatarr on September 12, 2003, 12:49:34 AM
sometimes, I pee on little doggies.

they run so fast! :D
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Bozco on September 12, 2003, 12:58:25 AM
You sick ****s, I just piss into my toilet from my shower, that is if I\'m mid-shower.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Kurt Angle on September 12, 2003, 01:05:14 AM
Nothing wrong with pissing in the shower, as long as nobody else in in there at the time.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: ooseven on September 12, 2003, 01:10:19 AM
And they say that the level of intelligence and wit has gone down hill these days ;)

oh and p.s.

I Pee in the shower when I need to... much to the annoyance of Miss Moneypenny.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: videoholic on September 12, 2003, 03:44:39 AM
Originally posted by Kurt Angle
Nothing wrong with pissing in the shower, as long as nobody else in in there at the time.

You mean I can\'t pee on my wife\'s leg?

We call that foreplay.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: juslight on September 12, 2003, 05:05:25 AM
Everyone does it.

If you don\'t pee in the shower now, you will eventually.

once you try it you will do it regularly.  I don\'t know anyone who has ever quit.

I\'ve done it so much now that any time it rains, I pee my pants!!!!
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: theomen on September 12, 2003, 09:59:41 AM
Vid= R. Kelly?
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: videoholic on September 12, 2003, 10:13:13 AM
Ah, we have a few girls in our mits.

Come on dudes, pee in the shower!!!
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Unicron! on September 12, 2003, 10:19:46 AM
Originally posted by Spudz
Baths remind me of boiling in your own sweat, dirt, and germs...

Just grosses me out..

I pee in the shower, all the hip kids do it.

You stupid idiot.First have a shower and AFTER that have a bath :D
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: ooseven on September 12, 2003, 11:00:56 AM
Feeeeeoooowww boy am just glad that i wated to cast my vote.

unless Vid uses his other worldly admin powers to show another poll report.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Kurt Angle on September 12, 2003, 11:12:50 AM
So much for patient confidentiality. Thanks Doctor vid. ;)
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: videoholic on September 12, 2003, 11:23:22 AM
Hey no problem.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: kopking on September 12, 2003, 12:43:59 PM
ive issed in the shower, and sometimes tryt he trick shot, piss in the toilet, whilst in the shower...... my bathroom a bit weird,as i live ina boat, so isnt as bad as it sounds
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: videoholic on September 12, 2003, 01:29:01 PM
Kopking, what you said.  Does it have anything to do with pissing in the shower?
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Halberto on September 12, 2003, 04:59:00 PM
I try not to pee in the shower, but that warm water makes it way too hard. Btw omen, just lean forward against the wall YOU SICK FRAK
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: theomen on September 12, 2003, 05:30:20 PM
Well with my gigantic wang, that would mean I\'d have to hang by my feet upside-down :D
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Tetrad on September 12, 2003, 05:37:35 PM
Every morning or whenever else. I also have a habit of pissing in empy beverage bottles durring gaming sessions. No sense getting up I say.:p
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Capcom on September 13, 2003, 01:37:17 PM
I don\'t swim in your toilet.
Don\'t pee in our pool.

As someone that had a swimming pool when I was kid. It was the size of most public pools. I can remember when alot of people would come over. By the end of the day 30 people had not used the restroom once all day. I can remember the foam that would build up at the end of the day. It was a nasty disguisting sight. I finally got to the point that if I knew people were coming over I would just dump raw liquid chlorine in such quanity\'s that it would burn your eyes even before you went underwater. I also gave up swimming at the same time. I will never own a pool as long as I live. It is a cespool that is not worth the hassle.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Unicron! on September 13, 2003, 01:55:40 PM
Perhaps there was something wrong with the pool\'s filters?
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Capcom on September 13, 2003, 04:08:17 PM
Unfortunatly the filter was working. It was the type of foam you see in ponds where cattle urinate. 30 people x lots of soda x no bathroom breaks= lots of pee in the pool.

Also by the end of the day. The chlorine had worked to such a degree that the chlorine dropped to almost zilch.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Titan on September 13, 2003, 04:35:55 PM
If I have to go and already in the shower, I\'ll take a whiz right there. I sometimes pee in the pool. Depends on how bad I have to go. If I can hold it, I\'ll go to a urinal, if not, I let it loose. At the ocean, I just go in the water. Screw the portapotties :)
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: SER on September 14, 2003, 02:55:00 AM
I always used to pee in the shower...But for some reason I started peeing in the toilet before I head in the shower. I dunno.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: videoholic on September 14, 2003, 02:57:51 AM
At least you don\'t do it the other way around.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 14, 2003, 05:13:29 AM
Yeah. I don\'t see anything wrong with it. It goes down the drain and it isn\'t on you.
Perfectl a-ok and sanitary.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Kurt Angle on September 14, 2003, 06:05:54 AM
Anyone ejaculate in the pool/shower?

Just wondering.

*runs away*
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 14, 2003, 06:06:04 AM
Plus it\'s good for Athlete\'s foot..

Or is it Tinea?

Either way..
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: (e) on September 14, 2003, 12:35:18 PM
I had to pee on my hand once- it mightve been infected so I cleansed it with the almighty urine.

Stung, and stank, but it gave me this manly feeling.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Halberto on September 14, 2003, 01:19:18 PM
What the **** will piss do that will help an infection...?
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: (e) on September 14, 2003, 02:03:04 PM
Its cleanses it, i dont know the exact term.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Tetrad on September 14, 2003, 04:49:33 PM
It has amonia in it. You know they say to piss on yourself if you get stun by a jellyfish.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Titan on September 14, 2003, 05:22:22 PM
I didn\'t know that. I know if you piss on like a rag or handkerchief and hold it to your face, it works as a gas mask. During WWI, the French made a gas mask like that.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Tetrad on September 14, 2003, 05:36:10 PM
How do you breath through a piss soaked cloth?
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Titan on September 14, 2003, 06:00:43 PM
I dunno, same way as a water soaked cloth. Or you hold it a certain way so you can.
Title: OK, you are too good to pee in the pool.....
Post by: Samwise on September 14, 2003, 11:17:20 PM
Originally posted by Tetrad
How do you breath through a piss soaked cloth?

You don\'t. They made it to kill themselves so that they wouldn\'t have to fight. ;)