
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: GmanJoe on September 12, 2003, 07:22:04 AM

Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: GmanJoe on September 12, 2003, 07:22:04 AM

Yes. Year One will be the premise. This movie pretty much kicks out all the continuity problems caused by the other movies.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: Samwise on September 12, 2003, 10:11:15 AM
Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan. This can\'t be anything but good.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: ooseven on September 12, 2003, 11:16:20 AM
What No Arnold as Mr Freeze ??? :( :mad: :(

Teh Flim SU03kors teh b1g 0n3 !
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: Kurt Angle on September 12, 2003, 11:24:12 AM
No Michelle Pfeiffer??

*thinks back to her skin tight catsuit* :jack:
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: Coredweller on September 12, 2003, 12:18:16 PM
Damn, he will be a lot better than any of the previous batman actors, except Val Kilmer.  Nobody beats Kilmer.  George Clooney was bile inspiring.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: bradleyscott on September 12, 2003, 12:21:25 PM
Nothing beat the original anyway.  Michael Keaton = the best overall Bruce Wayne, Batman combo.  I hated how they turned the dark atmosphere of the first and (even though it kind of sucked) 2nd one, into the carnival-eque unreal city that Gotham became after Tim Burton left as director.  I mean Gotham went from a New York slum type city to the Unreal, Statues as big as skyscraper, Barnum and Bailey Circus type city that Schumachers produced.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: kopking on September 12, 2003, 12:51:32 PM
i read this only today, sounds good, out of them all so far micheal keaton was the best,though i expect bale to be better, yeah, gotham city did suck in the last 2, i hope they show more of hw batman is more of a pyscho in rubber, than in the others
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: Capcom on September 13, 2003, 01:31:24 PM
He can without a doubt pull of a convincing Bruce IMHO, but I am not to sure about Batman. I like that they did not go for the biggest name they could attain or choose another teen star.

I am curious how they are going to do this. Are they going to totally forget the Batman timeline? If you remember right it was up for debate wether there was a Batman for the first bit of the film. I think it would be a great concept for him only to don the Batsuit only at the very end of the movie. The rest of the movie have him trying to get a idea of costumes etc....
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: SER on September 13, 2003, 05:10:35 PM
Oh, I thought Year One was the car club from 2 Fast 2 Furious. :laughing:
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: FatalXception on September 13, 2003, 05:49:30 PM
I sure hope they go back to the gothic look from the first batman with keaton.  Sure, he wasn\'t the best batman ever, he was too shrimpy... but his acting is great, and the dark scenery, and humanity of batman is what made the first one the best movie.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: GmanJoe on September 13, 2003, 09:26:30 PM
I thought Keaton was too little to be a Bruce Wayne. I mean...he looked like a wimp. The comic book depicted Bruce as a big guy. IMO, Val Kilmer was a better Bruce Wayne.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 13, 2003, 09:41:12 PM
No one beats Michael Keaton - yeah he wasn\'t built but there is something most of you wouldn\'t know about and it\'s called "screen presence". Michael had this in spades. Val\'s Bruce was top-notch, but his Batman was lacking. Clooney, well Clooney was a f**kin\' diaster that I wish to forget.

With that said, I think Christain Bale will make a decent Batman, but I have no faith in Christopher Nolan, as I wasn\'t a fan of Memento or his previous works.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: SirMystiq on September 13, 2003, 10:58:21 PM
Nice. Christian Bale was great on Equilibrium
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 13, 2003, 11:57:37 PM
I likey Christian Bale.. for the most part.

Perhaps this\'ll be a Batman worth looking out for.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: ##RaCeR## on September 14, 2003, 03:53:41 AM
Is there any news on some kind of plot line? Will it continue from where it left off or will it go back to the very beginning?
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 14, 2003, 04:38:02 AM

Rumor villian: Scarecrow
I rather have a mob-boss.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on September 14, 2003, 05:41:50 AM
Scarecrow has been the rumored villain for years..
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: GmanJoe on September 14, 2003, 07:43:02 AM
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
No one beats Michael Keaton - yeah he wasn\'t built but there is something most of you wouldn\'t know about and it\'s called "screen presence". Michael had this in spades. Val\'s Bruce was top-notch, but his Batman was lacking. Clooney, well Clooney was a f**kin\' diaster that I wish to forget.

With that said, I think Christain Bale will make a decent Batman, but I have no faith in Christopher Nolan, as I wasn\'t a fan of Memento or his previous works.


"but there is something most of you wouldn\'t know about"

You\'re a bit presumptuous, aren\'t you? (oh, said most, so you can\'t mean me....could you? :p ) Consider the directors. If Val was in the first two movies, he would have been just as great as Keaton in the suit and better as Bruce Wayne. Schumacher fudged up the last one (the script and Arnold\'s puns were awful). I give him a C+ in the third Batmovie.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: Samwise on September 14, 2003, 07:52:37 AM
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
I wasn\'t a fan of Memento

YOU SICK ****!!!!

J/k :p
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: (e) on September 14, 2003, 12:31:03 PM
God- I hope its Scarecrow...

He is such a badass.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: cloud345 on September 14, 2003, 05:49:56 PM
I dont understand how scarecrow does any harm, a big fan or a match would get rid of him.....hes a bunch of hay in clothing, not that evil.......

They should make the bad guy the penguis&joker, like that scooby doo episode, that was an awsome episode, i think it had riddler in it to but im not sure.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: SirMystiq on September 14, 2003, 07:05:00 PM
But using the scarecrow is going to leave a whole lot of open space for special effects and what not...B/c doesn\'t he mess with people\'s fears?????

I tought all the Batman movies were great, I don\'t really compare them b/c to me they aren\'t sequels. Each one is their own story. Wait...let me correct that, all Batman movies were great except that dog shit Batman and Robin....Damn that was awful...
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: FatalXception on September 14, 2003, 09:41:27 PM
I would love to see a Batman: Knightfall (based on the book) movie.  But they can\'t really do that, cause they\'ve already ruined bane\'s character.

Anyone else read that batman novel (or the comic series of knightfall)?  If you haven\'t and you\'re a batman fan, you should read it.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 15, 2003, 12:19:11 AM
Originally posted by cloud345
I dont understand how scarecrow does any harm, a big fan or a match would get rid of him.....hes a bunch of hay in clothing, not that evil.......

They should make the bad guy the penguis&joker, like that scooby doo episode, that was an awsome episode, i think it had riddler in it to but im not sure.

I hate you.
The Scarecrow is a normal person who uses drugs to mess with people\'s fear. He just wears an outfit.

We do not need The Joker back or the Penguin. Infact, we don\'t need two villans.

And G-man, Kilmer was a decent Bruce, but a shit ass Batman.
Keaton all the way.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: FatalXception on September 15, 2003, 08:05:18 AM
I think part of the appeal behind scarecrow is that he is hyper intelligent, and fear is something that everyone has... and if exploited right, even Batman cannot easily overcome such strong feelings.

I hope, however that they stay with the more classic enemies.  No fantasy enemies with superpowers...
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: mm on September 15, 2003, 08:44:59 AM
im purposely keeping my mouth shut on this one
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: GmanJoe on September 15, 2003, 11:04:59 AM
Now my curiousity is peeked (sp?). :p A penny for your thoughts, mm. :p
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: FatalXception on September 15, 2003, 12:34:05 PM
I can\'t be sure, but mm would respond with something along the lines of this:

"The Batman movies, including this new film, is just another example of how hollywood makes clap-trap for the masses."
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: kopking on September 15, 2003, 12:39:25 PM
yea, i thought it sucked that they used 2 baddies at once, it was good in batman returns, and quite cool in batman forever, but it got boring, id rathe see just batman, v one badguy
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: Living-In-Clip on September 16, 2003, 01:39:12 PM
Originally posted by FatalXception
I can\'t be sure, but mm would respond with something along the lines of this:

"The Batman movies, including this new film, is just another example of how hollywood makes clap-trap for the masses."

Doubtful, because if I remember right, MM is one of the few people who agree with me that the original (1989) Batman was a work of art.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: GmanJoe on September 16, 2003, 01:44:20 PM
One of the FEW?????? Most people agree that the original Batman is the best of the lot.
Title: Christian Bale, the dragon slayer and American Psycho will be the next.........Batman
Post by: FatalXception on September 16, 2003, 01:53:18 PM
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Doubtful, because if I remember right, MM is one of the few people who agree with me that the original (1989) Batman was a work of art.

Alright.  That guess for a statement only applies to the sequels then.

Everybody loves the first one :)  (or at least they should).