Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Ace on September 13, 2003, 03:41:23 AM
Anyone go see Cabin Fever yesterday?
I was really looking forward to this one and it sucked!
Why can\'t someone make a good horror movie now-a-days?
Because they have run out of ideas? :p
it sounded like it could be really good, but the preview looks like crap, ill still see it though.
Originally posted by Deadly Hamster
ill still see it though.
And that is exactly why crappy movies still come out.
Final Destination was a superb film ,oh sorry we are talking about HORROR films and not Comedy ones…well then ...I suppose your right.. modern Horror films DO suck.
Not counting Fredy Vs Jason (still to see that yet)
I agree that new ideas are far an few between but if I am going to make a horror/gore movie I am going to do it right.
I thought Freddy vs Jason was OK. I did not expect more from that movie. This movie had some hype that made me think I was going to see an Evil Dead style movie.
Now maybe if I didn\'t pay attention to the hype and I happened upon this movie I might have thought better of it.
I swear I am going to make a damn horror movie someday.
I think Freddy vs Jason was targeted to the deticated fans of Freddy and Jason.Thats why it got mixed opinions.Some hated it, some found it ok and almost all fans of "Nightmare on Elm street" and "Friday the 13th" found it great.
And then again how much can you squeeze from old horror films with almost tenths of sequels?
May I suggest horror movies such as the eye. Give japanese style horror a chance. Yes I do realize the eye is not japanese, but it falls under a similiar vein as Ringu etc...
I thought the movie had a decent plot, but more so the movie was carried out really well. To be locked in a shed to die... having constant fear of infection... it was some really sick stuff guys...
I saw it the other day....
It was okay going through, but towards the end I didn\'t understand it all. The guy just started killing everyone in the end? The virus only spreads through drinking water? uhhhhhhhh I don\'t get what the animals had to do with anything? :laughing: Man, I don\'t know.....To top it off, was the ending supposed to be funny or did the writer/director just get bored or something? Only one part was good: the girl saying that they knew they were gonna die so lets hump each\'s others brains out. weeeeeee!
The ending was a ripoff of Night of the Living Dead.
Final Destination 2 was a gore fest. It was great.
I thought 28 days was a good terror movie. It was very unusual, spreading great story in with long classical music scenes in the wilderness, and fast, gory parts. I thought they really got the feeling of helplessness across throughout the movie. You never really get the feeling untill the end that the main character really has anything under control.
I haven\'t had a chance to see 28 Days yet. I may have to rent it today. Is it worth buying to add to my horror collection?
Which part Ace? The comedic part or the action of the guy part?
And yea, FD2 was a gore fest. It was better than Cabin Fever by a long shot.
Final Destintation 2 was not a "Gore fest". It was light and mainstream. I\'m sorry, but FD2 had minimal gore compared to a good B-flick and if you think FD2 was a "gore fest" you are a sheltered person.
Well, next horror movie for me will be the new "Texas Chainsaw" installment.
and for those w/ interest in spoofs, Scary Movie 3 is due out in October.
Originally posted by SER
Which part Ace? The comedic part or the action of the guy part?
Not sure what your asking. I\'m a little slow today. :)
28 days later is good, yah, id buy it...
ive seen abit about the eye capcom, iv seen in a store, to rent, will try and get it soon, an the 3 ring films