Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Capcom on September 13, 2003, 11:48:26 AM
I attempted my first purchase of music via
I tend to dislike most music, but there are a few linkin park songs I enjoy. Anyways long story short. To dl the song I want would cost me $8.94 U.S. There is 0 individual song dl\'s available for this group. The formats also appear to be wma so I am sure there will be some crap license that prevents me from playing it on any other pc other than this. I also imagine it would be difficult to burn to cd format. Alas after I signed up over 20 minutes ago. My username password is still not active. It would be easier to dl kazaa and then dl the song. Alot quicker also.
I am going to go ahead and purchase this whenever it lets me, and I will let you all know how it is.
I finally got it all to go, and here is my initial impression. I suppose I can burn this to cd only 3 times?? I also had to dl what appears to be a keycode that lets me play the music. The format is 128k .wma format. I would have preferred a higher bitrate with a different extension especially since I paid what is about half the price of a cd. I will attempt to burn these bad boys later.
As a side note you have to add money to dl music. I had to add $8.94 to my account to dl. Also the first place I signed up had squat to do with the site from what I can tell. Even though I was referred by that site. Go figure. I hope the comapny is reputable since it has my cc# :eek:
If anyone has any questions I will try to answer them about this service. Does anyone have any comments about purchasing music in this manner?
No comment, but I know that I\'m never going to use this service..
It\'s either retail or.. that word that has a K and 4 other letters in it, that downloads.. legal.. things..
Recording Industry Association of America
*Launches previously mentioned program*
I still use iMesh for all my downloads. Its free and easy :D Well not easy. I have a lot of problems. I\'m upgrading it now.
I plan on giving I-tunes a try whenever it opens itself up to non apple users. Hopefully that service will be a bit better. From what I understand they use .mp4 or somthing similiar. Hopefully with a better bitrate, and less strict license.