Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: videoholic on September 15, 2003, 05:26:53 AM
Hmmmm. New cartoon from the strongbad people...
Don\'t click any of those if you don\'t feel like wasting part of your life.
Well I chuckled once..
What the F()ck ????!!!???
Pretty old actually.
But very funny. :)
Well, I guess one man hobby animation studios have to break into the market with something.
"My spoon is too big. My spoon, is too big! MY SPOON is too BIG!! I am a Banana!" --> If you don\'t know what that\'s from... find out :p
that\'s from a film called rejected, and it\'s really cool. My brother bought the DVD....
thanks vid didn\'t catch the new one yet. The older ones are funnier but Strongbad can never do any wrong.
I love Stinkoman.
Does anyone know where I can download more cartoons from the guy that made Rejected?I love his style and abstract humor
I\'ve never seen any more of that groups work.. it was a fairly substansial collaberation of people on it, so maybe they got job offers, or just regular jobs after that. I\'ll do a quick search... maybe I\'ll find something.
that fourth one is new.