Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: videoholic on September 16, 2003, 11:30:32 AM
This is just sick. There is no talk of jail time for these kids, but damn if this isn\'t rape I don\'t know what is.
Be warned, the story is pretty sick.,0,4566864.story?coll=ny-top-headlines
I mean the story just talks about school and if they will be suspended, etc. What is this world coming to?
"pine cones":eek:
That\'s gotta sting just a little bit.
Originally posted by videoholic
What is this world coming to?
f\'k knows...... but if anything like that happened to anyone I know, I wouldn\'t rest until the guilty parties got what they deserved.
Iquetzu Ojah. Dont ask
Originally posted by Kurt Angle
"pine cones":eek:
That\'s gotta sting just a little bit.
He used his "Oh" face. (Office Space quote)
Those kids get what they deserve and I hope its not a suspension but expellsion from school and jail time.
Originally posted by Titan
Those kids get what they deserve and I hope its not a suspension but expellsion from school and jail time.
You mean explusion? :laughing:
Along with the perpetrators, their parents should be jailed, and then everyone should be caned. Yeah, that\'s it. :)
The parents of the victims should have a handsome lawsuit against the school district.
You mean EXPULSION!!
Yeah, kicke em out and don\'t ever let them see a football again..
The perfect thing to do is shove a football up their ass.
heh, well who knew there were gay rednecks in Pennsylvania? Hope the f*$#ers get some jailtime.
I hope they go to the booty house *ass* they will be anal raped once the others find out why they are in..and they will find lying about why your locked up is even worse.
something similar happened to a guy at my schoo. 5 football players ganged up on a freshmen and shoved a coke bottle up his ass.
Thats so dirty... Not even funny from any perspective, just disgusting.
I think they should rename the team to the Mepham ass Pirates as punishment.
Right now, the Mepham Pirates are scheduled to open their season on Saturday against Franklin Square\'s Carey High School.
I Still don\'t understand this American ideal that Sporting Talent = Above the LAW.
FFS we have locked up some of our sporting talent for LESS..
on my local news show they were talking about how the kids were sodomized with a broom stick, then one of the anchors said "wow, the janitor must be pissed" the entire cast was cracking up for like 20 minutes. Pretty funny stuff.