Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: SER on September 17, 2003, 06:36:44 AM
Who wants to try this out? :D:D:D
wtf, why do morons try and rice out $10,000 cars?
honestly, if i see another riced out neon, saturn, cavalier, ultima, or CRX im goign to vomit
if you own any of the above, your car sucks. accept it and continue to drive it normally
Voila! finished kickass product!
no, voila! perfume on a pig!
i bet his mom is pissed he messed up her cavalier
You didn\'t mention Tercel! :laughing:
Originally posted by mm
wtf, why do morons try and rice out $10,000 cars?
no, voila! perfume on a pig!
i bet his mom is pissed he messed up her cavalier
Their usual answer is "Why spend $24,000 on a turbo charged car when you could get a Civic for $14k, use the remaining $10k on NAAAWS, BODY KITS, STICKERS, WINDSHIELD BANNERS, LEDs on the vavle stems and windshield nozzles....oh and Spinnerz" :p
so in stead of buying my wrangler, i should have bought a geo tracker and put all that shit on it?
If you wanna pay $10,000 (on top of the cost of the car) to look like an idiot (which I gather you have better taste than that), suure. :p
i got bored here at work
i swear if i ever saw that on the street, i would die laughing
Is that a naked man painted on the hood? I see no boobies.
is funny howsome peep cn think this stuff looks cool..... and the rest of the world just shakes there head in amazment of it all, i would be soooooooooo embarresed to even get in one of thoe cars
I remember seeing something on top gear a while back about some yank who had tarted his car up with MDF spoilers, it looked absolutely shite, none of the above have anything on it on the shagwit-ometer scale.
Originally posted by mm
wtf, why do morons try and rice out $10,000 cars?
honestly, if i see another riced out neon, saturn, cavalier, ultima, or CRX im goign to vomit
if you own any of the above, your car sucks. accept it and continue to drive it normally
HEY! Don\'t include the CRX on that list! :D
I would love to have a CRX SiR, but it would look very stock from the outside... NOT RICE. :laughing:
Those look like absolute shite.
Those look like absolute :ghey:
ooseven sings Electric6\'s smash hit GAYBAr , but changes the words so that it GAYCAR.