Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: GmanJoe on September 17, 2003, 11:01:42 AM
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Ghey! :D
Well, ghey or not, he\'s Darth Vader.
ha ha, doesnt look all that similar, but does kinda, cant wait for the new film, should hopefully rock
Originally posted by kopking
cant wait for the new film, should hopefully rock
Ok now i know kopking is either drunk or on drugs..or BOTH :eek:
IMO they should title the next film.
Star wars episode 3 : “The :ghey: ass one that no one cares about anymore…oh yeah thank Lucas for F()cking up what could have been great.”
Lucas is the Devil... ;)
what the fvck is up with that long-hair-Raiden-pretty-boy trend ? Yuck !:o
You know in all the years I grew up with the original Star Wars Trilogy, I never in my life could imagine Darth Vader being a skinny ass pretty boy who wouldn’t look out of place in N’sync.
star wars = ghey
I don\'t see why all you people flame Episodes 1-3. What do you find the movie lacking in? Story, action, sound, special effects?
Whatever, I think the movies rank up the with LotR.
You\'re all gay. Especially those who hates Episode 4,5 and 6. :p
Originally posted by ooseven
You know in all the years I grew up with the original Star Wars Trilogy, I never in my life could imagine Darth Vader being a skinny ass pretty boy who wouldn’t look out of place in N’sync.
Well look how luke turned out...I would assume from lukes appearance his father would be a skinny ass pansy as well.
Originally posted by ViVi
I don\'t see why all you people flame Episodes 1-3. What do you find the movie lacking in? Story, action, sound, special effects?
You mean there\'s actually a plot? I thought it was just a demoreel for ILM. That would also explain the woody acting.
Wasn\'t she killed in a car crash in Paris in 97 whilst being chased through a tunnel by international papperazzi?
Originally posted by ooseven
Ok now i know kopking is either drunk or on drugs..or BOTH :eek:
IMO they should title the next film.
Star wars episode 3 : “The :ghey: ass one that no one cares about anymore…oh yeah thank Lucas for F()cking up what could have been great.”
Lucas is the Devil... ;)
thats why i said it should HOPEFULLY rock:wave2: :wave2: :wave2: :thepimp:
Originally posted by Cerberus
Wasn\'t she killed in a car crash in Paris in 97 whilst being chased through a tunnel by international papperazzi?
Is he serious?
that was princess diana you dick smack
Originally posted by TheGR81
Is he serious?
that was princess diana you dick smack
What do you think?
Originally posted by ViVi
I don\'t see why all you people flame Episodes 1-3. What do you find the movie lacking in? Story, action, sound, special effects?
Whatever, I think the movies rank up the with LotR.
You REALLY are a sick bastard !
Take that BACK !
I don\'t think they are anywhere near LOTR, but I also didn\'t think they were bad either.
why isn\'t he all beardy and stuff?
Originally posted by Avatarr
why isn\'t he all beardy and stuff?
Because he\'s probably not manly enough to grow anything more substantial than "bum fluff"
The actor probably gets 5x more pussy than anyone in here
20x is my bet.
But who is Uma Thurman?
They should have cast an elm tree rather than that loser.
They could have gotten more emotion and responsive out of a tree.
Originally posted by Spudz
But who is Uma Thurman?
You really don\'t know? I guess you don\'t watch a lot of Tarantino movies. :p Or Gattaca. ;)
Well, if you\'re going to see Kill Bill then she\'ll be in it.
could be worse...they could have waited a few years and have Jake Lloyd play him again.
What a tw*t!
I hated him in Ep.1
"I\'m a person,my name is anakin!"
oscar winning material I tell you!
they shoulda got the sixth sense kid.
Originally posted by Avatarr
they shoulda got the sixth sense kid.
What with a blaster or light saber ? ;)
How bout Poision Ivoy in batman thats Uma
or the avengers wich sucked but some must have seen it...
They look nothing alike. Uma is beyond hot and this is uhm, some dude.
With that said- it\'s actually a rather decent picture.
i RE/\\/\\ |>ER THE AVE |\\|GERS, IT SUCl
SORRY I A/\\/\\ FIXI|\\|G /\\/\\Y lOARD,