Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Capcom on September 18, 2003, 09:20:30 PM
I just got back from watching cabin fever tonight. This was the most fun I have had at a movie in years. It takes the 70\'s atmosphere, and twists it in an incredible way. We have all seen our fair share of older horror movies. It takes the premise, and what you expect. Then it throws you for a loop. It should not be considered a horror movie. It is more of a comedy that will have you on the floor laughing.
For those of you that have watched the movie. All I have to say is pancakes!!!
i heard it sucked, then again that was coming from critics
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wtf? That was the WORST movie ever. No one is saying that this is a "comedy" movie, but dang... it does kinda pass off as one towards the end. I swear it is just freakin stupid. Don\'t waste your time!
I went into it thinking it was suppose to be a horror. I was wrong. The movie pays homage to a ton of movies. Perhaps you need to be a horror fan to truly enjoy it?
MTV gen films = Crap
Mtv gen films such as final destination? I have a very large dvd collection," in the 500 range" and for the most part I avoid new releases. Cabin Fever will be one of the few new releases I will purchase. I only hope it has a commentary track.
Perhaps Capcom... But for the regular movie viewer, it SUCKED!
somebody actually likes Teen Horror Movies?!?
at least Freddy vs Jason ddi it well.
They suck.period.
and this was donkey balls.
Originally posted by Capcom
Mtv gen films such as final destination? I have a very large dvd collection," in the 500 range" and for the most part I avoid new releases. Cabin Fever will be one of the few new releases I will purchase. I only hope it has a commentary track.
No final destination = Comedy not horror...
havn\'t :laughing: so hard since i saw Evil Dead Part 2.
but still Evil Dead Part 2 >>>>>>>> final destination
Bruce Campbell is almost God like.
Originally posted by ooseven
Bruce Campbell is almost God like.
fifaseriesfan sobs with just made my year with that quote man
Dolts. All of you are dolts!
I went in expecting it to be crap, but it was a great paraody / indie film in most respects. Personally, I loved it. And I\'m extremely picking..
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
And I\'m extremely picking..
Noooo, really!? ;)
I haven\'t seen it yet, but I will if it\'s released here.
Another Bruce Campell fan here
The amazing thing is, most of you people are fans of Final Destintation 2 and it\'s "dark comedy" aspect and gore (which it failed in both catergories, for the record) and don\'t like Cabin Fever, which up\'s the ante on both aspects and succeeds.
The fact that so many people on this forum seem to hate Cabin Fever suggests to me that I\'ll probably like it.
With a few exceptions, psx2central = no taste in cinema.
So, very true.
The fact that ooSeven mentioned "MTV GEN = suck" and has stated he like\'s "Final Destintation" is a contradiction, in itself.
P.s.... 0wned! [/size]
Movie sucked if you really like horror movies. If it wasn\'t hyped so much I might have enjoyed it more.
I think it just sucked. While I was watching it I could only wish that I was watching the original movies it was ripping off.
Originally posted by SER
Perhaps Capcom... But for the regular movie viewer, it SUCKED!
Joe Six Pack is an idiot for the most part. Thus the reason I used Final Destination as an example above.
Originally posted by Ace
Movie sucked if you really like horror movies. If it wasn\'t hyped so much I might have enjoyed it more.
I think it just sucked. While I was watching it I could only wish that I was watching the original movies it was ripping off.
*shakes head*
What is so hard to understand here? It was a paraody of those movie\'s. You know, like Scarey Movie, \'cept it actually done it a lot better.
Granted, this film isn\'t for everyone, but I thought Eli Roth made a damn good first film. It was marketed wrong though, people go in expecting horror and it\'s a dark comedy.
Shake your head until it pops off. I undersood it and I still didn\'t like it.
Where did you hear that it was going to be in the style of Scary Movie? I heard horror comedy.
Never said I heard it was like Scary Movie. I said it was like Scary Movie, \'cept done right.
I also said it was marketed wrong.
Read, people, read!
Then I was sold a bill of goods. I think Eli Roth comes from my area of the world. If I see him walking around I might have to give him a dope slap.
I will go see the new Texas movie when it comes out. I\'m sure it will suck also.
Edit:By the way, I don\'t think he wanted to make a movie that was in the same vein as Scary Movie.
*Ace waits for a real horror director to hit the scene.*
I\'m sure Eli Roth didn\'t intend for it, as I have read interviews where he talks about how scary it is and what not - and then the cast talks about how they thought it was a great dark comedy / paraody and how Eli Roth hated when they reffered to it as that.
The new Texas Chainsaw can suck my nuts, along with the remake of \'The Toolbox Murders\'. One can suck the left nut, while the other sucks the right.. They both are goin\' to suck pretty hard, by the way.
I haven\'t seen any of the films this movie supposedly pays homage too, so I guess I won\'t be able to appreciate it as you guys do. I went into the movie thinking it would scare my ass off (as it was marketed).....But all I got were stupid scenes that left me confused...And I was laughing because it was just so stupid. At least I got to see nice tits though. :) And it was weird seeing that Boy Meets World guy getting his brains humped out! :eek:
It was marketed wrong though, people go in expecting horror and it\'s a dark comedy.
My friend and I were pissed. I\'m not a fan of horror films to begin with so I wasn\'t expecting much, then it throws in the awful humor and turns out to be pointless.
But if you go into a movie expecting to be scared I mean it\'s just not going to happen. When was the last time a movie actually scared anyone? It\'s been a while for me thats for sure.
I walked into the theater on a bathroom break from another movie and saw a scene that was(apparently only to me) hilarious. Some guy\'s arm was on fire and then they cut away from him for like a second and then they go back and he is completely on fire and running away. Shit had me rolling.
I might go see it if its supposed to be a comedy because that scene was at least an 80 on the Unintentional Comedy Scale.
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
I\'m sure Eli Roth didn\'t intend for it, as I have read interviews where he talks about how scary it is and what not - and then the cast talks about how they thought it was a great dark comedy / paraody and how Eli Roth hated when they reffered to it as that.
That story actually reveals a lot about Cabin Fever, in my opinion. It\'s obvious that the director was trying to make a scary film, and failed. You say it was a "dark comedy" but if so, it was unintentionally so, and that\'s the worst kind. Some have said it\'s a parody of other films, or "pays homage" to them. That\'s wrong too. It\'s a weak imitation of a genre, and entirely inadequate. The casting was terrible. TERRIBLE. Deputy Winston had to be a non-actor, or at least I hope to god he is a non-actor. If that son of a b1tch calls himself an actor, I might have to track him down and smack him with a baseball bat myself.
So I think you all get the gist. I was wrong, and this film was crap. I stand corrected. :)
Originally posted by Coredweller
Deputy Winston had to be a non-actor, or at least I hope to god he is a non-actor. If that son of a b1tch calls himself an actor, I might have to track him down and smack him with a baseball bat myself.
Actually he has some 20 credits to his name as an actor. ;)
Interesting, he was actually in some real films like American History X. Oh well, no matter. Looks like I have a mission. Get ready to have your ass kicked, Giuseppe Andrews! :p
Weird, he was one of the few things I enjoyed about this movie.