Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Proud To Be on September 20, 2003, 05:44:00 PM
Well it has been a long time since I\'ve visited the forums but its due to good cause.
I\'ve been a United States Marine since June 13th, hard work, but I love what I do and who I am. Im now stationed with 1st LAR(Light Armored Recon), H&S(Headquarters and Service) Company Motor Transportation Platoon in Camp Pendleton, CA. Its not to far away from where I originally came from(about an hour due east.) My unit just got back from Iraq, unfortunately one less Marine then what they left with. RIP Lance Corporal.
Now we have a deadline, October 10th to get all of our vehicles ready for combat once again.
Anyway, Im back and trying to get into what Ive missed all this time. I just picked up Madden 2004 and SH3. I have no idea what Ive missed but thats what ya\'ll are for. Fill me in. I may not have much time to play but the time I do have, needs to be worth it. Madden 20004 is definately one of those games. I havent had a chance to get into SH3 but I had to pick it up when I saw it.
It\'s good to be back. :thepimp:
Semper Fi
Camp Pendleton, CA.
Dude- my brother (Murphy aka Arthur Raymond) graduated their. I believe he is Sarge. 1st Class. He graduated last summer.
By any chance have you met him?
BTW: He came back from secret training in the Philipines a while ago- it seems so badass.
Welcome- although I never knew you.
Spudz, I bet your brother got some Filipino girl pregnant and in a few years she\'ll be calling him asking him for child support. :D
Welcome back Proud To Be, I remember you (though, not too well.. :)).
Hope you enjoy your stay.
Welcome back dude. :)
We were newbs together! Sup.
who are you people?
Ah, another proud member with an aniversary date in Rocktober.
Rocktober Fest III is coming soon
Welcome back.
Originally posted by Spudz
Dude- my brother (Murphy aka Arthur Raymond) graduated their. I believe he is Sarge. 1st Class. He graduated last summer.
Seargent First Class is the Army. ;)
Camp Pendleton is a Marine Corps base.
What did your brother graduate from?
Originally posted by SER
Spudz, I bet your brother got some Filipino girl pregnant and in a few years she\'ll be calling him asking him for child support.
That stuff really happens, but they want you to marry them instead of plain child support so that they can come to the Beloved States. Frickin hoodrats everywhere. Got to watch out.
Seargent First Class is the Army.
Camp Pendleton is a Marine Corps base.
What did your brother graduate from?
Oops sorry about that- he was in the army- and was Seargent First Class :laughing: Thats why his nick name is Sarge.
He also graduated from Camp Pendleton. I believe he is a Plantoon leader- but dont quote me on that- the ranks are so hard to keep in order- he is climbing them like ladders, as he did in the army.
Spudz, I bet your brother got some Filipino girl pregnant and in a few years she\'ll be calling him asking him for child support.
God- what a great way to give your support to the guy who is fighting for you God damn life and freedom.
PTB, you were a in Iraq? If so, thats awesome :) I\'d like to hear stories if you were. I love war stories.
what\'s up fellow rocktoberman!
Originally posted by SER
Spudz, I bet your brother got some Filipino girl pregnant and in a few years she\'ll be calling him asking him for child support. :D
That was so funny.... no it wasn\'t
Yeah- that was low SER.
Im suprised you havent been flamed more.
(Hopes to bring on the \'flame\'age)