Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: (e) on September 20, 2003, 06:55:23 PM
You have been convicted, and tried guilty of murder. Your dying today- what is your last meal?
-Nice chicago style pizza- w/mushrooms
-10 pounds of the stuff to make smores
-A nice big steak- medium rare, with some A1 sauce, and Curly fries.
-PB&J sndwch, on wheat bread.
-Rootbeer Float
-Anything alcholic- just to try it. :D
-The biggest strawberry cheesecake you can get.
Fried rice and sweet and sour pork. :laughing:
Well since it was my last meal I wouldn\'t have to worry about calories, so here it goes.
Bid ass round table pizza
English fish and Chips
Cheese Cake
6 pack of smirnoff ice
6er of Mikes Hard Lemonade
and p*ssy
Body Armor
Getaway Car
I don\'t care, as long as it takes long to prepare
700g rump steak medium done
Strawberry cheescake
Double choc icecream
bottle of Finlandi vodka with raspberry fanta
Fish and chips
BBQ baby back ribs
some good old french redwine
a strawberry cheesecake for me also
Fried Chicken
Baked Macaroni and Cheese
Candied Yams
Peach Cobbler
Sausage, chips and irn-bru =]
beer and spicy pork rines
Your black arent you? :laughing:
FOrgot to add: a gallon of milk- and a box of grahm crackers.
No, I\'m Phillipino.
Large Pepperoni / Mushroom / Ham / Sausage and extra cheese pizza.
Cherry cheesecake.
Vanilla Coke
^most artery clogging meal eva
like you\'re gonna care..
"ohh no, i can\'t have artery clogging food. It\'ll kill me"
Originally posted by Spudz
Your black arent you? :laughing:
Simply hillarious.
Originally posted by ViVi
Same difference
I think i liked ViVi when he was just a cute little shit. Now hes just gay.
He\'s (Gohan) just got a little soul. Something you all lack do to the whiteness in this thread :laughing:
Originally posted by Gohan
No, I\'m Phillipino.
I was just kidding.
I thought everyone knew that me and (i think)Luckee were the token black guys. I was sure that the grand wizard of TX would remember.
Weed, beer, and steak..... lots of steak.
Originally posted by ViVi
^most artery clogging meal eva
Yet, I have that meal at least once or twice a week.
A nice thick Japanese Kobe steak
Ise-Ebi (Japanese Lobster)
A big bowl of Shark\'s Fin Soup w/ Crab Meat
Peking Duck
Seafood Linguine Fra Diavolo (Lobster, Jumbo Shrimp, Calamari, Clams)
Strawberry Lemonade
Cherry Lemonade
Chocolate Cream Pie
Banana Split
A nice pardon...
T-Bone steak medium rare
steak fries
Chocolate cheescake
and a glass of dom perrion 2003 (and it has to be aged at least 60 years)
You guys know that, if they even let you have one, most last meals have to consist of things that are found in the prison cafeteria or that can be easily bought at a local store right?
Don\'t tell me that I\'m the only one here who has been on death row and got a pardon from the Governor 10 seconds before they threw the switch. I had to take a pound of mystery meat on my last day in the clink, and that was in the shower. Don\'t get me started on my "last" meal.
Originally posted by Gohan
You guys know that, if they even let you have one, most last meals have to consist of things that are found in the prison cafeteria or that can be easily bought at a local store right?
Don\'t tell me that I\'m the only one here who has been on death row and got a pardon from the Governor 10 seconds before they threw the switch. I had to take a pound of mystery meat on my last day in the clink, and that was in the shower. Don\'t get me started on my "last" meal.
thought everyone knew that me and (i think)Luckee were the token black guys.
I knew you and luckee were black- from the picture thread a while ago.
Its just funny how cornbread is their staple food. Im not being racist, its just the truth.
^^^No, viv. YOU are the racist. I thought we established this a long time ago. Spudz is cool.
Please explain your avatarr for everyone
BTW, you don\'t know me well enough to call me racist.
Originally posted by ViVi
Please explain your avatarr for everyone
Taken from
Civil Disobedience at the 1968 Olympics
It was the most popular medal ceremony of all time. The photographs of two black American sprinters standing on the medal podium with heads bowed and fists raised at the Mexico City Games in 1968 not only represent one of the most memorable moments in Olympic history but a milestone in America\'s civil rights movement.
The two men were Tommie Smith and John Carlos. Teammates at San Jose State College, Smith and Carlos were stirred by the suggestion of a young sociologist friend Harry Edwards, who asked them and all the other black American athletes to join together and boycott the games. The protest, Edwards hoped, would bring attention to the fact that America\'s civil rights movement had not gone far enough to eliminate the injustices black Americans were facing. Edwards\' group, the Olympic Project for Human Rights (OPHR), gained support from several world-class athletes and civil rights leaders but the all-out boycott never materialized.
Still impassioned by Edwards\' words, Smith and Carlos secretly planned a non-violent protest in the manner of Martin Luther King Jr. In the 200-meter race, Smith won the gold medal and Carlos the bronze. As the American flag rose and the Star-Spangled Banner played, the two closed their eyes, bowed their heads, and began their protest.
Smith later told the media that he raised his right, black-glove-covered fist in the air to represent black power in America while Carlos\' left, black-covered fist represented unity in black America. Together they formed an arch of unity and power. The black scarf around Smith\'s neck stood for black pride and their black socks (and no shoes) represented black poverty in racist America.
While the protest seems relatively tame by today\'s standards, the actions of Smith and Carlos were met with such outrage that they were suspended from their national team and banned from the Olympic Village, the athletes\' home during the games.
A lot of people thought that political statements had no place in the supposedly apolitical Olympic Games. Those that opposed the protest cried out that the actions were militant and disgraced Americans. Supporters, on the other hand, were moved by the duo\'s actions and praised them for their bravery. The protest had lingering effects for both men, the most serious of which were death threats against them and their families.
Smith and Carlos, who both now coach high school track teams, were honored in 1998 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of their protest.
An interesting side note to the protest was that the 200m silver medallist in 1968, Peter Norman of Australia (who is white), participated in the protest that evening by wearing a OPHR badge.
ummm.... food? i thought this thread was about food.
My new last meal (I\'m hungry right now AND on a low carb high protein diet so I\'m craving. *sigh*):
Stuffed Lobster Tails
Vanilla Coke
A Crystals sack full w/ cheese
Shrimp Parmigian(anyone else ever had this? mmmmm)
One of those eat it all and its free steaks
A quiznos sub(just cause I never had one)
and Cornbread ;)
Gohan Im on that diet tooo thank god for Dryers new carb watchers or something like that ice cream its the bomb oh and stuffed with the green chilies that nice too
And I\'ll continue to delete more of \'em, from both of you , if you guy\'s keep it up.
Read the subject title and post according to it. Not your racial preference.
corn bread
roast beef
hot dog
the hottest chili
(yes, I love the meat)
the biggest Cherry cheese cake
mint chocolate chip ice cream
mmm. now I\'m hungry
My last meal would be LIC on a kabob