Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: theomen on September 21, 2003, 06:24:00 PM
Would you rather be given 5 thousand bucks or get some ass from your favorite celeb?
Even though I\'d like the money, the fact I could brag about the sex until I died....priceless
Psh. 5 grand? Ill take the pussy
Depends on the celeb, but if I get the choice? Definitely the celeb.
5 grand. It\'s just da poonanny...
I\'d take the money. Who the hell knows how many creeps the celeb had to screw to become a celeb.
With that comment, that should sway the opinion of non-virgins. However, the virgins would probably take the poonani.
5 grand, easy.
take the five grand and buy some pussy like a normal guy would.
You know those real dolls can be made to look like the celeb of your choosing.
take 5 grand.. and offer celeb 1 hehe. :D
5000 is far more appealing. Most celebs look like dogs when the make-up comes off and I\'d much rather not take the chance, but besides that, one night with the celeb is not worth 5000.
5,000... I need the money. I get sex from my right hand.
i\'d take the cash.
Gotta be the celeb... there are a few that are just wayyyyy outta my league.
After all, hard work can\'t (edit) earn me a celeb... hard work will never even earn my a conversation with JLH.
EDIT. Naturally, being wasted that came out wrong:
Hard work can earn me 5K. Hard work will never earn me that celeb.
Hmm, 5 grand or sex with Tom Cruise... hmm...
I\'d have sex with Jessica Alba instead of 5 grand (which really isn\'t that much). But most every other celeb -> 5k please. :D
5 grand...
btw why isn\'t this a poll?
I\'d take the money.
i\'d take the money.
idiots, everyone knows you can make more money selling your story to the press. celeb so I can sell my story for $5001 :p
A celeb sleeping with someone else? That\'s not news. :p
Video tape it and sell it for millions :D
Originally posted by Avatarr
idiots, everyone knows you can make more money selling your story to the press. celeb so I can sell my story for $5001 :p
I was thinking the exact same thing.
so is it sex once with aceleb? or numerous times... i think id have to take the money if ony once
How about taking the money then raping the celeb.
I can\'t believe people would take sex with a celebrity over $5000. That just baffles me.
Is famous cooch better than non famous cooch?
Originally posted by Gohan
I can\'t believe people would take sex with a celebrity over $5000. That just baffles me.
Is famous cooch better than non famous cooch?
Yes and no. There is the whole factor of getting your rocks off with some gorgeous celeb. The difference isnt that huge. I have had great normal cooch. Really i guess the money is all good but we are talking about your choice of any celeb over something you could make in a band doing gigs on the side of work in less than a 1/4 of a year. I mean its not like i have the money now and im perfectly stable without an extra 5000. Plus if i video tape it i can get some cash outta them ; ). Being realistic, i guess it depends on the relationship after the sex.
It depends on the celebrity. ;)
If I got to pick her, then I\'d go with the one-night-stand. If it was random, $5000 is better than Kathy Bates in the sack.. and given my luck, that\'s who I\'d pick out of the hat. *sigh*
Video tape it and sell it for millions
Hey! Then get sued for billions! W00h00!!111
5$ grand. You have no clue how many people they have ****ed to become celebrities- more than anyone possibly could.
take the money people you can have sex with the celeb of your dreams anytime (wich most of you probably do anyway). As far as the able to brag part cant you here now " dude I swear i was busting my nuts on albas ass!" ...... "ya right you freaking stupid ass lier wake up why the hell would she be doing you"......"It was a choice to bang or or get 5 grand."........."whatever you freak"
no one would belive you anyway.
OR, how about 5 grand in your ass vs. a celeb in your pocket?
I\'d take the cash, one arse hole is no different from the next.
If you have a good imagination, you can make up for the deficit of not actually back-scuttling a celeb.
I\'d take the sex...simply because I\'m gonna make $5000 many many times over in my life, but how many times do you have the opportunity to get with any celeb you want? $5000 really isn\'t all that much.
The virgins stand out quite easily. Not that there\'s anything wrong with that.
Well....maybe. :p
someone\'s bragging :p
I fathered you, boy. Show yo daddy some repect. :p
I find it ironic that all of this is coming from a dancing banana with an "I\'d hit it" sign :p
HA! Ironic that I\'d take the money? That\'s not ironic! I can get pussy. That was never a problem, lucky for me.
A microwaved bowl of jell-o doesnt count as "pussy"
Originally posted by Spudz
A microwaved bowl of jell-o doesnt count as "pussy"
Apple Pie is over rated. Trust me, I should ~know~. :p
I like peach cobbler....
to eat.
I like your mom...
to say hi to.
Well i like your mom to suck my finger...
After cutting it
on her bed rest :rolleyes:
I just noticed Gohan\'s Sig is from Short Circuit 2. I love those movies, lol.
Originally posted by SwifDi
5,000... I need the money. I get sex from my right hand.
Word. That and they all too freaking old...unless it was hillary duff....
lol hilary duff is hot- but a bit pudgy.
Id hit her, and Amanda Bynes - at the same time.