Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: theomen on September 23, 2003, 04:28:21 PM
Anyone pick up the new limp bizkit cd? I got it mostly because I wanted a cd to use for intros on Raw 2 for the xbox. Unfortunetly it\'s a lot slower compared to previous stuff, it seems decent enough but not all that great. Maybe it\'ll grow on me once I really sit down and listen to it.
Your kidding right?
Limp Bizkits only good song was Break Stuff- and even that sucked.
God- give it up Fred, your a washout.
I actually liked the entire cd of 3 dollar bill, and thought I\'d give this one a try...
3 dollar bill was decent- i didnt buy it, but borrowed a friends until i heard it a couple times, and began to hate it.
Also, at the time I had a 1700 watt stereo in my car, and it had some bitch\'n bass on a couple of songs, so that may persude me on the side of really liking it.
I hate people that crank up the bass, just to hear everything shake. I just want to stab them in the face. Get something not over-bassed. I hate that shit.
It\'s cool as hell to be in a car with mega base, I eventually out grew it but it\'s still cool to feel sound like that.
All it is your eardrums shaking at a maximum speed- its not good for you- get something to listen to- not everyone else to listen to.
Oh man Spudz, you are so gay... You\'re one of those people at concerts who said it sucked cuz the music was too loud.
spudz is actually an 83 year old shut in, who\'s only recreation is telling kids to stay off his lawn ;)
Originally posted by SwifDi
Oh man Spudz, you are so gay... You\'re one of those people at concerts who said it sucked cuz the music was too loud.
Seriously. Its just cause hed much rather turn up the trebel in hear that gay rock shit cause he hates rap.:p j/k
I agree with Spudz, expcept I dont mind loud music. But if you roll your windows down so everyone hears it, you deserve to die.
btw, gay rock? atleast rock has meaning behind it
(starts another off topic thread)
Are you jealous that they\'ve got more "boom" in their ride then do you? If you don\'t like it, roll your windows up. I got a system, and I bump it sometimes, but if someone else does it, I don\'t care to the slightest. I don\'t care if they\'re playing Garth Brooks greatest hits, I\'ll give them their props for having a nice system.
No, its that its so ****ing obnoxious. Nobody gives a **** who you listen to or who you are. It\'s basically a call for attention.
so you\'re telling me that someone rolling in a porsche isn\'t drawing attention to themselves?
Im not goint to spend 1,000 bucks on a system and not show it off. It\'s there b/c its good, it\'s good b/c its loud, it\'s loud b/c everybody can hear it.
I wish I had a system though...I STILL need a job!!
I hate systems with no freaking annoying...I\'ll agree about the whole shaking thing. When u can hear crap rattle, that\'s when its annoying..
I bump so hard that I\'ve blown my bumper right off.
EDIT: I first put "Blumper". What a funny word that is.
I have no idea why the word blumper made me laugh, but it did...woooooooo, blumper!
Having a good ICE system is nice... letting everyone else know that you\'re a god damn moron listening to crap music is not.
If I were to spend a lot of cash on a car stereo I\'d do it for myself. Not to roll around with the windows down and let everyone roll their eyes and think "LOOOSEEEEER". :)
But they already think that, sorry you left yourself more open than Madona\'s legs.
*high five*
Pffft. Loud bassy music from your car = moronic.
I just bump rock. And I don\'t roll my windows down and stuff, but I\'m sure everyone feels the bass.
it\'s like my weiner, it\'s big and all but you don\'t have to look at the bulge if you don\'t want to.
Theres a big difference between listening to music cause you think it\'s cool and listening to music cause you think it makes you look cool.
baaahhh, i do not like limp biskit, iv heard one song off ths album they have released and i dont like it, and never been a big fan of them so dont think il listen to much more of the album
I lsitened to it on the way to college and have to say....PILE O\' CRAP! The song with Snoop Dogg is the most annoying thing I\'ve ever heard, and I\'ve listened to Ace of Base before!
I liked Ace of Base, when I was younger.
^^^ True true. I\'m getting a bass unit in my car but I\'m not gonna crank it up to hear things shake. I\'m gonna get it so the music would sound better.
EDIT: I just realized, I replied to this thread without realizing there was a second page. I never heard of Ace of Bass. Whoops
It sure sounds better when all you here is "DUH DUHN DUH DUHN DUHN DUHN DUHN DAHN!"
If you don\'t like it, roll your windows up.
Or you can turn off your god damn music? Its called being considerate. Do you need it so loud? Just get it so you can hear it.
God I hate people. :laughing:
Cry me a river.... Ooooooooooo....
Originally posted by Titan
I\'m getting a bass unit in my car but I\'m not gonna crank it up to hear things shake. I\'m gonna get it so the music would sound better.
See now, that makes perfect sense.
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
I liked Ace of Base, when I was younger.
God, that was a great song.
I need to find their original album on cd. I wore the tape out..
...I saw the sign..and and I opened up my eyes..
I did a bunch of coke off a ace of base cd case once.
p.s. drugs are bad for you.
I bought it last monday and although it\'s nowhere near as good as significant other,it\'s ok.
there are some good tracks on there,but yeah "red light,green light" with snoop dogg is annoying UNTIL tha Doggfather rescues it with his verse,Fred pissed me off saying baby at the end of each line.
Behind Blue Eyes,Eat You Alive and Underneath The Gun are good tracks.
You should be shot dead for saying Fred\'s version of "Behind Blue Eyes" is good.
Ugh, I always turn the bass right down. It\'s nice sometimes, especially when you have bands with a nice bassist, who plays some really good tunes on it (my personal favorite has now become The Package by APC, now that\'s a bass!).
But even the best ones, turning the bass up drowns out the guitars, most of the drumming, and the singing. Why lose the best parts of the song?
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
You should be shot dead for saying Fred\'s version of "Behind Blue Eyes" is good.
It\'s good and I stand by my original quote.
It\'s nowhere near as good as The Who\'s version but I just lie there chill out and listen to that track and it makes me feel good.
Why should I be shot for saying that?If we all had the same opinions then this world would just suck.period.
You are all forgetting one major issue here guys...the title of the album.
Fred called it "Results May Vary" because people will have different results/opinions to this album.
I\'ve been a Limp Bizkit fan since they first started out and I\'ve seen them 4 times (once in america) and believe me,Mike Smith is no Wes Borland but Fred refuses to quit because he looks winding up you guys who love to hate him.
I thought he called it "Results May Vary" due to the fact that it took them forever to get it out, scrapped two albums and other things. Results May Vary is a cheap way of saying "this album may f**kin\' suck" and it does.
Fred is an immature wanna-be-diva, who can\'t write a lyric worth his life and has problems rhyming. Fact is, I\'ve seen 13 year old\'s write better angst based lyrics than what Durst throws out.
I don\'t hate him. i just think its a sad state when someone who has no talent what so ever (other than being a decent business man) can get kids to look him up to him.
he\'s my hero...
You should be shot dead..
i also do not see what the fuss is about fred??? i dnt see much talent there, and dont like his music/ songs/songwriting, and i even find him annoyng
He is the "average"white man- trying to become a superstar. He is a washout.
So, you have to be super human or a minority to become a superstar?
I don\'t know if you meant to sound that way,anywayz you called me a raicst :)
if you\'re white you can\'t be a music star, but you can always be a head coach in the NFL.
or homeless.