
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: (e) on October 08, 2003, 08:27:04 PM

Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: (e) on October 08, 2003, 08:27:04 PM
It seems like everyday less, and less, and less is being posted here.

C\'mon you can spam a bit more Gman...

Honestly though; Its starting to bum me out. This is one of the soul uses of my shitty computer.
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: SwifDi on October 08, 2003, 08:34:35 PM
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: (e) on October 08, 2003, 08:53:26 PM
And was that suppose to be funny?
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: Kimahri on October 08, 2003, 09:11:37 PM
go here

lets all reigister with the same names... then form a psx2central bandwagon
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: SwifDi on October 08, 2003, 09:12:04 PM
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: SwifDi on October 08, 2003, 09:13:11 PM
Originally posted by Kimahri
go here

lets all reigister with the same names... then form a psx2central bandwagon

Yeah I registered there like last week... Not bad, always can find an interesting topic... But people respond so fast, it\'s almost like a chatroom.
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: Avatarr on October 08, 2003, 09:14:55 PM
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: (e) on October 08, 2003, 09:16:43 PM
Most users ever online was 1799, 10-17-2002 at 02:19 AM.
, -=Likwid=-, -=SoCalV6=-, .:VBGOD:., 0001, 00soul, 02F150, 042801, 0hN0ss!, 12xalt, 200 MPH, 20Deep, 2JZ, 2kPreludeSH, 303, 32valvecobra, 4x4GGG, 89MustangGX, 8BaLL, 96, 97_ESi, 98R-1144, abbachux, ace3, AcidAngel_5.0, Acid_Burn, adam, AF Rugby Accord, Agent Ganja, Agent M185, AgentSmith, air21time, akaman, AKsta, Alain, alcky, almostthere, aloefeelsgood, AlohaRacing, alverino03, ambrbabygirl, amd007, amh, amill94, Andrew019, AndyB, anemic, Antistatic, antoxicion, anvil, AsianRage, AssSlapper, atomlowe, ATrain16P, autox, Aw614, AwesomeDude, aznguy, aznteknothug, azn_temple, B-Lo, B00GIEKNIGHT, B17A, baboymo, bal, ballistic, Baron, batman22, bballer72, bboymouse, bbp, bcook3396, beatcave, bheld, biawokauns, big montana, BigBlockIROC, bigshoe, BigT, Big_Luke, Bill2k1, billyjoe, bioyuki, Bit, bjl765, BlackCord96, Blank00, Blazed Monkey, bleeked out, blkhonda1991, BLoG, Blue Demon, BlueBlur, blueghost75, BMW ///M3, Bob Saget, bobatronx, Boondocksts, BoostFreak, Boudreaux, bradj, Brian84, brianpsx, Brieldo, bu, Buck-O, Buckwild, bulldogerg, bunmango, BustaNut, C Spec, C32, C4, calteg, camaro57, camarossguy2, Camcam, CaseGreen, CaseLogic, CBBaller, cbremer, Chadder007, Chadnel25, chansigril, Chants, chevy8sss, Chicane, chickenlover, chicoyam, chinkstylz, chojin, Chris87, ChrisD, ChrisTZ, Chuie, ChuJai, cisurf510, CitznFish, civicvtec1ps, Claydus, cloudcapp, Clowdy, CNR, col_panic, confuciousTLS, Confused, CookieMonster, coolchrisrm, CopenKagan, Corvettes4Life, Cowsmoo, cracky, CraneCamsOU, Cranky, Crazie, CrazyMook, Creeper, crotchfruit, cubrew, cucumber, Cupcake, CyberBullets, d0nk3ypunch, d0rkus, D1G1T4L, D21X, DA King, dachoe, dadams312, DaNIsH, dank, Danny, Darkcloud, DarkHell, dartman, DaTaSPiKe, Deadclownz, deadduck13, Debonaire, DecaS, DeceptiveXIII, DEF, DefBringer, demolition, Demon Of Dreams, dem_bones, Derrickcxhatch, desert mist, Devilock, Devine_Evil, DFWSR4EVER, dhs, dilligaf, dimples_890, Dirkkin, DirtySamRack\'em, disc108, Dismay, ditsiwt, diverdac, DKKD, Docneomits, Domino, Donk, doodoo2k, dOOfus, Dr. Smooth, Dr. Zoidberg, Dr.Smasher, DR1250, Draven2575, drift, Drifter, DRM600, druid, drumbandit, Drunk3nMonk3y, DrunkPunk, DSM Turbos, Duke Nukem, dukedevil0, dvsidboy, E46Dawg, Early Apex, eazy21, ebrow87t, Ecko82, EclipseGSX101, EdgeCat, EdmTL, ejmack, el huevo, El Tea Won, emerican, EmExSix, Endless01, eof, Epiphone, erazboy, erynne936, espinaca, ETang23, etdnpfil, ethannv, Evan, EvOi, eXyle, EyeOfRa, F=ma, falcon311, FallNAngel, FearDaMole, Feminem, Feral_Goz, firekrave, firestarter1984, fishfry, Flawless, fliptout, FlooD145, FloppyCock, FluffNugget, FlyNReeLow, foodle, Foolish, Force Fed 23, foRRREVerz, fortch03, fraz81, freshstart, frozenunknown, FSTMX5, fuct., funkmastamatt, FunkyMonks, fusion210, FusionITR, FwdDSMer, fx, gandhibrokemyskates, GaNkZoR, gchang817, Geezle, Gene Starwind, ggr12, Girl_Next_Door, Gizmo, glacius, glide, GO-FASTER, Goat, GOD, Gonad, GooberPHX420, Goomiferous, GOPATRIOTS, Gr00v3, grampafunk, Grass Jelly, graycardinal, GreenGiant, greenstix, GregFarz78, grendel20, Grendelrt(VA), GRocks10, Gromer, Grouch, gt07, gts24, GTSpence, GucciGucci, Gundam, Gunnar, guruwari, h0ckeyplr, handline, HardTech, Harkonnen, Hatchy, haxmaster, HaydenMac, Hermitman, hi-chew, HisXLNC, hollywood, homi, Hossb7, HoVa, hoyteee, Hpower, HS-Gravtron, Hybr1d The0ry, I Killed Tupac, iCe, Icedog, ichi91, IDAFC21, IDx, ihatenglish, ihrs, illconception, ILLWILLCHILL, IMJ, imported204, imxjustxchillin, IndnApocalypse, Indy48, Infamous425, inline4, iota, irichie, IS3-Mike, itr452, ItzLoud, Ivan, I[E, j784, jackpot, JakeShoes, jascon, Jason86Z28, JawKnee, Jay Moron, Jaymz22, JC, jcmitsu, jda_integra, jdm_cl9, Jedon, jeenyus, JeffB, Jefferson Darcy, jeri534, Jesperss, Jetblackblur, JeTmAn, jewpac42, jeyur, Jim311, jinks, JJJZJ, jk, JKreider, JoeyCrack, joeyz34, joink, joncarlos, josh929, joshy, joy division, Juicedgixxer, Juke, Justin-\'95Cobra, JustinAngil, justwckd2, JXK, jyea, j_t_heilbrun, k27-R, kaldurak, Kanervac, Kash, KDubb, Kelvin96GSR, kidcleveland, Kikiboo, killaGTP, kiLLj0y, King of No Pants, kingofthewinos, KingRichard, kingtoad, Klepto, kocheroni, Kookoo, Koollaid\'s OP, kornunknown, kpxgq, KR Mike, krakfeen4, krave, krayzie, krisluvsyou143, KrnMackMattsta, krusty, kRySs, kungfuwoo, kuwolde, kWoKeR, LadiesLoveMe, lagomorph_mugu_mugu, LanceVance, lane, lastlander, Lasu, laydback, LebaronLX, Leb_CRX, lee1dew, Left, LegendKing, LeGenDz, Lethal //\\\\//\\\\, Letifo, LKJ824, lope483, Lord Ridley, LowScooter777, LT1, Lucifer, Luckybull, lupus_3k, lx300, M. Fresh,, M4A1, m4m4 l0n9, MADIZM, MadMike, Mage, majik2837, Mancini, mangina, manixc, marcu5, masan, Mass0r, Master of Puppets, Matt-AWD, MaXBoost, MaximaDriver, MDSuPeRStAr, MeanMrMustard, Mecca, mehunglow, menorevs, Mercedes, Mesmer, Metal, MidNiteBlu 5.0, MidwestJosh, miek, MIkEKeO, Mini Tantrum, Minitrucker88, Minkoo84, Mippity, misfits, Mj, MJGunn, mle, modena, MongooseatOU, Monkeyballs, Morter Forker, Mountain Dude, MovieMan84, MPower6, Mr 20Valve, Mr Bean, Mr. E, Mr. Gotsnoboost, Mr. Hankey, Mr. Pink, MR2ning, mrbill, MrSkunk, ms784, MTC, mtnbikinbryno, mtrixman, multiplexor, Musical Bluebird, mustangfiend, MustangMaiden, MZ3C, nandi, Natas, Natezilla, nathanbx, Natholomew, Natty, ncwlau, NeedsBoost, nelson, Nemesis_152, Nemisis, Neo95gt, neonwheels, Neosis, nestorlinks, net_prophet, ni5moserspecv, niangelo, NinjaSpecter, nis200sx, nismo, nismook, noola, Norp, notoriousJDM, o.negative, Ochre Face, oddball327, ODM18, ofsinewaves, Ogecvkwu, olouie, Onix, On_One, oodles, oside_racer, ottoman, ou_guy, OverGrow, p-murdah, paints, Panda Boy, Pantsmalone, papparog, paragon, parma182, parvo99, Passions, Patrick Bateman, PBizme, PCnPROUD, pekkle01, Pendulum, Penguin Man, pepsi, perfektrtw, PGibb, pgtman_11, Phade, phant0m, phaphapho, phat phuckin gta, phlip136, phObich, PHOBOPHILEE, picabu, Pikkle, pimp daddy, PineMonkey, piranicon, PizzaFoo2002, Platinum_Thunder, Pontifex34, PoolBox, Poosex, Pootie, POScar, Possum Stomper, POTATO, PPen131, Prowler7600, psyanide, PsychoDeli, pt, PuffTheMagicDragon, puppeteer107, Putanginamooo, pvr6, Q (_) /\\ l), Q-Ball, Qtip, QuiKKstYLeZ, Quiksilver_madness, R34, raga55, RammsteinGT, RamuneSoda, rangerjoe, Rav, Ray, Redbirds59, redbull420, redhotcharlie, RevLinks, rezalb, Rhap, rick, RkSport96, roadbuster, Rob98ZJ, Rocker_II, RockSteady, Rooster, Rowan, rusty3037, RWHPgirl, RX Bandit, Ryan01GT, ryan93se, ryancutler, sam758, samiam696, Sanguine, saxman, scdc, schism jman, schuke, SCIronMike, Scottwax, Seadee456, Seawolf, Secret Agent Man, selvo, SENTmusic, Seros, seventh circle, sewid, sExY_BlitzKrieg, Sexy_SV, Sh0kka, shadi, ShadowFax, shanenrgy, Shibby, Shinsei Ryu, ShitMatt, Sibs, SickOfItAll, SigmaNuClay, SilverB18C1, Simplified, Simplistic, sinbon1, Sir Goober, SirMcNugget, skep, skez, Skyshroud, SlimCutta, sloppyjoe, Slow97Neon, slowmo5o, slow_one civic, smell my finger, Smelly-Kitten, smokeit420, smokewagon, snapstylez, sndbomber, snitch_killa187, Snowballer, soccerbud, Somatic, Soon2BeDraggin, Southpaw, spazntwich, Specialist23, SpeedieVR6, speedrcr817, Speedster1978, sph7, Spice one, spilot, spoofy, spooled2.2, Spork Sport, spunkyXL, spyder007, squidsmuggler, ST24, Stealthy_C, stekson, stevieG, Stinkbug, stoms00, Storme, stosh, Str8desi84, STRACER1320, STRIPES777, Stuff, Stupify, Subie Driver, Subliminal012, Subwoofer, SuckaFree, suhster85, Supaboom, superdude, superflyoo7, Supermachoman, Supertrapped, Surgeon General, svenbbg, swaterinater, sweetza, SwifDi, Symphony, T-T, t.c., T608, taco, talontsiawd, Tapioca, taydar, technogeeky, tehcrotch, tekknikal, TennisMenace, TenzoR, TerryMathews, tgr8st, tgs555, The Acclude, The Bossman, The Boy Bastard, the cheese master, The DIZ, The otherAustin Phil, the1eddins, thecrazygoalie, TheGreatTonge, TheGuy, Then.. Again.., the_anti_honda, The_Shredder, Thumpin\'Ram, ThunderCats, tigerStyle, Tiggeroo, TigreTek, Timmay, Tintdamax, TireSmokinLS1, tity boi, tize, Todd Bertuzzi, tofu, Tomash, tootall862, toppdogg_1, transistor, Triple-C, Trip_Fontaine, TriShield, trix are for kids, Troll, Trooper, Trungerz, tsiawdspeed, Turboed_2, TurboIS300Lex, turbonawd, Turosh, twinkle toes, txaggie002, txcobra96, TxLocal4233, txsigma, typebuttas, typel2, U Think U Know, uAb0b, uflathead, uglyduck, ULTiMaX99, unfknrl, Untouchable1, unvme, uptownindiglow, utsean, valerian, Ved, Veritas, vex, vibrantglow, Vicious, Victor Twenty, Victor Von Doom, vikingen, vikram, volkspeed, Voodooman, waldo939, Walka, Wanna-B Race-R, Want2race, Wave, webbles, WeRdToYoMoThA, wescx, westfield, We_Todd, whats that smell?, whiterice, White_rsx29, WildWilly, willievodka, WillyWonka, Wiz Qid, wolffe, wongerbonger, Wonka, wonton45, woohoo2, wope, worksucks, WRX, wtfzaphod, wutang banga, wuwu3, WyteKraka, xCarreraGTx, xtenxion, Yardsale, Yarlb, Yogi_B, youngdash, zaphod, ZeKs, ZeroDoom, Ziegler42, Ziggy!Talon, Zuerst, [DWI], _Liquid, |echelon|
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: SwifDi on October 08, 2003, 09:21:51 PM
Originally posted by Spudz
Most users ever online was 1799, 10-17-2002 at 02:19 AM.
, -=Likwid=-, -=SoCalV6=-, .:VBGOD:., 0001, 00soul, 02F150, 042801, 0hN0ss!, 12xalt, 200 MPH, 20Deep, 2JZ, 2kPreludeSH, 303, 32valvecobra, 4x4GGG, 89MustangGX, 8BaLL, 96, 97_ESi, 98R-1144, abbachux, ace3, AcidAngel_5.0, Acid_Burn, adam, AF Rugby Accord, Agent Ganja, Agent M185, AgentSmith, air21time, akaman, AKsta, Alain, alcky, almostthere, aloefeelsgood, AlohaRacing, alverino03, ambrbabygirl, amd007, amh, amill94, Andrew019, AndyB, anemic, Antistatic, antoxicion, anvil, AsianRage, AssSlapper, atomlowe, ATrain16P, autox, Aw614, AwesomeDude, aznguy, aznteknothug, azn_temple, B-Lo, B00GIEKNIGHT, B17A, baboymo, bal, ballistic, Baron, batman22, bballer72, bboymouse, bbp, bcook3396, beatcave, bheld, biawokauns, big montana, BigBlockIROC, bigshoe, BigT, Big_Luke, Bill2k1, billyjoe, bioyuki, Bit, bjl765, BlackCord96, Blank00, Blazed Monkey, bleeked out, blkhonda1991, BLoG, Blue Demon, BlueBlur, blueghost75, BMW ///M3, Bob Saget, bobatronx, Boondocksts, BoostFreak, Boudreaux, bradj, Brian84, brianpsx, Brieldo, bu, Buck-O, Buckwild, bulldogerg, bunmango, BustaNut, C Spec, C32, C4, calteg, camaro57, camarossguy2, Camcam, CaseGreen, CaseLogic, CBBaller, cbremer, Chadder007, Chadnel25, chansigril, Chants, chevy8sss, Chicane, chickenlover, chicoyam, chinkstylz, chojin, Chris87, ChrisD, ChrisTZ, Chuie, ChuJai, cisurf510, CitznFish, civicvtec1ps, Claydus, cloudcapp, Clowdy, CNR, col_panic, confuciousTLS, Confused, CookieMonster, coolchrisrm, CopenKagan, Corvettes4Life, Cowsmoo, cracky, CraneCamsOU, Cranky, Crazie, CrazyMook, Creeper, crotchfruit, cubrew, cucumber, Cupcake, CyberBullets, d0nk3ypunch, d0rkus, D1G1T4L, D21X, DA King, dachoe, dadams312, DaNIsH, dank, Danny, Darkcloud, DarkHell, dartman, DaTaSPiKe, Deadclownz, deadduck13, Debonaire, DecaS, DeceptiveXIII, DEF, DefBringer, demolition, Demon Of Dreams, dem_bones, Derrickcxhatch, desert mist, Devilock, Devine_Evil, DFWSR4EVER, dhs, dilligaf, dimples_890, Dirkkin, DirtySamRack\'em, disc108, Dismay, ditsiwt, diverdac, DKKD, Docneomits, Domino, Donk, doodoo2k, dOOfus, Dr. Smooth, Dr. Zoidberg, Dr.Smasher, DR1250, Draven2575, drift, Drifter, DRM600, druid, drumbandit, Drunk3nMonk3y, DrunkPunk, DSM Turbos, Duke Nukem, dukedevil0, dvsidboy, E46Dawg, Early Apex, eazy21, ebrow87t, Ecko82, EclipseGSX101, EdgeCat, EdmTL, ejmack, el huevo, El Tea Won, emerican, EmExSix, Endless01, eof, Epiphone, erazboy, erynne936, espinaca, ETang23, etdnpfil, ethannv, Evan, EvOi, eXyle, EyeOfRa, F=ma, falcon311, FallNAngel, FearDaMole, Feminem, Feral_Goz, firekrave, firestarter1984, fishfry, Flawless, fliptout, FlooD145, FloppyCock, FluffNugget, FlyNReeLow, foodle, Foolish, Force Fed 23, foRRREVerz, fortch03, fraz81, freshstart, frozenunknown, FSTMX5, fuct., funkmastamatt, FunkyMonks, fusion210, FusionITR, FwdDSMer, fx, gandhibrokemyskates, GaNkZoR, gchang817, Geezle, Gene Starwind, ggr12, Girl_Next_Door, Gizmo, glacius, glide, GO-FASTER, Goat, GOD, Gonad, GooberPHX420, Goomiferous, GOPATRIOTS, Gr00v3, grampafunk, Grass Jelly, graycardinal, GreenGiant, greenstix, GregFarz78, grendel20, Grendelrt(VA), GRocks10, Gromer, Grouch, gt07, gts24, GTSpence, GucciGucci, Gundam, Gunnar, guruwari, h0ckeyplr, handline, HardTech, Harkonnen, Hatchy, haxmaster, HaydenMac, Hermitman, hi-chew, HisXLNC, hollywood, homi, Hossb7, HoVa, hoyteee, Hpower, HS-Gravtron, Hybr1d The0ry, I Killed Tupac, iCe, Icedog, ichi91, IDAFC21, IDx, ihatenglish, ihrs, illconception, ILLWILLCHILL, IMJ, imported204, imxjustxchillin, IndnApocalypse, Indy48, Infamous425, inline4, iota, irichie, IS3-Mike, itr452, ItzLoud, Ivan, I[E, j784, jackpot, JakeShoes, jascon, Jason86Z28, JawKnee, Jay Moron, Jaymz22, JC, jcmitsu, jda_integra, jdm_cl9, Jedon, jeenyus, JeffB, Jefferson Darcy, jeri534, Jesperss, Jetblackblur, JeTmAn, jewpac42, jeyur, Jim311, jinks, JJJZJ, jk, JKreider, JoeyCrack, joeyz34, joink, joncarlos, josh929, joshy, joy division, Juicedgixxer, Juke, Justin-\'95Cobra, JustinAngil, justwckd2, JXK, jyea, j_t_heilbrun, k27-R, kaldurak, Kanervac, Kash, KDubb, Kelvin96GSR, kidcleveland, Kikiboo, killaGTP, kiLLj0y, King of No Pants, kingofthewinos, KingRichard, kingtoad, Klepto, kocheroni, Kookoo, Koollaid\'s OP, kornunknown, kpxgq, KR Mike, krakfeen4, krave, krayzie, krisluvsyou143, KrnMackMattsta, krusty, kRySs, kungfuwoo, kuwolde, kWoKeR, LadiesLoveMe, lagomorph_mugu_mugu, LanceVance, lane, lastlander, Lasu, laydback, LebaronLX, Leb_CRX, lee1dew, Left, LegendKing, LeGenDz, Lethal //\\\\//\\\\, Letifo, LKJ824, lope483, Lord Ridley, LowScooter777, LT1, Lucifer, Luckybull, lupus_3k, lx300, M. Fresh,, M4A1, m4m4 l0n9, MADIZM, MadMike, Mage, majik2837, Mancini, mangina, manixc, marcu5, masan, Mass0r, Master of Puppets, Matt-AWD, MaXBoost, MaximaDriver, MDSuPeRStAr, MeanMrMustard, Mecca, mehunglow, menorevs, Mercedes, Mesmer, Metal, MidNiteBlu 5.0, MidwestJosh, miek, MIkEKeO, Mini Tantrum, Minitrucker88, Minkoo84, Mippity, misfits, Mj, MJGunn, mle, modena, MongooseatOU, Monkeyballs, Morter Forker, Mountain Dude, MovieMan84, MPower6, Mr 20Valve, Mr Bean, Mr. E, Mr. Gotsnoboost, Mr. Hankey, Mr. Pink, MR2ning, mrbill, MrSkunk, ms784, MTC, mtnbikinbryno, mtrixman, multiplexor, Musical Bluebird, mustangfiend, MustangMaiden, MZ3C, nandi, Natas, Natezilla, nathanbx, Natholomew, Natty, ncwlau, NeedsBoost, nelson, Nemesis_152, Nemisis, Neo95gt, neonwheels, Neosis, nestorlinks, net_prophet, ni5moserspecv, niangelo, NinjaSpecter, nis200sx, nismo, nismook, noola, Norp, notoriousJDM, o.negative, Ochre Face, oddball327, ODM18, ofsinewaves, Ogecvkwu, olouie, Onix, On_One, oodles, oside_racer, ottoman, ou_guy, OverGrow, p-murdah, paints, Panda Boy, Pantsmalone, papparog, paragon, parma182, parvo99, Passions, Patrick Bateman, PBizme, PCnPROUD, pekkle01, Pendulum, Penguin Man, pepsi, perfektrtw, PGibb, pgtman_11, Phade, phant0m, phaphapho, phat phuckin gta, phlip136, phObich, PHOBOPHILEE, picabu, Pikkle, pimp daddy, PineMonkey, piranicon, PizzaFoo2002, Platinum_Thunder, Pontifex34, PoolBox, Poosex, Pootie, POScar, Possum Stomper, POTATO, PPen131, Prowler7600, psyanide, PsychoDeli, pt, PuffTheMagicDragon, puppeteer107, Putanginamooo, pvr6, Q (_) /\\ l), Q-Ball, Qtip, QuiKKstYLeZ, Quiksilver_madness, R34, raga55, RammsteinGT, RamuneSoda, rangerjoe, Rav, Ray, Redbirds59, redbull420, redhotcharlie, RevLinks, rezalb, Rhap, rick, RkSport96, roadbuster, Rob98ZJ, Rocker_II, RockSteady, Rooster, Rowan, rusty3037, RWHPgirl, RX Bandit, Ryan01GT, ryan93se, ryancutler, sam758, samiam696, Sanguine, saxman, scdc, schism jman, schuke, SCIronMike, Scottwax, Seadee456, Seawolf, Secret Agent Man, selvo, SENTmusic, Seros, seventh circle, sewid, sExY_BlitzKrieg, Sexy_SV, Sh0kka, shadi, ShadowFax, shanenrgy, Shibby, Shinsei Ryu, ShitMatt, Sibs, SickOfItAll, SigmaNuClay, SilverB18C1, Simplified, Simplistic, sinbon1, Sir Goober, SirMcNugget, skep, skez, Skyshroud, SlimCutta, sloppyjoe, Slow97Neon, slowmo5o, slow_one civic, smell my finger, Smelly-Kitten, smokeit420, smokewagon, snapstylez, sndbomber, snitch_killa187, Snowballer, soccerbud, Somatic, Soon2BeDraggin, Southpaw, spazntwich, Specialist23, SpeedieVR6, speedrcr817, Speedster1978, sph7, Spice one, spilot, spoofy, spooled2.2, Spork Sport, spunkyXL, spyder007, squidsmuggler, ST24, Stealthy_C, stekson, stevieG, Stinkbug, stoms00, Storme, stosh, Str8desi84, STRACER1320, STRIPES777, Stuff, Stupify, Subie Driver, Subliminal012, Subwoofer, SuckaFree, suhster85, Supaboom, superdude, superflyoo7, Supermachoman, Supertrapped, Surgeon General, svenbbg, swaterinater, sweetza, SwifDi[/size][/color], Symphony, T-T, t.c., T608, taco, talontsiawd, Tapioca, taydar, technogeeky, tehcrotch, tekknikal, TennisMenace, TenzoR, TerryMathews, tgr8st, tgs555, The Acclude, The Bossman, The Boy Bastard, the cheese master, The DIZ, The otherAustin Phil, the1eddins, thecrazygoalie, TheGreatTonge, TheGuy, Then.. Again.., the_anti_honda, The_Shredder, Thumpin\'Ram, ThunderCats, tigerStyle, Tiggeroo, TigreTek, Timmay, Tintdamax, TireSmokinLS1, tity boi, tize, Todd Bertuzzi, tofu, Tomash, tootall862, toppdogg_1, transistor, Triple-C, Trip_Fontaine, TriShield, trix are for kids, Troll, Trooper, Trungerz, tsiawdspeed, Turboed_2, TurboIS300Lex, turbonawd, Turosh, twinkle toes, txaggie002, txcobra96, TxLocal4233, txsigma, typebuttas, typel2, U Think U Know, uAb0b, uflathead, uglyduck, ULTiMaX99, unfknrl, Untouchable1, unvme, uptownindiglow, utsean, valerian, Ved, Veritas, vex, vibrantglow, Vicious, Victor Twenty, Victor Von Doom, vikingen, vikram, volkspeed, Voodooman, waldo939, Walka, Wanna-B Race-R, Want2race, Wave, webbles, WeRdToYoMoThA, wescx, westfield, We_Todd, whats that smell?, whiterice, White_rsx29, WildWilly, willievodka, WillyWonka, Wiz Qid, wolffe, wongerbonger, Wonka, wonton45, woohoo2, wope, worksucks, WRX, wtfzaphod, wutang banga, wuwu3, WyteKraka, xCarreraGTx, xtenxion, Yardsale, Yarlb, Yogi_B, youngdash, zaphod, ZeKs, ZeroDoom, Ziegler42, Ziggy!Talon, Zuerst, [DWI], _Liquid, |echelon|

Yup I post there from time to time.
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: (e) on October 08, 2003, 09:24:01 PM
Im glad our forum isnt that big.
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: Kimahri on October 08, 2003, 09:34:01 PM
Originally posted by Spudz
Most users ever online was 1799, 10-17-2002 at 02:19 AM.
, -=Likwid=-, -=SoCalV6=-, .:VBGOD:., 0001, 00soul, 02F150, 042801, 0hN0ss!, 12xalt, 200 MPH, 20Deep, 2JZ, 2kPreludeSH, 303, 32valvecobra, 4x4GGG, 89MustangGX, 8BaLL, 96, 97_ESi, 98R-1144, abbachux, ace3, AcidAngel_5.0, Acid_Burn, adam, AF Rugby Accord, Agent Ganja, Agent M185, AgentSmith, air21time, akaman, AKsta, Alain, alcky, almostthere, aloefeelsgood, AlohaRacing, alverino03, ambrbabygirl, amd007, amh, amill94, Andrew019, AndyB, anemic, Antistatic, antoxicion, anvil, AsianRage, AssSlapper, atomlowe, ATrain16P, autox, Aw614, AwesomeDude, aznguy, aznteknothug, azn_temple, B-Lo, B00GIEKNIGHT, B17A, baboymo, bal, ballistic, Baron, batman22, bballer72, bboymouse, bbp, bcook3396, beatcave, bheld, biawokauns, big montana, BigBlockIROC, bigshoe, BigT, Big_Luke, Bill2k1, billyjoe, bioyuki, Bit, bjl765, BlackCord96, Blank00, Blazed Monkey, bleeked out, blkhonda1991, BLoG, Blue Demon, BlueBlur, blueghost75, BMW ///M3, Bob Saget, bobatronx, Boondocksts, BoostFreak, Boudreaux, bradj, Brian84, brianpsx, Brieldo, bu, Buck-O, Buckwild, bulldogerg, bunmango, BustaNut, C Spec, C32, C4, calteg, camaro57, camarossguy2, Camcam, CaseGreen, CaseLogic, CBBaller, cbremer, Chadder007, Chadnel25, chansigril, Chants, chevy8sss, Chicane, chickenlover, chicoyam, chinkstylz, chojin, Chris87, ChrisD, ChrisTZ, Chuie, ChuJai, cisurf510, CitznFish, civicvtec1ps, Claydus, cloudcapp, Clowdy, CNR, col_panic, confuciousTLS, Confused, CookieMonster, coolchrisrm, CopenKagan, Corvettes4Life, Cowsmoo, cracky, CraneCamsOU, Cranky, Crazie, CrazyMook, Creeper, crotchfruit, cubrew, cucumber, Cupcake, CyberBullets, d0nk3ypunch, d0rkus, D1G1T4L, D21X, DA King, dachoe, dadams312, DaNIsH, dank, Danny, Darkcloud, DarkHell, dartman, DaTaSPiKe, Deadclownz, deadduck13, Debonaire, DecaS, DeceptiveXIII, DEF, DefBringer, demolition, Demon Of Dreams, dem_bones, Derrickcxhatch, desert mist, Devilock, Devine_Evil, DFWSR4EVER, dhs, dilligaf, dimples_890, Dirkkin, DirtySamRack\'em, disc108, Dismay, ditsiwt, diverdac, DKKD, Docneomits, Domino, Donk, doodoo2k, dOOfus, Dr. Smooth, Dr. Zoidberg, Dr.Smasher, DR1250, Draven2575, drift, Drifter, DRM600, druid, drumbandit, Drunk3nMonk3y, DrunkPunk, DSM Turbos, Duke Nukem, dukedevil0, dvsidboy, E46Dawg, Early Apex, eazy21, ebrow87t, Ecko82, EclipseGSX101, EdgeCat, EdmTL, ejmack, el huevo, El Tea Won, emerican, EmExSix, Endless01, eof, Epiphone, erazboy, erynne936, espinaca, ETang23, etdnpfil, ethannv, Evan, EvOi, eXyle, EyeOfRa, F=ma, falcon311, FallNAngel, FearDaMole, Feminem, Feral_Goz, firekrave, firestarter1984, fishfry, Flawless, fliptout, FlooD145, FloppyCock, FluffNugget, FlyNReeLow, foodle, Foolish, Force Fed 23, foRRREVerz, fortch03, fraz81, freshstart, frozenunknown, FSTMX5, fuct., funkmastamatt, FunkyMonks, fusion210, FusionITR, FwdDSMer, fx, gandhibrokemyskates, GaNkZoR, gchang817, Geezle, Gene Starwind, ggr12, Girl_Next_Door, Gizmo, glacius, glide, GO-FASTER, Goat, GOD, Gonad, GooberPHX420, Goomiferous, GOPATRIOTS, Gr00v3, grampafunk, Grass Jelly, graycardinal, GreenGiant, greenstix, GregFarz78, grendel20, Grendelrt(VA), GRocks10, Gromer, Grouch, gt07, gts24, GTSpence, GucciGucci, Gundam, Gunnar, guruwari, h0ckeyplr, handline, HardTech, Harkonnen, Hatchy, haxmaster, HaydenMac, Hermitman, hi-chew, HisXLNC, hollywood, homi, Hossb7, HoVa, hoyteee, Hpower, HS-Gravtron, Hybr1d The0ry, I Killed Tupac, iCe, Icedog, ichi91, IDAFC21, IDx, ihatenglish, ihrs, illconception, ILLWILLCHILL, IMJ, imported204, imxjustxchillin, IndnApocalypse, Indy48, Infamous425, inline4, iota, irichie, IS3-Mike, itr452, ItzLoud, Ivan, I[E, j784, jackpot, JakeShoes, jascon, Jason86Z28, JawKnee, Jay Moron, Jaymz22, JC, jcmitsu, jda_integra, jdm_cl9, Jedon, jeenyus, JeffB, Jefferson Darcy, jeri534, Jesperss, Jetblackblur, JeTmAn, jewpac42, jeyur, Jim311, jinks, JJJZJ, jk, JKreider, JoeyCrack, joeyz34, joink, joncarlos, josh929, joshy, joy division, Juicedgixxer, Juke, Justin-\'95Cobra, JustinAngil, justwckd2, JXK, jyea, j_t_heilbrun, k27-R, kaldurak, Kanervac, Kash, KDubb, Kelvin96GSR, kidcleveland, Kikiboo, killaGTP, kiLLj0y, King of No Pants, kingofthewinos, KingRichard, kingtoad, Klepto, kocheroni, Kookoo, Koollaid\'s OP, kornunknown, kpxgq, KR Mike, krakfeen4, krave, krayzie, krisluvsyou143, KrnMackMattsta, krusty, kRySs, kungfuwoo, kuwolde, kWoKeR, LadiesLoveMe, lagomorph_mugu_mugu, LanceVance, lane, lastlander, Lasu, laydback, LebaronLX, Leb_CRX, lee1dew, Left, LegendKing, LeGenDz, Lethal //\\\\//\\\\, Letifo, LKJ824, lope483, Lord Ridley, LowScooter777, LT1, Lucifer, Luckybull, lupus_3k, lx300, M. Fresh,, M4A1, m4m4 l0n9, MADIZM, MadMike, Mage, majik2837, Mancini, mangina, manixc, marcu5, masan, Mass0r, Master of Puppets[/size][/color], Matt-AWD, MaXBoost, MaximaDriver, MDSuPeRStAr, MeanMrMustard, Mecca, mehunglow, menorevs, Mercedes, Mesmer, Metal, MidNiteBlu 5.0, MidwestJosh, miek, MIkEKeO, Mini Tantrum, Minitrucker88, Minkoo84, Mippity, misfits, Mj, MJGunn, mle, modena, MongooseatOU, Monkeyballs, Morter Forker, Mountain Dude, MovieMan84, MPower6, Mr 20Valve, Mr Bean, Mr. E, Mr. Gotsnoboost, Mr. Hankey, Mr. Pink, MR2ning, mrbill, MrSkunk, ms784, MTC, mtnbikinbryno, mtrixman, multiplexor, Musical Bluebird, mustangfiend, MustangMaiden, MZ3C, nandi, Natas, Natezilla, nathanbx, Natholomew, Natty, ncwlau, NeedsBoost, nelson, Nemesis_152, Nemisis, Neo95gt, neonwheels, Neosis, nestorlinks, net_prophet, ni5moserspecv, niangelo, NinjaSpecter, nis200sx, nismo, nismook, noola, Norp, notoriousJDM, o.negative, Ochre Face, oddball327, ODM18, ofsinewaves, Ogecvkwu, olouie, Onix, On_One, oodles, oside_racer, ottoman, ou_guy, OverGrow, p-murdah, paints, Panda Boy, Pantsmalone, papparog, paragon, parma182, parvo99, Passions, Patrick Bateman, PBizme, PCnPROUD, pekkle01, Pendulum, Penguin Man, pepsi, perfektrtw, PGibb, pgtman_11, Phade, phant0m, phaphapho, phat phuckin gta, phlip136, phObich, PHOBOPHILEE, picabu, Pikkle, pimp daddy, PineMonkey, piranicon, PizzaFoo2002, Platinum_Thunder, Pontifex34, PoolBox, Poosex, Pootie, POScar, Possum Stomper, POTATO, PPen131, Prowler7600, psyanide, PsychoDeli, pt, PuffTheMagicDragon, puppeteer107, Putanginamooo, pvr6, Q (_) /\\ l), Q-Ball, Qtip, QuiKKstYLeZ, Quiksilver_madness, R34, raga55, RammsteinGT, RamuneSoda, rangerjoe, Rav, Ray, Redbirds59, redbull420, redhotcharlie, RevLinks, rezalb, Rhap, rick, RkSport96, roadbuster, Rob98ZJ, Rocker_II, RockSteady, Rooster, Rowan, rusty3037, RWHPgirl, RX Bandit, Ryan01GT, ryan93se, ryancutler, sam758, samiam696, Sanguine, saxman, scdc, schism jman, schuke, SCIronMike, Scottwax, Seadee456, Seawolf, Secret Agent Man, selvo, SENTmusic, Seros, seventh circle, sewid, sExY_BlitzKrieg, Sexy_SV, Sh0kka, shadi, ShadowFax, shanenrgy, Shibby, Shinsei Ryu, ShitMatt, Sibs, SickOfItAll, SigmaNuClay, SilverB18C1, Simplified, Simplistic, sinbon1, Sir Goober, SirMcNugget, skep, skez, Skyshroud, SlimCutta, sloppyjoe, Slow97Neon, slowmo5o, slow_one civic, smell my finger, Smelly-Kitten, smokeit420, smokewagon, snapstylez, sndbomber, snitch_killa187, Snowballer, soccerbud, Somatic, Soon2BeDraggin, Southpaw, spazntwich, Specialist23, SpeedieVR6, speedrcr817, Speedster1978, sph7, Spice one, spilot, spoofy, spooled2.2, Spork Sport, spunkyXL, spyder007, squidsmuggler, ST24, Stealthy_C, stekson, stevieG, Stinkbug, stoms00, Storme, stosh, Str8desi84, STRACER1320, STRIPES777, Stuff, Stupify, Subie Driver, Subliminal012, Subwoofer, SuckaFree, suhster85, Supaboom, superdude, superflyoo7, Supermachoman, Supertrapped, Surgeon General, svenbbg, swaterinater, sweetza, SwifDi, Symphony, T-T, t.c., T608, taco, talontsiawd, Tapioca, taydar, technogeeky, tehcrotch, tekknikal, TennisMenace, TenzoR, TerryMathews, tgr8st, tgs555, The Acclude, The Bossman, The Boy Bastard, the cheese master, The DIZ, The otherAustin Phil, the1eddins, thecrazygoalie, TheGreatTonge, TheGuy, Then.. Again.., the_anti_honda, The_Shredder, Thumpin\'Ram, ThunderCats, tigerStyle, Tiggeroo, TigreTek, Timmay, Tintdamax, TireSmokinLS1, tity boi, tize, Todd Bertuzzi, tofu, Tomash, tootall862, toppdogg_1, transistor, Triple-C, Trip_Fontaine, TriShield, trix are for kids, Troll, Trooper, Trungerz, tsiawdspeed, Turboed_2, TurboIS300Lex, turbonawd, Turosh, twinkle toes, txaggie002, txcobra96, TxLocal4233, txsigma, typebuttas, typel2, U Think U Know, uAb0b, uflathead, uglyduck, ULTiMaX99, unfknrl, Untouchable1, unvme, uptownindiglow, utsean, valerian, Ved, Veritas, vex, vibrantglow, Vicious, Victor Twenty, Victor Von Doom, vikingen, vikram, volkspeed, Voodooman, waldo939, Walka, Wanna-B Race-R, Want2race, Wave, webbles, WeRdToYoMoThA, wescx, westfield, We_Todd, whats that smell?, whiterice, White_rsx29, WildWilly, willievodka, WillyWonka, Wiz Qid, wolffe, wongerbonger, Wonka, wonton45, woohoo2, wope, worksucks, WRX, wtfzaphod, wutang banga, wuwu3, WyteKraka, xCarreraGTx, xtenxion, Yardsale, Yarlb, Yogi_B, youngdash, zaphod, ZeKs, ZeroDoom, Ziegler42, Ziggy!Talon, Zuerst, [DWI], _Liquid, |echelon|
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: Avatarr on October 08, 2003, 09:41:27 PM
hrmm.. when I registered, it automatically had you as my referer. =///////// I thought master of puppets was like the head guy, default referer person.
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: SwifDi on October 08, 2003, 09:43:21 PM
We rule!
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: theomen on October 08, 2003, 09:48:24 PM
Watch out, theomen is on the scene!

However, I don\'t like the place, too much action.
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: Kurt Angle on October 09, 2003, 12:29:17 AM
That place is too intense, imagine the size of the thread if someone got owned over there. :eek:
Title: Re: The forum is dying?
Post by: GmanJoe on October 09, 2003, 02:36:11 AM
Originally posted by Spudz
It seems like everyday less, and less, and less is being posted here.

C\'mon you can spam a bit more Gman...

Honestly though; Its starting to bum me out. This is one of the soul uses of my shitty computer.

I\'ve been banned for posting a picture that someone else already And BTW....I happen to like Hormel Spam meats. I don\'t know why....but I do. :p
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: shockwaves on October 09, 2003, 04:13:05 AM
I hate forums that big.  This is fine for me.
Title: The forum is dying?
Post by: ooseven on October 09, 2003, 06:09:07 AM
Oh last Tread Closeure as a single man..

oh oh i am going to love this


t-minus 23 hours to go....

WOOT :Bounce: