Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: fastson on December 05, 2003, 06:22:55 AM
Finally they got the bastard. :cool:
"HIV-man" sentenced to death.
Mehdi Tayeb, also known as the HIV-man has been sentenced to death in Teheran, Iran.
He was found guilty by the highest priesthood in Iran.
Tayeb has been wanted by the Swedish police ever since 1998 after having unprotected sex with 130 women and 2 men. He has also infected 50 Iranian women with HIV.
serves him right. Don\'t get me wrong i know it has to be a f**ked up feelin knowing you have that,but sayin so what i don\'t give a shyte bout anyone else & takin your frustration out on other people is just selfish.
That guy is a sick f*** and really gets what he deserves. He destroyed those peoples lives.
He needs his balls ripping off and feeding to the fish.
Must have been some ugly chicks if he is pounding that many.
Unjust. Pure unjustice.
Those woman should have had him use a condom. Its common sense.
Besides; People who have HIV can live a normal live. AIDS is what kills.
What about the person who infected him with HIV? They got away with it. Even if he did this just to infect people- he shouldnt be killed for it.
Originally posted by Spudz
What about the person who infected him with HIV? They got away with it. Even if he did this just to infect people- he shouldnt be killed for it.
He may not of known he had it.
The HIV man may have not known he had it?
That adds to the unjust right their. Killed for something he didnt know.
of course- i may be neglecting information; due to the fact I know nothing really about this guy, and the case in general.
i doubt that anyoneone would go so long without knowing he has aids. other wise he wouldnt have been put on trial.
anyways maybe death sentence is too leniant of a punishment for him they should let him die slowly, unfortunately in the same way that all the people who he infected will die :(.
He DID know he had it.
He\'s a sick **** who enjoys spreading HIV around, he even went as far as to get a alias so he could continue (James Kimball).
When he became known in the media he fled the country and disappeared, until 2 months ago (he was spotted by a tourist IIRC).
"Mehdi Tayeb is since 1998 wanted in his absence suspected of rape and having unprotected sex with 130 women and two men, even though he was aware that he was carrying HIV."
Well rape changes it.
I thought it was willful sex.
Originally posted by Spudz
Well rape changes it.
I thought it was willful sex.
Im not sure how many were rapes, probably just a few.
But arent you supposed to inform your lover if you are carrying HIV?
He wanted to infect as many as possible, and Im glad he got caught in Iran instead of here. Here he would have gotten a few years in a three star like hotel, aka prison. :rolleyes:
Well this is a tough subject....
I mean he is obviously a bad person, but then you have to look at other situations.
If you know your sick, going out is putting other people at risk....
He looks a bit shifty.
They should slap him around a bit before they get rid of him.
No point dwelling on sick assholes like this. Shoot him in the face and move on.
Does anyone know how he\'s been sentenced to die, if it\'s in Iran he may get something far more inventive than a hanging.
Originally posted by Green Meanie
No point dwelling on sick assholes like this. Shoot him in the face and move on.
Does anyone know how he\'s been sentenced to die, if it\'s in Iran he may get something far more inventive than a hanging.
Hanging in a public square in Teheran.
I bet there will be lots of stones thrown around, maybe they will maim the body too.
We\'ll see the pictures circulating the web soon then!
Hope it really hurts.