Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: GmanJoe on December 05, 2003, 07:33:53 AM
But it melts instantly when it touches the ground! :(
thats for keeping us updated
any other trivial thoughts you\'de like to share?
Did you know it\'s the 5th of December?
Originally posted by mm
thats for keeping us updated
any other trivial thoughts you\'de like to share?
You\'re welcome. Your taste in movies suck. :)
I heard that tomorrow will snow for real. Today\'s melt way too early. Time to bring out my car tomorrow night. I love snow!
it\'s been snowing here all morning. We got about 5 inches now, and the weatherliars are saying we may see more than a foot by sunday.
- can leave this conversation now. You\'ll just get more upset. :D
Originally posted by lionken07
I heard that tomorrow will snow for real. Today\'s melt way too early. Time to bring out my car tomorrow night. I love snow!
We should get some accumilation tonight. Thank goodness it\'s a weekend tomorrow. I won\'t have to deal with people who can\'t drive in the snow.
dude... new york is gonna get a foot of snow
After some initial snowfall in D.C., Baltimore, and Philadelphia, some relatively warm ocean air will make it inland and cause precipitation to roll back to rain. These cities will see snow entering the picture once again late tonight and through all day Saturday finally letting up by Sunday morning. Significant accumulations of snow is likely. New York may never truely temporarily change over to rain, thus their snow, starting late this morning or early this afternoon, may pile up to rather high totals. Up to a foot of snow in New York City would not be out of the question after everything is said and done.
It looks like Boston might get a foot as well.
Isn\'t New York at about the same level as the U.K. ?
Just wondering why it\'s always cold and damp here with absolutely no fun bits like snow.
Originally posted by Green Meanie
Isn\'t New York at about the same level as the U.K. ?
Just wondering why it\'s always cold and damp here with absolutely no fun bits like snow.
Because of the gulf stream.
it\'s going to be a nightmare on the way home, car has rearwheel drive. I don\'t get off until 8pm so hopefully the roads will be clear by then
Oh well, what with global warming they\'re thinking the gulf stream will gradually cool off as icebergs pass through.
I think that theory is a little far fetched but hey, I\'m not a scientist!
I\'m glad you losers get the snow and not me.
BTW, I\'m planning to cruise up PCH tomorrow morning and then tear through the Malibu canyons in my convertible. Have a nice day! :)
Originally posted by Coredweller
I\'m glad you losers get the snow and not me.
BTW, I\'m planning to cruise up PCH tomorrow morning and then tear through the Malibu canyons in my convertible. Have a nice day! :)
Bah! You get riots, Earth quakes, land slides, brush fires and crazy ass California LAWS! :D
Originally posted by GmanJoe
Bah! You get riots, Earth quakes, land slides, brush fires and crazy ass California LAWS! :D
That\'s right, and don\'t consider coming here. You\'re not welcome. :p
Got some here too! Glad it\'s finally here. :D
Originally posted by Coredweller
That\'s right, and don\'t consider coming here. You\'re not welcome. :p
How do you know I don\'t live there? eh? :)
ugh. Just got a call from my daughters school,..closing early. Hopefully the wifey can pick her up as her job is closer to her school than mine. If not i\'m gonna have to take a half day. Damn i hate wastin days on crap like this..snow sucks the big one.
The snow is sticking here in Jersey. I have to plow my driveway though. I don\'t mind. I do get to go on my quad and ride around so thats fun.
I\'m going golfing tomorrow.
Just thought I\'d throw that little tid bit in.
looks like i will be using my wife\'s car tmorrow..the 2000 chev metro with nice big round 13 inch wheels perfect for the snow!:eek: :P..don\'t laugh that little wizbang is very reliable.heh i just can\'t get over how tiny the tires are on this thing. It looks like it has 4 spare tires on it!:P
*saluts Alaskan flag*
Originally posted by Coredweller
I\'m glad you losers get the snow and not me.
BTW, I\'m planning to cruise up PCH tomorrow morning and then tear through the Malibu canyons in my convertible. Have a nice day! :)
Hey, we might have snowflakes but you just flakes in LA.
It\'s going to rain.
Originally posted by Ace
Hey, we might have snowflakes but you just flakes in LA.
Bah, you\'re not welcome here either. STAY AWAY. :blah:
It\'s my jealousy taking over. My car is covered for the winter and by Sunday there will be a foot or more snow on it. I\'ll be driving with the top down in about six months.
Who changed the subject heading? That unhappy fella mm? I heard Santa never stopped by his house! :laughing:
Check out the mess I have to shovel. :mad:
Were you trying to make an igloo before it collapsed? I don\'t see a car in the last pic.
The car has a cover but it\'s there.
Its a scandal, you have more snow than us.. :(
I almost went into shock last night while going to bed, sooo cooold.. I need something that warms up my bed.. :p
I almost forgot how depressing the winter is, only light for a few hours.
so what did you end up getting up there in massacusetts anyway?
It depends in what city you live. Anywhere from 18" to 30" of snow since Friday night. I think we are closer to the higher number in my city.
We got between a foot and a half and two feet.
Just checked the weather, its going to be a freezing 78 degrees tomorrow! Damn florida.
damn.. I guess I better put on my LONG shorts tomorrow.
I got a foot and a my pants!
Seriously though, we get NO snow. Today was bright and sunny.
unless you live in the northeast, I dont want to hear shit about the snow, I was frigging locked in my house all weekend
How did you check your mail?
Stupid humor at its finest.
Originally posted by The Hurricane
unless you live in the northeast, I dont want to hear shit about the snow, I was frigging locked in my house all weekend
I\'m guessing you all got 20 inches of snow?
Originally posted by GmanJoe
I\'m guessing you all got 20 inches of snow?
He got 20 inches alright, but it wasn\'t snow. It did prevent him from moving though.
Originally posted by Samwise
He got 20 inches alright, but it wasn\'t snow. It did prevent him from moving though.
Did you "probe" him? :p