
Playstation/Gaming Discussions => Gaming Discussion => Topic started by: ReverendXbox on February 07, 2001, 06:49:38 AM

Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: ReverendXbox on February 07, 2001, 06:49:38 AM
Here\'s the link:

:D :D :D

Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: unknown on February 07, 2001, 06:54:32 AM
SONY AINT LOSING SHEET, they aint gota worry about a god damn thing, they know whats up and theywill handle it plain and simple
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: Lavan on February 07, 2001, 07:07:38 AM
How many copies did Onimusha sell in Japan in it\'s first week again?
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: ooseven on February 07, 2001, 07:15:01 AM
so what are you trying to say fanboy?

That Sony will become more unpopular than Microsoft ?

na never happen LOL :D.
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: unknown on February 07, 2001, 07:15:05 AM
Originally posted by Lavan
How many copies did Onimusha sell in Japan in it\'s first week again?

oh did i just hear a toilet flush..
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: Ginko on February 07, 2001, 07:16:48 AM
That\'s capcom though, huge developer/publisher. Whatever.

What happens to the little developers that aren\'t getting the back up they need, or the profit they need to keep developing for PS2?  They\'ll either die out or move on.  

As for popularity with gamers, if the march lineup doesn\'t entice enough people, nothing will.  

I couldn\'t believe Bouncer\'s scores.  And that game was way hyped up.  I don\'t think Dark Cloud has been selling to expectations either.

I will say that Onimusha suprised me with it\'s sales, but it\'s only one game.  

I still say the PS2\'s fate is up in the air.(As to whether it will rule supreme or not)
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: ooseven on February 07, 2001, 07:19:07 AM
Hmmm the Rev is strangly quiet ?

maybe he knows we have rumbled his Mud slinging campaign he he .
hey Rev better get ready to hold bills hand during the court case :D. hehe

or will you be trowin petrol bombs at Xbox industryes to get that name of theres he he :laughing:
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: ReverendXbox on February 07, 2001, 08:21:06 AM
Well, I\'ve finally figured you out.  You\'re a fanboy, plain and simple.  If anyone\'s slinging mud, it\'s you.  If you don\'t like what I post, don\'t read it.  It\'s Sony news and I posted it.  Don\'t shoot the messenger, fanboy.  You\'re so ****ing insecure, aren\'t you?  Only fanboys get insecure about a ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM!!!  Obviously you feel threatned by the Xbox.  For gawdsakes...get out more!!! :D
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: Biohazard on February 07, 2001, 08:50:49 AM
:rpissed:ReverendXbox:rpissed: your the one starting trouble coming to a psx2 bord trolling like a huge x-box fanboy mmmm well you are a x-box fanboy. if you want people to hear you go to an x-box site and troll there loser.:evil:
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: ooseven on February 07, 2001, 09:01:17 AM

Well, I\'ve finally figured you out. You\'re a fanboy, plain and simple. If anyone\'s slinging mud, it\'s you. If you don\'t like what I post, don\'t read it. It\'s Sony news and I posted it. Don\'t shoot the messenger, fanboy. You\'re so ****ing insecure, aren\'t you? Only fanboys get insecure about a ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM!!! Obviously you feel threatned by the Xbox. For gawdsakes...get out more!!!

let me tell you BOY , you  know just 2 things JACK and SH*T and guess what BOY Jack left your town a long long long long long Time a go he he :D.


i am thninking of starting a friendly beet for al real memebrs "no money" invovled to see when
a) your branded a MS fanbot (awww tooo late already happened He HE :D.

b) get kicked for being a troll

my guess is that would be around march 21 2001 :D.
he he :laughing:
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: politiepet on February 07, 2001, 09:06:48 AM
yeah let\'s start a console war for a change LOL!!!!!!!
I got to admit, telling these xbox \'representatives\' to shut up is kinda funny
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: unknown on February 07, 2001, 09:20:04 AM
Originally posted by ReverendXbox
Well, I\'ve finally figured you out.  You\'re a fanboy, plain and simple.  If anyone\'s slinging mud, it\'s you.  If you don\'t like what I post, don\'t read it.  It\'s Sony news and I posted it.  Don\'t shoot the messenger, fanboy.  You\'re so ****ing insecure, aren\'t you?  Only fanboys get insecure about a ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM!!!  Obviously you feel threatned by the Xbox.  For gawdsakes...get out more!!! :D

oh just shut the fu*k up and stop all the x box bull sh*t if you wana post x box stuff go to a x box forum plain and simple, now your calling us fanboys when your the one post x box stuff in a ps2 forum, just trying to start drama, your the fanboy, get real fool
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: ReverendXbox on February 07, 2001, 09:20:28 AM
Of course...I come here citing news and you attack me for it.  Typical fanboy antics.  You guys are hilarious.  This forum is turning to PS2Web alright.  OOSEVEN, typical fanboy.  Most people in here are multiconsole gamers like myself, so they would like to hear this news...however fanboys can be weeded out easily.  Just post some news about a competing console and they get up in arms.  Damn, ooseven, I\'m going to have fun with your ass after E3!:D
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: Darth Joyda on February 07, 2001, 09:23:43 AM
Now now, don\'t let this go into a flame war!

Ooseven, reverend, stop it! You\'re fighting like little children... hey, I find that quite funny after all... :laughing:
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: politiepet on February 07, 2001, 09:25:43 AM
Originally posted by ReverendXbox
Of course...I come here citing news and you attack me for it.  Typical fanboy antics.  You guys are hilarious.  This forum is turning to PS2Web alright.  OOSEVEN, typical fanboy.  Most people in here are multiconsole gamers like myself, so they would like to hear this news...however fanboys can be weeded out easily.  Just post some news about a competing console and they get up in arms.  Damn, ooseven, I\'m going to have fun with your ass after E3!:D

Oh come on, you can\'t be saying this for real, you posted that post in here because you like to see sony not doing good, and you know you do, so don\'t give us that: I\'m an innocent person and those bad man are making fun of me *weeh*,
It\'s funny, al those xbox people always give us that ****, they are being unreasonable and try to start war, and when the mods come in they start like: I never said bad things, I\'m a good boy.
WHY GOD WHY!!!!!!lol
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: ReverendXbox on February 07, 2001, 09:34:35 AM
Hey...where did I start trouble politepet?
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: politiepet on February 07, 2001, 09:37:13 AM
Originally posted by ReverendXbox
Hey...where did I start trouble politepet?

by starting this thread, you did it to start a war, and you know it, but I won\'t fall far yer little trap, I won\'t call you names or something.
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: ooseven on February 07, 2001, 10:58:01 AM
ok ill hold back and stop picking on the Troll, ill just let you guys do it and piss myself :laughing:.

plus if this gose on much longer we will be fighting for real he he :D.

Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: §ôµÏG®ïñD on February 07, 2001, 11:23:27 AM
Ok ok.. That\'s enough people. I\'m sure sony are fine. Look at the non bias site polls. They speak for themselfs. Enough flaming.
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: ReverendXbox on February 07, 2001, 02:33:36 PM
Word up nathan!  I\'m gathering my wheat for the harvest which happens after E3.  Damn, it\'s going to be fun after then. :D
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: CelliCeL on February 07, 2001, 03:15:03 PM
174 posts of negative things about the ps2 and positive things about the x-box. Dont you have anything better to do then posting rumors, most of the time?
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: Mr. Kennedy on February 07, 2001, 04:54:10 PM
What else could we expect from ReverendXbox?  Seriously! Look at him, his name says it all!
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: Living-In-Clip on February 07, 2001, 07:06:21 PM
Come on Rev. You are losing your touch man. Out of all the regulars here, I am about the only one who supported your "sermons". You don\'t do them anymore. You started resorting to typical PS2 bashes.

You use to have some pretty good points. But, you\'ve forgotten them lately.

And yes Rev--is a fanboy. But, aren\'t we all for some system? Even if we don\'t like the word. I guess I am a Sega fanboy and so on. Its how its represented. And this is a bad example of fanboy\'ism.
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: Mr. Kennedy on February 07, 2001, 07:18:14 PM
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Come on Rev. You are losing your touch man. Out of all the regulars here, I am about the only one who supported your "sermons". You don\'t do them anymore. You started resorting to typical PS2 bashes.

You use to have some pretty good points. But, you\'ve forgotten them lately.

And yes Rev--is a fanboy. But, aren\'t we all for some system? Even if we don\'t like the word. I guess I am a Sega fanboy and so on. Its how its represented. And this is a bad example of fanboy\'ism.

I can afree that we all have a little fanboy in us.  Very well said Living In Clip.  However, that doesn\'t give you the right to bash the other systems.  You didn\'t get a PS2 and now you hate it, oh well. Your loss.  Your Dreamcast is getting old and now you hate it, oh well.  Live with it.  You know nothing about the X-Box, yet it\'s the greatest system in the world, that\'s great, now back it up.  If your gonna be a fanboy, at least be respectful about it.
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: ooseven on February 08, 2001, 07:22:06 AM
Sony losing popularity ?

to answer your question Rev X, i think they are a bit ( but thats just people who did\'t get a PS2 straight away) but hey thats the price of a console launch.

Sometimes its more harm than good.


Just remember that the X box has still to come out and it too will have it\'s launch day blues , same go\'s for the NGC.

Title: Bond on Ps2
Post by: jiggs on February 11, 2001, 04:57:33 PM
But James when are you going to make your appearence on the ps2?
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: ChocoboSquared on February 11, 2001, 09:28:29 PM
why don\'t we try wat the reverend is doing here at the msxbox forums?
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: Sublimesjg on February 11, 2001, 09:58:30 PM
no we don\'t need to resort to their level thats what makes us better than them - they are just worried about the accpetance of their own console and must lash out at others to make themselves feel better

It is best to ignore them completey because replying to their post only make them c0ckier
Title: Re: Bond on Ps2
Post by: ooseven on February 15, 2001, 03:06:18 PM
Originally posted by jiggs
But James when are you going to make your appearence on the ps2?

i am afraid that you have to wait for "The World is Not Enough" before you can get a chance to play with me :shy:.
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: Mr. Kennedy on February 15, 2001, 04:40:07 PM
TWINE will make an excellent addition to the PS2\'s arsenal!
Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: ooseven on February 16, 2001, 03:36:21 AM
Hmmm in the UK we have a consumer programme called watchdog, they done a feature on the PS2 saying that 36 % has serious problems with there PS2 !

but what they didn\'t tell you is that they only asked 35 people who bought had bought a PS2.

anyway ill post the full deatils when i get home beacue it has it in the new uk Playstation world mag.
Title: Re: Re: Bond on Ps2
Post by: Living-In-Clip on February 16, 2001, 08:57:57 AM
Originally posted by ooseven
Originally posted by jiggs
But James when are you going to make your appearence on the ps2?

i am afraid that you have to wait for "The World is Not Enough" before you can get a chance to play with me :shy:. [/B]

No offense Bond, but that didn\'t sound "good"..:laughing:

Title: Sony Losing Popularity?
Post by: ooseven on February 18, 2001, 04:58:19 AM
hey :laughing:.
my only hope is that i can get some Kick @ss Bond games for my Playstation 2, Bond Racer was poor on the PSX :( so i only hope that they make a good go of it for the PS2 version.