
Playstation/Gaming Discussions => PS3 Discussion => Topic started by: MattPS2k on March 18, 2001, 07:23:36 PM

Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: MattPS2k on March 18, 2001, 07:23:36 PM
Guys!!! I bought the Bouncer today. I went to put it in my PS2 (which is Horizontal) as i always do. The console had been in standby mode for like 2 days. When i put the game in and hit reset. Nothing happened. I went into the browser and just my memory card was there. Next, i tried booting my SSX. Same then. I tried a Three Stooges DVD, i tried WWF Attitude for PSX (which BTW was the last game that I played before this happened). and nothing. COULD THIS BE BECAUSE I LEFT PS2 IN STANDBY FOR 48 HOURS??? If this has happened to you before, please help me and reply. I am so pissed i can\'t even express it to you in this post. This is so depressing. I dont want to pay to get it repaired, thus WAIT for it to be fixed. Thanks for your time. :(

Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: ddaryl on March 18, 2001, 07:35:02 PM
my PS2 has been in stanby since Oct 26 and I have no problems so it isn\'t that

There\'s a diagnostic mode in the PS2 configuration screen, read the manual and see if that helps you

if that don\'t work then you might need to send it to SOny for repairs

thats all i can say about it at this point
Title: DAYUM
Post by: on March 18, 2001, 07:35:04 PM
MAN that should try calling sony and ask for some techinical help. I never keep it in standbye, thats just me.
Title: ATTN: all who have had thier PS2\'s Repaired
Post by: MattPS2k on March 18, 2001, 07:47:50 PM
If you have sent in your PS2 to Sony for repairs. How long did it take to come back. I want to get mine back ASAP. Of course, my PS2 has to ****in\' break, IN MARCH right, of all months. No Onimusha or Triple Play for Matt. Why Me??? Why Me??? bull ****

Thanks guys.
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: MeTaL=DeaTh on March 18, 2001, 07:48:44 PM
i never buy anything that costs a bit without some kind of warranty from where you bought it,ack that sux,hope you get it fixed...did you let it set and try it again?
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: jiggs on March 18, 2001, 08:01:39 PM
Try tilting your PS2 right after you put the CD in. Mine was not reading when I first got it and I tried tilting it towards its back and it began to read. How that works because it would be a pain to send it in for repairs. By the way what is the benefit of leaving the PS2 in standby mode?
Ana_Sofia (
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: ddaryl on March 18, 2001, 08:07:28 PM
Originally posted by jiggs
. By the way what is the benefit of leaving the PS2 in standby mode?

Electronics take a bigger beating being powered up from a cold start. Standby mode is like sleep mode everything is powered up but not being used.

plus its a pain in the ass reacihing behind the unit to turn it on/off. Obviously Sony did not design the machine to be powered on and off regularly.

You should have your PS2 hooked into a surge protector, and only power down  when your not going to be gaming for a few weeks.
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: bandit on March 18, 2001, 08:07:59 PM
the benefit of putting PS2 in standby mode ? wont have to unplug it and have to reenter all the setting again..its like having your VCR or TV on standby
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: EmperorRob on March 18, 2001, 08:36:10 PM
Everyone\'s got their own opinion on Standby mode.

MattPS2k, man I hate to tell you this but Sony\'s tech support is very bad.  I hope to never deal with them again.  My unit had to go twice and took 2.5 weeks each trip.  First time it didn\'t get fixed right but the second time it did.

Mine seems to be the worst case (or one of), but 2 months for a repair that takes 2 trips show incompetence, and an apathy of customers.  They were all about sending me an airbill, but of course it took them 3 to get it to me.

My advice to you is to demand a new system.  Tell them to send it to you with an airbill and when you receive it, you\'ll send your broken one back.
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: EZLN1 on March 18, 2001, 10:41:58 PM
There\'s no way in hell they\'ll do that. I had to send my ps2 to get repaired(My dad ****ed it up and I blamed it on them) and within 5 days, they had repaired it and sent it back to me. Unfortunately, UPS lost my ps2 and it was over a month until I got a brand new ps2.
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: Huddy on March 18, 2001, 11:01:33 PM
Yeah, I\'ve had my PS2 on Standby whenever I\'m not playing, works fine.  You might want to try a hard power down and a hard power up.  Try that and see if that works.
Title: Sony\'s Tech Support
Post by: MattPS2k on March 19, 2001, 06:43:52 AM
I have had my PS2 for well over 90 days. Am I going to be charged??? How much is it??? This really sucks. Maybe i can get my friend to give me the reciept to his PS2 which he bought recently so I can return it. But, with my luck the store won\'t have any to give to me. Man, this really blows a big one. Guess I\'m just gonna have to play Dreamcast for the time being (not that that\'s a bad thing :D )

Thanks again guys!
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: unknown on March 19, 2001, 08:32:20 AM
BOY OH BOY DOES THAT SUCK ARS MAN, thats why i never use standbye mode, the way i turn it off is i just push the standbye mode and the flick the switch in  the back, and the way i have my ps2 is setup sidways with the ps2 sign facing me vertical, thatway i dont have to reach back just tot he side, and i must say it looks so much cooler this way the it actually facing you. anyways try re starting it, put it horizontal , unplug it remove the cord and redo it, i dont know what to say, try to see if you can get a local repair man, wich knows what hes oing f not, then you must get sony to repair it, i hope this never happens to my ps2.
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: EmperorRob on March 19, 2001, 08:56:19 AM
MattPS2k, Sony never asked for any proof of my purchase or receipt.  They asked me when I bought it.  So you just tell them some ficticious date that\'s within 90 days and you\'ll be fine.  If they ask for a receipt just tell them you don\'t have it.

In my case I didn\'t have my receipt, but it had been less than 90 days since date of launch so they knew i was legit.  I bet they won\'t push it though, since they are having a lot of these troubles with PS2s.  These things are built like
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: on March 19, 2001, 09:36:37 AM
I would definitely try turning it off and unplugging it, then plug it back in and turn it on (if you haven\'t already). This sort of resets preferences used by CPU\'s and can clear up many issues.
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: Seed_Of_Evil on March 19, 2001, 12:24:47 PM
check the warranty, bad luck :(
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: bandit on March 19, 2001, 12:38:12 PM only if people buy warranties that i/stores sell..i warn them that things will happen..such as this case..but people say "NAH ! dont need it" so i say.."OK either pay $30 for 1 year or $50 for 2 years [EB\'s warranty]..or pay $40-50 for shipping UPS Ground with insurance to SONY and wait 4-6 weeks for it and SONY ONLY covers defects, not human errors"

ONLY if ALL buyers who stopped by my store read about EmperorRob\'s case..then they will understand that warranties is ESSENTIAL !
Title: i was just curious...
Post by: on March 19, 2001, 12:49:37 PM
who here keeps thier ps2 on standby i do all the time, since oct. their any risks involved?
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: on March 19, 2001, 01:21:52 PM
Sounds like ddayrl has had his on standby since it came out. I have had mine on standby for almost a month straight (ever since I got mine) and no problems. Plus I only play about 1-2 hours per week, so mine is in standby the majority of the time. Theoretically standby should cause no problems. When in standby I believe only a few componets are powered, and those components are simply waiting for the \'reset\' button to be hit and then the system will power up.
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: MattPS2k on March 19, 2001, 01:33:21 PM
Holy SH*T! I just called Sony\'s Tech support and they can repair it for !!!$$$119.00!!! 119, that is insane, i might as well buy a new goddamn console. You think they\'ll fall for it if i say it was bought last month??? I sure as hell hope not. If only PS2 was more well built...

And BTW, i\'m not that stupid :D i unpluged and re-plugged my PS2 4 seperate times on different TVs.
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: ninja_blade on March 19, 2001, 01:40:49 PM
my condolensces, that really sucks...  did you try the diagnostics mode?  i\'ve had mine on standby since launch and play only a few hours a week, no problems as such...  *knocks on wood*
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: jiggs on March 19, 2001, 08:45:50 PM
Originally posted by ddaryl

Electronics take a bigger beating being powered up from a cold start. Standby mode is like sleep mode everything is powered up but not being used.

plus its a pain in the ass reacihing behind the unit to turn it on/off. Obviously Sony did not design the machine to be powered on and off regularly.

You should have your PS2 hooked into a surge protector, and only power down  when your not going to be gaming for a few weeks.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Thx ddaryl. I do have mine on a surge protector even though I am not gaming real hard on it right now I will take your advice. However I keep mine horizontal does anyone see any real reason to go vertical? I am just glad mine works fine.
Live sex (
Title: HELP!!! PS2 won\'t read CDs. Worst Day of my LIFE!!! :\'-(
Post by: ddaryl on March 19, 2001, 09:26:28 PM
vertical makes no sense to me. Unless you have to for jam packed reasons

Horizontal seems safer to me