I don\'t know, I rather see fewer threads then a bunch of "Red Fracton 837462!" threads or whatever. Or the zillion questions about "My PS2 Standby Question!". Not that those bother me, but when the forums was extremely busy, I just remember alot of threads like that..Eek!
Rants and Raves is gettin\' alot more threads then it use to. Same with Console Debatin\'. The Main Forum is the one that is really hurting, but that is simply because there isn\'t alot of news right now, due to the \'after E3 shock\'.
Nice picture, Sony.
. I have to agree, since I got a g/f a few months ago it seems like all my cash goes there and never towards games. I really got to get rid of her and start buying more games.
Cash + Games = hours of fun.
Cash + Girls = 15 mintues of fun. Then you add the other variables.
Girls + pms + commitment = Certain death.
You decide which is the smarter choice.