Originally posted by ViVi
Hey you\'re in Tae Kwon Do also? I\'ve been in it since I was six and I\'ve got a 2nd degree Black Belt and have a bronze medal in the Junior Olympics.
Wow dood. That\'s kewl. I\'ve been doing freestyle martial arts for around 10-12 years.. It\'s a mix of EVERYTHING.. Here\'s what i\'ve learnt.. Belts mean S@#T all.. There good for holding up your pants.
I\'ve come across A LOT of black belts that can\'t fight to save themselfs.
I\'m not saying all black belts are crap. I never say anyone is crap. I just find the color of a belt these days doesn\'t mean much.. Most of the time it just means someone has been doin there style for along time. I\'ve seen people go up in grades that should NEVER have. I train people.. If there crap. I just don\'t let them grade. I don\'t do tournaments.. I get asked A LOT.. but i hate stuff like that. I train for myself. Not to be a be a show pony. That how i see tournaments.. Just places to show off. I do however.. go to other clubs to train in other syles.. Also to test myself. But tournmanets... are not for me.
I\'m not tyring to insult u, if that\'s what u are thinking.. That\'s just my point of view.