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Author Topic: Shemue 3 on Xbox?!?!?!??!  (Read 1715 times)

Offline ddaryl
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Shemue 3 on Xbox?!?!?!??!
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2001, 08:31:10 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
They did fine with Shenue on DC. I am just saying, the hard drive would be nice. but it is NOT needed, especially with disks 4 times larger than DC disks.

It would be nice though.

Eric Jacob

Its has nothing to do with the amount of data stored on a DVD compared to a Sega GD. Its more about being able to interact with the enviroment change things, smash things etc,,, and then come back to these areas in the game hours later and find them  still in there re-arranged states because of the XBox\'s ability to store this data on the harddrive. SOmething limited memory consoles cannot afford.  Not only enviroments but depth of gameplay should also be increased.

and I\'m sure Shenmue on the DC was a fine game, but the game can be much more deep with a developer capable of and with enough of a vision to really tap the potential of a harddrive in a console

There are tremendous advantages to a harddrive in a console and I really hope some talented developers making games for XBox really find ways to change the face of console gaming with the Harddrive.

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Shemue 3 on Xbox?!?!?!??!
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2001, 08:36:10 PM »
hmm, I guess I never thought of it that way.

Guess it would be much better, that is to say if they used X-Box\'s potential, on X-box.

here\'s to hoping!

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

Offline ddaryl
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Shemue 3 on Xbox?!?!?!??!
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2001, 09:00:04 PM »
another thing that has brought me up to the potential of a HD in a console is playing Red Faction

Red Faction was a great fun FPS but eh GEO MOD engine was hyped and didn\'t really make it into the game at the scale anyone was expecting

why, well the inability to deform all this terrain and have the console remember what had been done. Because of I feel the great game that Red Faction is still came considerably short of its potential do to limitations.

With a Developer like Sega who knows console gaming who has huge vision and big budgets. The XBox and its harddrive should prove to be a fantastic way to further innovate console games.

I\'m really looking forward to the 1st "AAA" RPG on Xbox. Games like Project Ego or Morrowind (I think I got the name right) Both these games are boasting realtime aging, all shaped by the direction you guide and build your character.

It will be interesting to see how the HD in XBox shapes the future of console games

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Shemue 3 on Xbox?!?!?!??!
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2001, 09:44:24 PM »
Originally posted by ddaryl
It will be interesting to see how the HD in XBox shapes the future of console games

I agree. I think all consoles after this generation will have some sort of built in storage device; due to the numerous possibilities for gameplay innovation. A lot of Xbox games are gonna either change their respective genres or redefine NEW genres. I for one am looking forward to them too.

BTW, I agree with Altered and Ashford, Where Hazuki-san goes, I go. :D
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Offline EThugg
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Shemue 3 on Xbox?!?!?!??!
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2001, 01:49:06 AM »
I\'d link you guys to where I was told it was going to GC, but it\'s on a inapropriate site, and I respect the rules of this forum.
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