Originally posted by ElAsesino
I thought you weren\'t impressed with the GC either and were going to get it after launch, Living?
I wasn\'t until I took a look and downloaded more videos of games like Lugi\'s Manison. But, to be honest, the main reason I\'ll buy a GC is for Resident Evil: Zero. It isn\'t that its impressed me a ton. But, the fact that Resident Evil: Zero should be out shortly after launch as my excited and secured my purchase. Then there is always the aspect of Nintendo franchises like Mario, F-Zero and others.
I know I\'ll end up with an Xbox though. There is no doubt in my mind. I will probably buy one about the time Dino Crisis 3 comes out for it. Its just, as a whole I don\'t see any games I care for. Not sayin\' the games are bad. Just the games don\'t interest me.
As for "please don\'t go trashing Z.O.E " comment by Cloud... Well, it did have pretty explosions.. There, I named a good point for it.....