Igncube asked Factor 5 about how much the graphics would increase from 1st generation games to 2nd and 3rd and on.. they said that there would be a huge difference. Plus guys, all the GC games so far aren\'t 1st gen. They are pre-1st generation as the system has yet to come out and they have about 6 more months to be worked on till the launch, which is a whole lotta time, considering that Miyamoto said that you could get a good, quality graphics game out of the cube in 6-12 months. These games will definitly improve more then you all think. I don\'t know where this "The cube is maxed out at launch" kind of thing came from. Its not. Just wait awhile and you\'ll see.
Also on the Texture and Poly debate, the Star Destroyer in Rogue Leader is 8 mpgps by itself, not to mension the backdrops and starfighters flying around it, with all AI running, at 60 frames per second no slow down. It all comes down to the fun factor people :wedge: