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Author Topic: PS2 #1, but who will be #2?  (Read 5049 times)

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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #75 on: July 09, 2001, 06:34:02 AM »
Originally posted by Troglodyte

And by combining the best elements of other controllers, it is innovative.

So your now saying XB\'s controller is innovative, right? Your not pulling a double standard on \'big bad\' MS, are you?

Offline fastson
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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #76 on: July 09, 2001, 07:00:48 AM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing
Hey faston, friend of mine was in sweeden, he said the woman there are just incredible looking. They are very beautiful, only thing he said was they wanted nothing to do with americans.

Yeah I know :)
Swedish women are very good looking..

And he have them all to our selves ;)
\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
-Axel Oxenstierna 1648

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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #77 on: July 09, 2001, 07:57:32 AM »
Originally posted by Krimson

So your now saying XB\'s controller is innovative, right? Your not pulling a double standard on \'big bad\' MS, are you?

It has it\'s inovvativeness, doesn\'t it?  I don\'t have any double standards.  I think the fact alone that gc and xbox have 4 controller ports (like 64, and an couple other consoles) is the best idea yet.

I personally don\'t like the "feel" of the controller.  I say "feel" \'cause I haven\'t actually touched it!  I\'m just so use to PS\'s controller!

But yes, the "new" features of xbox\'s control are  innovative, not a rip-off, and not stealing.

No double standards here!

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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #78 on: July 09, 2001, 08:40:12 AM »
Ok then... as long as there aren\'t....

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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #79 on: July 10, 2001, 03:32:17 AM »
Well im not going to say to much on this except the fact I disagree with the heading of this thread.

ps2 number one? Not too sure about that.  Sure they have a ten million head start but thats not crucial.

I think of it like this.  you got a bmw z3 versus a ferrari.
You can give the bmw a head start....but eventually the ferrari is going to lap the bmw.

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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #80 on: July 10, 2001, 05:08:41 AM »
Originally posted by JediMaster
Accually my IQ is 151 just to let you know. Now on to this disscussion. Microsoft hasn\'t done anything to help the console industry yet. They have made a controller that takes a little bit off of the other 3, that controller doesn\'t have any innovation to it. Now they are PAYING developers to make games for the XBox. The XBox will might have patches, I maybe wrong. But patches could easily show up. I meant not to get yelled at for posting something like that because I wasn\'t going to try even to defend it because it wasn\'t based on anything we know about yet ok? "This can happen anytime you have a Harddrive."

Microsoft hasn\'t done anything for the industry?  I guess you call 200 third party developers stupid right?  Oh yeah, and thanks to Microsoft, GameCube2 and PS3 will have a HDD built in.  Mark.  My.  Words.
When all is said and done...the PS2 will be remembered as the console with the best games in Fall 2001.

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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #81 on: July 10, 2001, 06:13:38 AM »
Sony has yet to prove themselves.  Nintendo has already proved themselves.  Microsoft has to make a good impression.  

Nintendo is the only company that I can think of that will be number one.  I\'m no Nintendo fanboy, but I am a Nintendo fan and an Xbox supporter that believes that Nintendo is the only battletested company still in the business.  They\'ve had their ups and downs and they are still making game consoles.  They know how it is to compete with a fierce competitor.  During the early 90\'s, Nintendo went toe-to-toe with Sega and came out pretty much even.  Sega had BRUTAL and EFFECTIVE marketing and awesome software support and comparable hardware power.  

However, Sony doesn\'t have it as good as some may think they do.  They have yet to prove that they can handle a full-on dog fight.  With the PSX it was hardly great games and marketing that helped Sony win the hearts and minds of gamers (although they helped).  A complacent Nintendo who made poor hardware decisions (cartridge medium) and had poor software support because of that medium and an arrogant and unfocused Sega basically handed Sony free marketshare.  Sony didn\'t have to fight hard last generation.  Even the staunchest PS2 fanboy has to admit that.  Sony had it easy.  Half way through the PSX life cycle, one competitor was dead and one was content with being number two.  It\'s not going to be so easy for Sony this time around.

In a matter of months, the PS2 will be the weakest next gen console(still in production) out on the market.  PSX was the second most powerful console with awesome software support last generation.  This generation, it has the weakest hardware and both of it\'s competitors have comparable third party game support and (better) first party software support.  If I were Sony I\'d be piss-scared of the GameCube and I\'d have one eye on the Xbox too.  Microsoft are a bunch of hungry bastards looking at Sony\'s plate.  They\'ve got a bottomless pit of a war chest and the hardware muscle to back it up.  Some may say I\'m a big PS2 skeptic, but I don\'t see PS2 "having it in the bag."  PS2 kinda reminds me of the rich pimp with all of the hoes.  However, when two bigger and richer pimps walk by and throw money at his hoes, the hoes cling to the new pimps.  

PS2\'s ONLY saving grace is its current market share.  It is the leading next gen console because it\'s basically the only one out.  However, developers are like hoes, y\'know.  As soon as Xbox and GameCube with their "richer" development environments start to edge close to PS2 marketshare, some developers may jump ship.  Gamers are like hoes too...and I\'m not talking about the hardcore ones that surf the net and join forums such as this one.  I\'m talking the Joe Gamers who only plays games on a rainy day.  They\'re the biggest hoes and the majority of the 70 million PSX owners are these same hoes.  As soon as a more powerful, newer, and fresher pimp comes along, these hoes jump ship too.  These hoes don\'t buy MGS2, DMC, and FFX, they buy the games you can get on all platforms like the Maddens and the FIFA\'s and the Raymans.  Out of 70 million PSX owners 6 million only bought the original MGS.  That\'s a very big number, but the majority of the "hoes" don\'t buy those games.  

So PS2 zealots can\'t say "everyone wants killer apps."  No.  Hardcore gamers want "killer apps."  The "hoes" just want shiny new graphics.  They are easily lured by hype.  So PS2 only has one advantage and that advantage is that it\'s out now and alone.  That advantage will end on November 5th when the GameCube launches.  Some may say it\'s a "kiddy" system, but when people see Rogue Leader running on a GCN kiosk in the WalMarts and Babbage\'s,  and the $199 price tag, they\'re going to bite.  I don\'t care how much Sony spends on marketing, no amount of marketing can help them against the HUGE marketing campaigns of TWO NEW AND MORE POWERFUL CONSOLES.  I just don\'t see that.  PS2 loyalists like to think we live in the world where everyone who owns a PSX is a loyalist like them.  That\'s not true.  The majority are graphics whores who will jump ship at the first sign of a pretty picture and comparable price point.

Sony Computer Entertainment of America President Kaz Hirai has already stated that they won\'t drop the price of the PS2 in America (Next Gen--July) and that they are confident that they can sell $300 PS2\'s when there will be a $300 Xbox and a $200 Game Cube on the market.   And I say, "Yeah, sure...whatever Mr. Arrogant, sir."  PS2 is a solid computer entertainment system, but I don\'t see how it can stay number one when two new video game systems are coming out with games that are just as good if not better than the PS2 line-up.  People may brag about Devil May Cry, Silent Hill 2 and MGS2, but Xbox will have an exclusive game from the producer of DMC called Brain Box (voice controlled Mech game), Silent Hill X, and MGSX ("beyond" MGS2).  Game Cube will have the new MARIO GAME (!!!!!!!!) that will be unvieled at Space World and tons of other Nintendo properties and third party games.  I just don\'t see how PS2 can compete with that and still be number one.  If they do, like Sony\'s Phil Harrison says, "I\'ll eat my shorts."  


Proof that Xbox will have no patches?  Here ya go!


Would this mean X-Box users would be downloading patches to their console\'s hard-drive? Allard answered that question in two words. "Patches suck," he said with a smile. The hard-drive is there to store game data, he clarified, as well as to serve as virtual memory while a game runs. Things like sports commentary or extra level data could be read from the game DVD and stored on the hard-drive for quick access later when they\'re needed, freeing RAM but not taking nearly as much time to load.


J. Allard is the Xbox Project Manager.  If he says "no patches" there will be no patches, get it?  This isn\'t the PC market and Xbox is no PC (read: no open source), so developers will have to send their games past J. Allard and if he sees the word "patch", it gets tossed out.  Jedi, get educated.  Don\'t let your 151 IQ :rolleyes: go to waste, dude.  Make sure you\'re qualified to have an opinion by educating yourself on the topic before you comment.  An uneducated opinion = pure bullsh!t.

Is MGSX (beyond MGS2) coming to the Xbox?  


But the Konami legend agreed that Xbox visuals will pack a larger punch. "You will definitely get better graphics with Xbox," he added. "With PlayStation 2, we had to create our own shadows with the software. With Xbox, the machine creates it for us, so we can use that little extra power for effects and stuff. So the Xbox version [the still mysterious Metal Gear Solid X] will probably look a little bit better."



KEVIN: Well we\'ve got permission from Konami to answer this for you. And let me say that Metal Gear Solid X will be beyond MGS2. We\'ll leave it at that. But we asked Konami to clear up that confusion, and they were like "why would anything think we were doing a port of a five year old game?"


Straight from the dog\'s mouth Vivi...get from under the rock dude and get informed.  Kevin Bacchus (no longer with Microsoft) got permission from Konami to CONFIRM that MGSX = Beyond MGS2 for Xbox.  This is no longer an issue, case closed.
When all is said and done...the PS2 will be remembered as the console with the best games in Fall 2001.

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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #82 on: July 10, 2001, 06:27:19 AM »
It\'s a shame.  Patches aren\'t a bad thing.  I wish they would.  (All the consoles with hard drives should.)

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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #83 on: July 10, 2001, 08:11:52 AM »

Ive been looking for that article for ALONG time....

You\'ve just shut up everybody who said mgsx is not real or who said its going to be MGS 1.:D

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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #84 on: July 10, 2001, 09:19:31 AM »
It\'s a shame. Patches aren\'t a bad thing. I wish they would

Yes it would, but only for hardcore gamers. The mainstream will not take to it, and will confussed.


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