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Author Topic: Finally A System Selling Game.  (Read 913 times)

Offline 8-P
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Finally A System Selling Game.
« on: July 14, 2001, 01:10:21 PM »
Let me makes this clear right now.  I do not own a PS2, have never really planned on getting a PS2.  There are games on the system that look awesome, but in my opinion nothing to the point of a systems seller.  MGS2… yeah, I guess.  It does look sweet, played the demo, but didn’t impress me to the point to where I had to get the game.  I played the first one, it was alright.  Nothing to huge in my book.  Now remember this is all in MY OPINION.  So it’s not wrong.  Not a huge fan on Racing games, so GT3 is kind of game that I would play at my buddies house.

I was planning on getting an Xbox when it was first announced, but that system hasn’t really shown me anything new.  Halo… that is my type of game.  But watching the previews for it, looks little too jumpy for being the on the most powerful machine (if somebody can show me a smooth video for Halo, I would appreciate it).  Remember, I am not bashing anything. They are all good systems.

Which now leaves the last system, the Nintendo GameCube.  Yes, I am looking forward to this system and their games.  Starfox Advantures, Eternal Darkness (until now, which is the point of this thread), Wave Race, Luigi’s Mansion, Metroid, Zelda, Mario… blah, blah, blah… you all now the routine.

I was really looking forward to Eternal Darkness, why it just seems like my type of game.  I finally got to a computer where I had time to download a movie that I have been dying to see.  Devil May Cry, OMG this game looks amazing.  Out of what I have seen out of the movies so far, this game is the type of game has just out done itself.  Capcom has done it again with another must have Series (I say series, because I know that they will be making many more DMC if this one sells well enough).  The impression I got out of this game was something that the gaming industry has needed.  It’s almost like Castlevania meets the Matrix.  It’s one of those games, that once you master, people would rather watch you play than play themselves.  This has moved into my “must have” games.  This game alone has gotten me more excited about gaming than any other Nintendo, Sony, or Xbox game combined.

There were so many things that made me want this game.  Your fighting style where it’s almost like a Fighting gaming, changing weapons without losing a beat, the mixture of sword and gun play worked in beautiful, and on and on and on.  And I am sure for those that have seen these movies know exactly what I am talking about.  A lot of people talk about MGS2 and GT3 being that big sellers for the PS2 (there is no doubt they will be) but I just don’t understand why I don’t hear people talk more about this Devil May Cry.  In my opinion, this has a chance to be game that gaming is made.  Man, I am pumped for this game!

Thanks for listening to my pointless excitement of Devil May Cry.

8-P = :p  
Nothing More & Nothing Less.
8-P = :p
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Finally A System Selling Game.
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2001, 01:52:46 PM »
I agree with you 8-P Devil May Cry is awsome it\'s on my top five most wanted list right up there with Jak and Daxter,Final Fantasy X,Maximo, and MGS2!
Man.. if BookerT lit a fart during a Spinner-oony.. it truely would be the most electrifying move ever..

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Finally A System Selling Game.
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2001, 06:03:07 AM »
See, I don\'t have a PS2.  I only like a handful of games (assuming they will be good) and don\'t think 300$ is worth it.

Devil May Cry is in my top three to look for (on PS2).  It looks stunning and the gameplay looks to be downright wicked and intense.  

My other two are FFX, then Jak and Daxter.  I love platformers (right now Gamecube has got me all excited with Starfox Adventures).

There is my pointless 2 cents...


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