Oh the troll picked me instead of one of the other ten people who laughed at the controller, how touching.
I have held the controller and its not even close to what people say about it. 99 percent of the people who say things about it are like you and haven\'t even held it.
Hey ****er, I say it was huge, that\'s all. It\'s fanboys like you who interpret it in a wrong way.
The controller is not bad. Now the games using the controller need to be better for launch, this is true.
I have also held the Nintendo gamecube controller without a problem as well.
I really don\'t care what you think about anything. Don\'t pester me with meaningless opinions, Dicwiz.
Now, Jumpman, being that you are two years old, you might have problems holding any controller or your bladder for that matter.
Oh going for a direct insult against moi? Don\'t even bother. It\'s hard using those insults on a
15 year-old.
Your pathetic. I pitty the ***** you supposedly married. How could a girl ever like a narrow minded imbecile such as yourself? And you have kids? God I hate to see a picture of those ugly ****s...
Don\'t be such a little penis. Try to be open minded and try something for a change instead of living with Nintendo in the stoneage.
Being open minded is something you can never begin to comprehend Dicwiz. I used to hate Sega after I bought a Saturn(me and my brother that is), so naturally I wasn\'t to keen on the DC. But then I got interested in the games, and soon after I bought one. That\'s just an example of me being open minded, but there are none for you obviously.
Why must you annoy me? Is it because I\'m not interested in the X-Box? Blame MS and their developers for that, not me.