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Author Topic: A true Demonstration of GameCube\'s power.  (Read 1109 times)

Offline JediMaster
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A true Demonstration of GameCube\'s power.
« on: July 16, 2001, 07:58:43 PM »
I agree with most of this, I did not write this. A person called HJ Hornbeck took the time to put this all together. Like I said, this is good but not my words. It is worth the time to read and download.

"Here\'s my favorite example of the GameCubes\' power. IGN recently posted a video with the title Blowing up a Big Baloon
Let the movie play for a few seconds, then pause it. There should see several hundred buildings on screen; it\'s an impressive amount of polys, right? Unpause the movie, then let it play. Pause it again a few seconds after the targeting computer pops up then off, yet before your fighter makes a sharp right. Take a close look at the buildings now. Notice how round they are? Notice how some of them are multi-storied, like they have some discs stacked on them? Both of these demonstrate a lot of polygon pushing power. How about the shadows on the buildings, and the little lighted windows? Each uses one texture level, and are quite detailed to boot. And notice that few building models are repeated? That takes a fair bit of memory to pull off, especially given the detail on each building. Now rewind the movie back to the huge panorama of buildings, and have a closer look. While they obviously are less detailed, those distant buildings look amazingly like their up-close brethren. What was impressive before should now look astonishing.

There\'s still more to see, however. Let the movie play again, and pause it before that sharp right again. This time take a closer look at the ground. Notice the circular canal twisting around some of the buildings? And the floor isn\'t flat, either, but littered with small variety of buildings. Again, the amount of polys per second takes a leap. How big a leap, you ask? Rewind the movie to the beginning, and while playing it take a close look at the bottom 1/4 of the screen. If you\'re sharp-eyed, you should be able to spot the little buildings fading in a few kilometers away. I can\'t spot any fade-in on the canals at all.

Still want more? Rewind to the very beginning, and make a note of how the buildings abruptly end on the horizon. If you\'re like me, you probably thought that was the draw distance, the limit before the GameCube had to stop drawing buildings to keep up the framerate. Now let the video play through to the end. There, you\'ll see that your fighter has reached the edge of the city. Rewind to the beginning. Do you see any buildings fading in on the horizon? I don\'t. And that distant edge seems unusually round to be a horizon. Both pieces of evidence lead to one conclusion; the GameCube is displaying the entire city of Bespin at once, not just the portion it can draw.

Finally, play through the video one more time. Despite all this detail, do you ever spot the frame rate taking a hit? The game reportedly runs at a solid 60fps, no matter what happens onscreen. And unlike some of the prettier XBox games, it\'s actually playable, and is due to arrive at launch, not a year after."
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Offline EThugg
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A true Demonstration of GameCube\'s power.
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2001, 08:07:28 PM »
That looks ok... I don\'t think it\'s groundbreaking or anything though...
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Offline JediMaster
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A true Demonstration of GameCube\'s power.
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2001, 08:20:54 PM »
Don\'t hide your affection:D The degree of the graphical level on this game is by far one of the best yet.
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A true Demonstration of GameCube\'s power.
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2001, 08:24:04 PM »
It\'s really "shiny," and I\'m not sure if I like that or not.  I think it does look amazing though.  About the little repetitiveness of the buildings though, I see the same coulpe buildings, but w/ different heights and "light configuration" settings.  It does break down repetitiveness, but it\'s still there.

Overall though it\'s very impressive.

Offline JediMaster
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« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2001, 08:27:06 PM »
The shine is the easiest thing to explain. This not direct feed. It is taken off some type of video device that is on a tripod. The light is the light from the Camera trying to pick it up. So it won\'t be that shiny in the real game. And when you see it on a real TV, running, it will look MUCH better than this.
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Offline EThugg
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« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2001, 03:51:05 AM »
Sorry, it\'s a tiny video, hard to get too excited about it... I didn\'t say it looked bad, but it doesn\'t outpace what I\'ve already seen of GC.
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Offline Halberto
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A true Demonstration of GameCube\'s power.
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2001, 03:31:10 PM »
Originally posted by JediMaster
"Notice how round they are? Notice how some of them are multi-storied


how very impressive, OMG 5 stories!!! *****s pants*

I dont see whats so outstanding about it, sure they are smooth and detailed but it doesn\'t look as real as it should.

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« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2001, 04:05:06 PM »
Heh, let\'s see what you\'ll be saying after you watch the video in action.

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« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2001, 04:21:27 PM »
Originally posted by hyper
Heh, let\'s see what you\'ll be saying after you watch the video in action.

I saw the video, and I agree with Vivi.  (Note my previous post.)

Offline IronFist
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A true Demonstration of GameCube\'s power.
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2001, 05:36:21 PM »
Originally posted by Troglodyte
I saw the video, and I agree with Vivi.  (Note my previous post.)

I also agree with Vivi.  The way that guy was hyping this movie up, I thought it was going to be something breathtaking.  I was very dissapointed.
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Offline Kenny--73
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A true Demonstration of GameCube\'s power.
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2001, 05:51:48 PM »
I think most of you are thinking of how artistically impressive this game is, and that\'s why you\'re not that impressed by it.  But HJH was talking about the technical aspects of the video. :cool:

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« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2001, 06:20:20 PM »
Originally posted by Kenny--73
I think most of you are thinking of how artistically impressive this game is, and that\'s why you\'re not that impressed by it.  But HJH was talking about the technical aspects of the video. :cool:

The technical stuff, yes.  I guess I should re-word myself.

So. . . It is very impressive that gc can do this, but I think it\'s a lot of work for an effect that doesn\'t really enhance the gaming experiance.  But then again this is one of the first off the software line and the main goal is to show off as much of the system as possible.

UPDATE:  I was looking at the clip again and recalled that I didn\'t like the explosion.  Instead of starting with a few small ones escillating to a large explosion.  It continues on with the small "puffs" of fire, just multiplying them until they cover the surface.  A wimps way out of graphical display.

Offline rastalant
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A true Demonstration of GameCube\'s power.
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2001, 06:56:57 AM »
Hmmmmm......not impressed.
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