Originally posted by Liquid Wesker
x-box was never really real powerful. I used to think that it was twice as powerful as the ps2 n gc but after skimming thru a couple of articles I got from various forums, I realized that the emotion engine beats the **** out of the pentium 3, no matter what the specs are, in terms of rendering graphics n running things better for games, creating ai, cache, n stuff I dont even know about. the pentium 3 engine was designed for pc stuff while the emotion engine was designed to be the best game engine.
I\'m not too sure about the gc but the only thing x-box seems to be able to do better than the ps2 from my knowledge is texture, n the developers are more familar with the hardware.
there games will probably look better since the ps2 at first since the developers are just starting to understand how to program stuff n x-box is built like a pc so they already know.
I\'m a hot PS2 fan and I have been saying the same things during my first 400-500 posts...but I was wrong...I\'ve decided to remove my head out of my ass,and I started to study the X-Box hardware...and...from what I read,the X-Box outclass both PS2 and GC in almost each area...we have to admit it...
so...it\'s a piece of friendly advice...study before speaking...(you can\'t compare the EE with the P3...they have to do a different bulk of work...you should compare the whole architecture...
...I love my PS2 and I can\'t wait for games like Devil May Cry,MGS2,Silent Hill 2,Ico,J&D,Virtua Fighter 4,Tekken 4,Onimusha 2,the next GT,the Getaway etc etc etc and so who does care if X-Box can process more polys with better texturing,lighting,shading,better sound etc...I wanna enjoy my PS2 for what it can give me,for all the great games coming out...but it\'s so stupid to deny the evidence...it\'s useless !