Originally posted by Jumpman
Who says Microsoft will keep their date? Nintendo has started GameCube production waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy before Microsoft did and final dev kits were out match faster and final hardware was completely much sooner etc etc. I\'ll be surprised if they make their launch date.
Even if it does, I thought Nintendo wasn\'t in direct competition with Microsoft? Still, they have a huge fanbase, microsoft has none.
As it stands, there have been no signs of a X-Box delay. I\'m looking at things as they are right now.
MS will gain fanbase with their advertising campaign. Toys R\' US already houses numerous logos and ads, and I\'m sure other chains are doing the same. Most magazines and websites have a positive attitude toward MS, praising DOA3\'s graphics. Unfortunately, graphics and theme of a game play the most important factor for a casual gamer\'s purchase. In terms of grabbing people\'s attention, Nintendo has RL2; but what else do they have now?? Wave Race, Eternal Darkness, SSBM, Star Fox, and NBA Courtside 2002, five of Nintendo\'s major in-house titles have been pushed back from launch; the rest are third-party sports titles, and a lone contender, RL2 (One of only two launch games holding my interest). Monkey Ball will probably be a niche title. Nintendo is plagued by these problems while MS is flashing beautiful shots of Halo and Amped, with the bulk of Sega\'s support (Jet Grind Radio, Gun Valkyrie, and Panzer Dragoon). Believe it or not, MS is getting attention.
Yeah make the Xbox seem so all-mighty. :rolleyes:
Nintendo franchises, the 100$ price tag, the fact that people know and trust Nintendo, the fact that Xbox has no killer ap(and they know it), will all make a huge difference. And Xbox barely surpasses NGC with graphics. Seen Rogue Leader lately? No Xbox game looks that good.
You also didn\'t mention the fact that Xbox is fricken\' huge and NGC is launching in more than one colour. [/B]
Oh?? And how would you know that X-Box doesn\'t have any killer-aps?? On the same token, how would you know that the GC\'s titles are killer-aps?? You obviously haven\'t played them.
IMO, the XBox launch is leaps and beyond the GC\'s. Most of MS\'s launch titles are adventure and action with a moderate to intriguing story... games I can get into. There\'s not a Nintendo mascot in sight for the GC launch. There are only two exclusive titles; RL2 and Monkey Ball. Some people will like the graphics of RL2 better, and some people will like DOA3. I personally think they\'re neck and neck.
I posted this reply before news of the different colors. But you failed to mention that purple will be Nintendo\'s main color, that the X-Box will come with a HD and an option for DVD, with diversity in launch games. Size hardly matters.