This world is really special, there is still things that cant be explained by science.
I belive in science but with some modifications.
After WWII 20 million russian men died. In russia more girls was born then boys, just like everywere in the world, but after WWII things changed, more boys were born than girls. Nature had to make the balance equal and after 15 years there were more girls born again, the pupulation was equal once again.
After WWI the spanich sikness appeared and killed all old and weak people all over europe, Nature had to build up the new population with only the strongest men and women. This to secure future success.
Nature always make things right again.
Here in sweden we hunt elk alot, in russia they dont, the elks in russia and sweden are from the same base of elks. But because of the fact that we hunt them down hard they have to survive in some way. The solution is amazing, when a female russian elk gets pregnent is it for a long while about 15 month, a swedish elk is pregnent for only 8 month, once again nature makes a balance. If we stop shoting elks in sweden the elks would get some kind of sikness that reduces the population and some generations later they will be pregnent for about 15 month again.
Elephants in africa is another amazing example. 25% of newborn elephants dont get tusks.
diseases is natures weapon agains to many individuals in a population, AIDS has one purpose and that is to reduce the population of humans. to make a balance between food and population. If we find a cure for AIDS then Nature will come with a new disease that is even more powerful, if we dont find a cure and the population drops to a nice balance then the disease will dissapear. Nature is doing a lot right now too reduce the population, AIDS, natural disasters, harder for women to get pregnent, and homosexuality is just some methods.
We are talking about polution, how we are destroying the planet earth with the way we live. We aint destroying earth we are destroying for us selfs. If we nuke this planet hard, we die but just wait Nature will bring back life.....