Its looking sweet man. Some games like the WWF and Jet Grind Radio game blew me away. In the WWF game, tha animations were so smooth and the game looked like it could be really fun. I just hope that the gameplay is good and doesnt ruin it. There was some dissapointments though. Like the NFL Fever game was choppy and didnt look any better than madden. Halo was going too fast for a FPS. Now, im not a gaming loser and just because a game is too fast doesnt mean I wont play it, but this game was flying. I hope this doesnt increase the difficulty to the extreme and I hope the controlls are good. Project gotham is looking good too. I dont think it surpasses GT graphically that much, but I do like the car damage. DOA3 looks like a really good game graphically, but im not big into fighters so no matter how good it looks, I wont like it.
Thats all I can remember, did anyone else see this video? It had like the green crap at the beggining and stuff?