Damm people, how many times do we have to go through this? I would have thought these threads would have lost their appeal after Rev X ran them into the ground LAST YEAR. I think people have their hopes a little too high. Square can be awful stubborn too. I mean, they wouldn\'t even considered developing for the Genesis, desipite it\'s massive success in face of the SNES. Nor would they make any GameBoy games for Nintnedo after moving the FF franchise to Sony\'s court.
Am I gullible enough to think Square won\'t switch platforms, No. I know that at any time, expecially with PlayOnline, Square may take their efforts multiplatform or to another platform. Will I ever trust some yahoo screaming "Wait till Monday... I have sources.. you\'ll see I\'m RIGHT!"... of course not.
(BTW: Square will develop for Xbox.. I have confrimation. The crazy homeless crackhead down the street told me so, for a rock.) :rolleyes: