I haven\'t played the XBox but I have felt the controller at a demo setup. Vivi, you don\'t know what a controller is until you hold the GC controller. I held both within 1 hour. The XBox\'s was ok, but it was really big, I don\'t think there was really a need for the extra plasic side of it. While the GameCube Controller......It was so light, and confortable. Damn that thing was awesome! So confortable, the L & Rs were the best, they just griped it with huge percision. I\'m 5\'10 at 14 just so you know. All of the buttons on it were extremely easy to hit, they were right there, the Xboxes did not have a good as button layout as the GC controller, the GCs raised buttons and different sizes are great. The Z button (trigger), is not out of reach either, don\'t know why people make such a fuss about it. And I have huge hands, on the keyboard I can got an octave and 2-3+ extra notes, and my hands fit find on the controller. The yellow C stick on the GC controller was much easier to reach than the XBox\'s rehash copy of it. Since I really never play a PS2, that button layout on the PS1/2 controller is terrible for people who rarely play it, stupid shapes replace the A,B,X,Yect buttons with confusing circles, trianges and squares that are hard to memorize and eassy to forget. I must say the XBox controller was better than the PS1/2, but the Gamecube controller was the best.