As you might have noticed is down. Currently we are hosted for free by some nice people. They are haveing problems with the servers and decided to shut my sites down... hopefully they will be up and running soon again...
But just in case, I\'m wondering if there are anyone here that have access to webservers they can use?
The reason I\'m not just paying for my own server is because the ad market is very bad and the sites are not making enough to pay for a server and the bandwidth.
ok, so I can pay with money from my own pocket... nope, I\'m a student and live on loans, and after all expenses there aren\'t many pennys over.
In return if someone can set me up I could promote that company\'s products on the sites etc.
Hopefully the people currently hosting me will put us up again soon though....
If you think you can help, either PM me or mail me at