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Author Topic: Ok, GC and the x-box is going to kill the PS2!!  (Read 1915 times)

Offline ooseven
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Ok, GC and the x-box is going to kill the PS2!!
« Reply #30 on: October 16, 2001, 06:44:55 AM »
Originally posted by fastson
Goku: Yes.. And you make money by walking the streets..
Five dolla!
Five dolla!

How Dare you Speak to Jumpman like that !


sorry mixed up GOKU with Jumpman easy mistake to make.
“If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” [/color]

Offline AlteredBeast
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Ok, GC and the x-box is going to kill the PS2!!
« Reply #31 on: October 16, 2001, 06:57:16 AM »
I registered July 2000, you...March 2001.

You said I have been spewing out **** the past few years, I have only been here over a year.


Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

Offline ooseven
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Ok, GC and the x-box is going to kill the PS2!!
« Reply #32 on: October 16, 2001, 07:05:22 AM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
I registered July 2000, you...March 2001.

You said I have been spewing out **** the past few years, I have only been here over a year.


Eric Jacob

Come on people keep it clean

Don\'t make me Beoych Slap the pair of ya !

ALT and FAST quit it .

Kiss and make


DO IT........ DO IT NOW !:mad:
“If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” [/color]

Offline Bossieman
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Ok, GC and the x-box is going to kill the PS2!!
« Reply #33 on: October 16, 2001, 08:08:12 AM »
After the launch of the PS2 there have been sold one PS2 every 3:rd second 24/7. So assume that after the GC and x-box launch that figure goes down to one every 5 sec.
That will result in 6.2 million units sold following the 12 month that follows after the GC/x-box launch.
Lets assume that the PS2 will have sold 13.8 million units(so no xbox or GCfans says stuff, "It has not sold that many!!" a.s.o), that will result in a total of 20 million units sold by Nov 2002.

Assume that the x-box will sell with higher speed than the PS2, lets say 1 x-box every 2 second, that will result in a first year very impressive number almost 16 million units!!!
Assume that the GC will sell like the x-box. 16 million GC.

This will result in this numbers by Nov 2002:

PS2: 20 million units.
x-box: 16 million units.
GC: 16 million units.

Then it will only take a couple of month before the GC and the x-box has sold more than the PS2.

It could happen but not very likely.

IMO I think that the PS2 have sold around 19 million units today= 1 PS2 every 2.5 second, the number of will likely be way better because the production is set to 1.8 million units / month = 1 PS2 sold every 1.44 sec. I don´t think Sony makes more consoles than they can make.

If this figure goes down to 1 ps2 every 3 second, will result in 11 million units the year that folloews after the GC/x-box launch. That gives a total of 30 million units by Nov 2002 (very likely IMO)
I think that the x-box will sell about 5 million units the first year and GC 5 million units. The numbers are pretty high, half what PS2 sold the first year, it is very high numbers but not impossible.

That will give this situation Nov 2002

PS2: 30 million (75%)
x-box: 5 million (12.5 %)
GC: 5 million (12.5 %)

The next year after that the % share of the PS2 will probably go down to something like 60% or so giving numbers like this:

Nov 2003:

PS2: 37 million (60 %)
x-box : 13 million (21%)
GC: 11.7 million (19%)

Offline lestat
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Ok, GC and the x-box is going to kill the PS2!!
« Reply #34 on: October 16, 2001, 08:15:12 AM »
Originally posted by Bossieman
After the launch of the PS2 there have been sold one PS2 every 3:rd second 24/7. So assume that after the GC and x-box launch that figure goes down to one every 5 sec.
That will result in 6.2 million units sold following the 12 month that follows after the GC/x-box launch.
Lets assume that the PS2 will have sold 13.8 million units(so no xbox or GCfans says stuff, "It has not sold that many!!" a.s.o), that will result in a total of 20 million units sold by Nov 2002.

Assume that the x-box will sell with higher speed than the PS2, lets say 1 x-box every 2 second, that will result in a first year very impressive number almost 16 million units!!!
Assume that the GC will sell like the x-box. 16 million GC.

This will result in this numbers by Nov 2002:

PS2: 20 million units.
x-box: 16 million units.
GC: 16 million units.

Then it will only take a couple of month before the GC and the x-box has sold more than the PS2.

It could happen but not very likely.

IMO I think that the PS2 have sold around 19 million units today= 1 PS2 every 2.5 second, the number of will likely be way better because the production is set to 1.8 million units / month = 1 PS2 sold every 1.44 sec. I don´t think Sony makes more consoles than they can make.

If this figure goes down to 1 ps2 every 3 second, will result in 11 million units the year that folloews after the GC/x-box launch. That gives a total of 30 million units by Nov 2002 (very likely IMO)
I think that the x-box will sell about 5 million units the first year and GC 5 million units. The numbers are pretty high, half what PS2 sold the first year, it is very high numbers but not impossible.

That will give this situation Nov 2002

PS2: 30 million (75%)
x-box: 5 million (12.5 %)
GC: 5 million (12.5 %)

The next year after that the % share of the PS2 will probably go down to something like 60% or so giving numbers like this:

Nov 2003:

PS2: 37 million (60 %)
x-box : 13 million (21%)
GC: 11.7 million (19%)

no wonder you have a pic of einstein...only einstein would sit down and come up with a theory like the one you just posted.
-- i\'m just having too much fun arguing with you losers. --

Offline Bossieman
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Ok, GC and the x-box is going to kill the PS2!!
« Reply #35 on: October 16, 2001, 08:20:44 AM »
Originally posted by lestat

no wonder you have a pic of einstein...only einstein would sit down and come up with a theory like the one you just posted.

Thanks man, I like numbers ya know, what do you think is it likely the numbers i have presented? :nerd:

Offline Seed_Of_Evil
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Ok, GC and the x-box is going to kill the PS2!!
« Reply #36 on: October 16, 2001, 08:20:50 AM »
Nosenses haven´t limits: incredible.
Todas estas cosas se perderán en el tiempo como lágrimas en la lluvia.

Offline Bossieman
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Ok, GC and the x-box is going to kill the PS2!!
« Reply #37 on: October 16, 2001, 08:23:04 AM »
Originally posted by Adan
Nosenses haven´t limits: incredible.

Could you just take that in english or so, I dont get that message at all. :eek:

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Ok, GC and the x-box is going to kill the PS2!!
« Reply #38 on: October 16, 2001, 08:31:19 AM »
nice analysis there Einstein. :)
I think 5 mio. units in the first year for both Nintendo and Microsoft is a good hit. However, after that launch of Nintendo in Japan and against the X-Box and PS2 this fall, I am not quite sure if Cube will keep up with these numbers. But, I guess we will see.. which brings me to a question: what are the dates for the launch of GC and X-box in the states?


Offline Bossieman
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Ok, GC and the x-box is going to kill the PS2!!
« Reply #39 on: October 16, 2001, 08:38:16 AM »
Originally posted by seven
what are the dates for the launch of GC and X-box in the states?

Cube: Nov 18
X-box: Nov 15

Offline JP
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Ok, GC and the x-box is going to kill the PS2!!
« Reply #40 on: October 16, 2001, 09:57:45 AM »
This is my second nick here, I lost my other login when I had to format. My other nick was PrimalScream.

So what if I said a few years, I can\'t remember how long you\'ve been here... That wasn\'t my point either :P
My point was that IMO you\'re no better than fastson nor bossieman.

Ah forget it, I\'m done fighting hehe
It doesn\'t matter anyway


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